    ✔ Legal
    Gay Marriage
    ✔ Legal
    ✔ No censorship
    Changing Gender
    ✔ Legal, no restrictions
    Gender-Affirming Care
    ✔ Legal
    Non-Binary Gender Recognition
    ✖ Not legally recognized
    ✖ No protections
    Employment Discrimination
    ✔ Sexual orientation and gender identity
    Housing Discrimination
    ✔ Sexual orientation and gender identity
    ✔ Legal
    Intersex Infant Surgery
    ✔ Legal
    Donating Blood
    ✔ Legal
    Conversion Therapy
    ✔ Banned
    Age of Consent
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Recent surveys in Puerto Rico have revealed a mixed response towards LGBTQ+ rights and issues.

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Homosexual activity in Puerto Rico


Homosexual activity in Puerto Rico is legal.

Current status
Since Jun 26, 2003
In 2002, the Puerto Rican Supreme Court ruled that the ban on sodomy was constitutional. However, as a American territory Puerto Rico is subject to decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court. On June 26, 2003 with the landmark decision ruled through "Lawrence v Texas", homosexuality was decriminalized across the contiguous United States and it's subsequent territories, including Puerto Rico. In 2004, the Penal Code was ammended, codifying the legality of homosexuality.
1521–Jun 26, 2003
Illegal (death penalty as punishment)
Prior to the Spanish colonization of Puerto Rico, no laws governed Puerto Rican soil. History of indigenous Tainos may have shown some limited tolerance of "two-spirt" or gender diverse individuals akin to LGBT folks in modern day society, but these links are to thin to draw. The near non-existent archival of Taino culture does not help. In 1521, Puerto Rico was incorporated into New Spain and with it labeled as a Captaincy General and a province of the Spanish empire, which granted it the same rights as any other province in Peninsular Spain, bearing the brunt of colonial anti-sodomy laws in place at the time.

Same-sex marriage in Puerto Rico


Same-sex marriage in Puerto Rico is legal.

Current status
Since Jul 13, 2015
Puerto Rico legalized same-sex marriage after the US Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage Obergefell v. Hodges on June 26, 2015. The ruling legalized same-sex marriage across the contigous United States and trickled down onto it's subsequent territories. Shortly after the ruling, Alejandro Garcia Padilla, the governor of Puerto Rico, signed an executive order requiring government agencies to be compliant with the ruling. Same-sex couples could finally begin accessing marriage on July 13, 2015.
Mar 19, 1999–Jul 13, 2015
Marriage was defined as "a civil contract whereby a man and a woman mutually agree to become husband and wife." with the passing of H.B 1013 in 1999. Article 68 of the Civil Code also explicitly prohibited marriages "between persons of the same sex or transsexuals contracted in other jurisdictions" from being recognized in Puerto Rico.
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1521–Mar 19, 1999
Prior to Spanish colonization, Pre-colonial Taino society may have had limited tolerance and recognition of gender diverse individuals who modern society would consider akin to LGBT folk. Despite this, the literature on these pre-Columbian societies is non-existent. If any recognition of gender-diverse marriage existed, it may have been through spouses in polygynous households.

Censorship of LGBT issues in Puerto Rico


Censorship of LGBT issues in Puerto Rico is no censorship.

Current status
No censorship
No LGBT censorship in Puerto Rico.
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Right to change legal gender in Puerto Rico


Right to change legal gender in Puerto Rico is legal, no restrictions.

Current status
Legal, no restrictions
Puerto Rico residence are allowed to change their gender under a lawsuit that happened in 2018. In 2017, Puerto Rico had made a bill that would bar people from changing their gender, the lawsuit came a couple of months after the bill was filled. In 2018, the lawsuit was settled and LGBTQ people could change their gender.

Gender-affirming care in Puerto Rico


Gender-affirming care in Puerto Rico is legal.

Current status
Since Jan 1, 2020
Puerto Rico in 2020 stated to the Washington blade that they have added gender affirming care to Medicaid. It is unknown for minors if they can receive gender affirming care or not.

Legal recognition of non-binary gender in Puerto Rico


Legal recognition of non-binary gender in Puerto Rico is not legally recognized.

Current status
Not legally recognized
Not currently legally recognized.
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LGBT discrimination in Puerto Rico


LGBT discrimination in Puerto Rico is no protections.

Current status
No protections
In 2015, there was an court case for LGBTQ discrimination from Puerto Rico. The trial was dismissed, as the person being charged with crimes could not have the same 2 crimes. LGBTQ discrimination for Puerto Rico is still unprotected, no new laws have been made since the court case.

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LGBT employment discrimination in Puerto Rico


LGBT employment discrimination in Puerto Rico is sexual orientation and gender identity.

Current status
Since Jan 1, 2013
Sexual orientation and gender identity
As of 2013 in Puerto Rico, employment discrimination is illegal on the basis of gender identity and sexual orientation. In the US in 2020, LGBTQ employment discrimination was also passed through as Title IX.
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LGBT housing discrimination in Puerto Rico


LGBT housing discrimination in Puerto Rico is sexual orientation and gender identity.

Current status
Since May 29, 2013
Sexual orientation and gender identity
Law does not protect against property rentals.
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Same-sex adoption in Puerto Rico


Same-sex adoption in Puerto Rico is legal.

Current status
Since Jan 1, 2018
Same sex marriage couples and singles can adopt in Puerto Rico since 2018 with the new modification to the 2009 adoption law.
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Until Jan 1, 2018
Single only
Any individual may adopt, but only different-sex couples may joint-adopt.

Second-parent adoption is not permitted via case law.
Ex Parte A.A.R., 2008 WL 4673279 (T.C.A. Aug 29, 2008)
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Intersex infant surgery in Puerto Rico


Intersex infant surgery in Puerto Rico is unknown.

Current status

Serving openly in military in Puerto Rico


Serving openly in military in Puerto Rico is legal.

Current status
Since Feb 26, 2021
Legal under federal United States law
President Biden removed former President Trumps ban on transgender people serving in the military, transgender people are still allowed to serve as of 2024.

A year after the ban was lifted, Admiral Levine was sworn into being a Admiral being the first transgender woman to hold a high rank in the Navy and in Cabinet.
Apr 11, 2019–Feb 26, 2021
Lesbians, gays, bisexuals permitted, transgender people banned under federal United States law
New policy goes into effect barring individuals with a "condition" known as "gender dysphoria."
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Sep 20, 2011–Apr 11, 2019
Legal under federal United States law
In 2011, Don't Ask Don't Tell was repelled under the Obama Administration 6 years later a new executive order was introduced. Former President Obama allowed members dishonorably discharged under DADT, to receive a honorable discharge.
Dec 21, 1993–Sep 20, 2011
Don't Ask, Don't Tell under federal United States law
Don't Ask, Don't Tell was the historic compromise signed by President Bill Clinton authorizing people who are LGBT to serve in the military provided they didn't disclose sexuality. The law also removed the ability for others in the military from asking for a service member's orientation.
catalog.archives.gov/id/122244870 *official document for DADT signed by Former President Clinton*
gao.gov/assets/nsiad-92-98.pdf *study from 1992 to 1998*
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Blood donations by MSMs in Puerto Rico


Blood donations by MSMs in Puerto Rico is legal.

Current status
Since May 11, 2023
The new FDA policy on blood donation eliminates deferrals and screening questions specific to men who have sex with men (MSM). Prospective donors will be asked the same set of questions regardless of their sex or sexual orientation.
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Apr 2, 2020–May 11, 2023
Banned (less than 6-month deferral)
Blood donation centers follow the new FDA 3-month deferral guidance.
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Dec 21, 2015–Apr 2, 2020
Banned (1-year deferral)
Blood donation centers followed the non-binding FDA one year deferral guidance.
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1983–Dec 21, 2015
Banned (indefinite deferral)
Ban on blood donations from MSMs applies to any man who has had sex, even once, with another man on or after January 1, 1977.
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Conversion therapy in Puerto Rico


Conversion therapy in Puerto Rico is banned.

Current status
Since Mar 27, 2019
It was banned since 2019 by executive order due to the mental issues people suffered from these conversion therapies .
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Equal age of consent in Puerto Rico


Equal age of consent in Puerto Rico is unknown.

Current status