qcksws Moderator

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New York 2024

Recent Edits

qcksws deleted an entry in region.
"yeet, banned memebr "
Conversion therapy: from Feb 6, 2025 to Feb 6, 2025.
qcksws deleted an entry in region.
"Executive orders have to go through the proper channels, they are only suggestsion"
Gender-affirming care: from Feb 6, 2025 to Feb 6, 2025.
qcksws created an entry in Massachusetts.
Right to change legal gender: Legal, no restrictions from Jul 1, 2024 to (none).
As of July 2024, people born in Massachusetts no longer require medical intervention. Meaning there is no restrictions on getting a birth certificate amended. Drivers licenses are able to be changed…
qcksws edited an entry in New York.
"adding another link suggested"
Intersex infant surgery: Full ban from Nov 8, 2023 to (none).
Gov. Hochul signed Senate Bill S5399, giving parents information about intersex infants. This will ensure parents are given the right information about the surgeries. Gov. Hochul said “Every…
qcksws edited an entry in United States.
"Federally it is Illegal, states have not followed directions from the governement"
Right to change legal gender: Varies by Region from Jan 20, 2025 to (none).
President Trump issued an executive order to "defend women", the order creates only male and female terms. Also stated in the terms, federal funding will not go towards (i) changes to…
qcksws created an entry in United States.
Right to change legal gender: Varies by Region from Jan 20, 2025 to (none).
President Trump issued an executive order to "defend women", the order creates only male and female terms. Also stated in the terms, federal funding will not go towards (i) changes to…
qcksws edited an entry in United States.
"President trump again wants to remove everything "
Right to change legal gender: Varies by Region from Apr 11, 2022 to Jan 20, 2025.
As of 2022, all passports are able to get a gender marker X on the US State website or in person. Social Security will be able to change the name as well, unknown of the date when allowed. Check any…
qcksws created an entry in region.
Serving openly in military: Lesbians, gays, bisexuals permitted, transgender people banned from Jan 20, 2025 to (none).
President Trump rescinded former president Biden's order to have transgender people in the military. Under
Sources: www.whitehouse.gov/presiden… *Under Executive Order 14004 of January 25, 2021 (Enabling All Qualified Americans To Serve Their Country in Uniform).* thehill.com/policy/defense/…
qcksws edited an entry in United States.
"Trump recended this order"
Serving openly in military: Legal from Feb 26, 2021 to Jan 20, 2025.
President Biden removed former President Trumps ban on transgender people serving in the military, transgender people are still allowed to serve as of 2024. A year after the ban was lifted…
qcksws deleted an entry in region.
"Fixing bias entry"
Serving openly in military: from Feb 6, 2025 to Feb 6, 2025.
qcksws edited an entry in region.
"fixing to delete this entry"
Serving openly in military: Lesbians, gays, bisexuals permitted, transgender people banned from Jan 20, 2025 to (none).
President Trump once again banned Transgender People from serving in the US Military
qcksws edited an entry in United States.
"adding another entry"
LGBT employment discrimination: Sexual orientation and gender identity from Jun 15, 2020 to Jan 20, 2025.
As of June 15th, 2020 the Supreme Court of the United States has ruled that discrimination in employment based on sexual orientation or gender identity is illegal under Title VII the Civil Rights…
qcksws edited an entry in United States.
"Reverting to revision #41822: not in effect"
Serving openly in military: Legal from Feb 26, 2021 to (none).
President Biden removed former President Trumps ban on transgender people serving in the military, transgender people are still allowed to serve as of 2024. A year after the ban was lifted…
qcksws edited an entry in China.
"Reverting to revision #41507: copied and pasted from Wikipedia "
LGBT employment discrimination: No protections from (unknown) to (none).
Under Chinese Labour Law, there are no protections specifically protecting LGBT people. Macau bans some discrimination in employment.
qcksws edited an entry in Timor-Leste.
"Quora is a community based forum and should not be used as a source, if you feel this edit was wrong please chat with us in our discord "
Same-sex marriage: Unrecognized from (unknown) to (none).
The Civil Code (Law No. 10/2011), states the following: Article 1467 (Notion of marriage): Marriage is the contract concluded between two people of different sex who want to start a family…
qcksws edited an entry in Syria.
"Reverting to revision #41483: waiting the new head to pass laws or government to pass laws "
Same-sex marriage: Banned from 1949 to (none).
Same-sex marriage or civil unions are not legal
qcksws edited an entry in region.
"Syria fell in Dec but we are yet to have laws "
Gender-affirming care: Legal from 1998 to (none).
In 1998, Syria adopted the ICD-10 classification, which contains codes for diagnosing transsexualism in adulthood and childhood, which authorize the initiation of medical transition.
qcksws deleted an entry in Lombardy.
"Waiting for more information on this "
Homosexual activity: Legal from (unknown) to (none).
Homosexuality is legal in this region as it is legal throughout the whole country and has been since 1889. Not to be confused with the fact that the government finally recognized homosexuality as…
qcksws edited an entry in Syria.
"Reverting to revision #41482: Syria has fallen but there is still much to wait "
Homosexual activity: Illegal (imprisonment as punishment) from 1949 to (none).
Article 520 of the Penal Code (1949) criminalizes “unnatural sexual intercourse.” Potential imprisonment of up to 3 years. Not enforced by regime. In 2003 Syria, at the UN Commission on Human…
qcksws edited an entry in Syria.
"Reverting to revision #41491: please so not change the edits unless it becomes law "
Censorship of LGBT issues: State-enforced from 1949 to (none).
Article 208 of the Penal Code (1949) prohibits "offensive public utterances" in writing, graphics, images, and other forms of expression. Before the civil war, it was reported that films…
qcksws edited an entry in Syria.
"Reverting to revision #41487: laws have not been changed, please do not change fhem"
Censorship of LGBT issues: State-enforced from 1949 to (none).
Article 208 of the Penal Code (1949) prohibits "offensive public utterances" in writing, graphics, images, and other forms of expression. Before the civil war, it was reported that films…
qcksws edited an entry in New York.
"adding information about ICD-10 "
Gender-affirming care: Legal from Jun 12, 2023 to (none).
Currently there are no known laws specifically on gender affirming care. New York City has an ordinance for those who are getting gender affirming care the provider cannot be detained for giving…
qcksws edited an entry in New York.
"fixed everything about this, this was ONLY for Minors under the age of 18, it is not fully banned "
Conversion therapy: Ambiguous from Jan 25, 2019 to (none).
New York has passed a law regarding conversion therapy for minors under the age of 18. Over the age of 18, people can be subjected to conversion therapy.
qcksws edited an entry in New York.
"added the press release from the DOH for the date for gender "X" on birth certificates"
Right to change legal gender: Legal, no restrictions from Jun 24, 2021 to (none).
The Gender Recognition Act allows for LGBTQ people to change their gender on their drivers licenses or permits. Anyone over 17 is able to do so without a parent, Under 17 requires a parent. Gender…
qcksws created an entry in North Carolina.
Gender-affirming care: Legal, but banned for minors from Oct 2023 to (none).
As of Oct 2023 minors under the age of 18 are unable to receive gender affirming care, there was an exception to those already on hormones. Before Aug 1st 2023 minors can continue hormones, minors…
qcksws edited an entry in North Carolina.
"Was not made aware there was another bill at the time "
Gender-affirming care: Legal from (unknown) to Oct 2023.
North Carolina Adults and minors are able to get gender affirming care, now through insurance, if they are employed. Circuit court ruled April 29th that state insurance must pay for gender affirming…
qcksws edited an entry in New Jersey.
"editied because of a banned member, it was suggested "
Right to change legal gender: Legal, no restrictions from Apr 19, 2021 to (none).
As of 2021 all New Jersey IDs will cover gender "X" on Permits, Drivers licenses and non driver ID's. This comes a little before New York signed their law also covering gender…
qcksws edited an entry in United States.
"Re-adding fixed link for the broken one"
Blood donations by MSMs: Banned (1-year deferral) from Dec 21, 2015 to Apr 1, 2020.
After a series of recommendations, the FDA has moved to a 12 months deferral.
qcksws deleted an entry in region.
"Bias article please use another source "
Homosexual activity: from Feb 6, 2025 to Feb 6, 2025.
qcksws edited an entry in Massachusetts.
"Please do not add bias opinions about the legislature "
Homosexual activity: Legal from Jun 26, 2003 to (none).
The US Supreme Court's ruling issued in Lawrence v. Texas (2003) struck down all sodomy laws on the basis of privacy and liberty. The decision overturned any laws remaining in all US states…