1826 in LGBT Rights

In 1826, there were 9 recorded legal changes made affecting LGBT people. In the previous year, there were changes made and in the following year. A total of 10 legal changes were made in the 1820s.

  • January 1
    Same-sex adoption becomes legal.
    Under British colonization.
  • Same-sex adoption becomes legal.
    Under colonization of Malaysia.
  • Same-sex adoption becomes legal.
    According to ILGA.
  • Homosexual activity becomes illegal (imprisonment as punishment).
    2-14 years in prison. Not enforced.
  • LGBT housing discrimination becomes no protections.
    Proposed full housing discrimination protections by Malaysian Human rights watch.
  • (date unknown)
    LGBT discrimination becomes no protections.
    As homosexuality is illegal in Malaysia, there are no protections for LGBTQ+ community
  • Same-sex adoption becomes single only.
    Date reflects beginning of British colonization of Malaysia. Homosexuality is illegal in Malaysia.
  • Same-sex marriage becomes banned.
    Homosexual activity in Malaysia is illegal.
  • Homosexual activity becomes male illegal, female uncertain.
    Unsure of date. Date shown reflects the British colonial territory of the Straits Settlements. Malaysia's anti-sodomy laws are relics of the colonial era and rarely enforced. Under the federal law male homosexuality is illegal in Malaysia, punishable by 2-20 years in prison, however the status of female homosexuality is unclear under the Malaysian federal law. Muslim citizens of Malaysia can be sentenced to fines, caning and imprisonment for conducting same-sex sexual relations under some states which imposes sharia law. The maximum sentence that sharia courts can impose for these acts is up to three years prison, fines of up to RM 5,000 (1,204 USD) and caning of up to six strokes or all three.