qcksws Moderator

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qcksws created an entry in New Hampshire.
Gender-affirming care: Legal, but banned for minors from Jan 1, 2025 to (none).
HB619 restricts gender affirming care for under 18, parents or doctors may be subjected to fines or jail time, the bill is not clear on either. Parents and doctors will have to go out of state.
Sources: google.com/amp/s/abcnews.go… nytimes.com/2024/07/19/us/n… newhampshirebulletin.com/20…~:text=New%20Hampshire%20Gov.%20Chris%20Sununu,gender%2Daffirming%20surgeries%20for%20minors
qcksws edited an entry in New Hampshire.
"Governor just signed new bill 2 days ago"
Gender-affirming care: Legal from (unknown) to Jan 1, 2025.
Minors and Adults are still able to receive gender affirming care, New Hampshire has not made any laws regarding gender affirming care. New Hampshire has made attempts to ban gender affirming care…
qcksws edited an entry in Brunei.
"Reverting to revision #19910: Fixing the staute"
Censorship of LGBT issues: Other punishment from (unknown) to (none).
In Brunei, censorship towards LGBT issues are state enforced since the country is based on Sharia Law and managed by the monarchy. Those who are sought to be deviant or critizizing the Bruneian…
qcksws edited an entry in Idaho.
"Reverting to revision #39707: It's not total ban, it's just restricted and banned for minors due to laws that have been recently put out this year"
Gender-affirming care: Restricted from Jul 1, 2024 to (none).
Gender Affirming Care will no longer be accessible in the state of Idaho unless seeking outside of Idaho. House Bill 668 bans the right to gender affirming care for adults and minors when state…
qcksws deleted an entry in region.
"Wikipedia is not a good source, do not cite it"
Serving openly in military: from Jul 27, 2024 to Jul 27, 2024.
qcksws deleted an entry in region.
"Banned member, no sources"
LGBT housing discrimination: from Jul 27, 2024 to Jul 27, 2024.
qcksws deleted an entry in region.
"No source, banned member"
LGBT employment discrimination: from Jul 27, 2024 to Jul 27, 2024.
qcksws deleted an entry in region.
"Wikipedia is not a good source, do not cite it"
Legal recognition of non-binary gender: from Jul 27, 2024 to Jul 27, 2024.
qcksws edited an entry in American Samoa.
"forgot to add the actual month and date"
Same-sex marriage: Unrecognized from (unknown) to Dec 13, 2022.
Same-sex marriage is not legal, and since American-Samoa has no federal courts, it is unclear if they can be sued for marriage equality at the state level as other states have done. However, due to…
qcksws edited an entry in American Samoa.
"fixing dates for other entry "
Same-sex marriage: Unrecognized from (unknown) to Jun 26, 2022.
Same-sex marriage is not legal, and since American-Samoa has no federal courts, it is unclear if they can be sued for marriage equality at the state level as other states have done. However, due to…
qcksws deleted an entry in region.
"useless edit "
Same-sex marriage: from Jul 27, 2024 to Jul 27, 2024.
qcksws deleted an entry in region.
"it's been over lapping with other sub regions, I will fix it immediately"
Legal recognition of non-binary gender: from Jul 27, 2024 to Jul 27, 2024.
qcksws edited an entry in region.
"fixing for new entry"
Legal recognition of non-binary gender: Varies by Region from Jun 29, 2017 to Jan 1, 2023.
Spain does not provide recognition for non-binary, and intersex people on a national level. However, three provinces have introduced such recognition: Canarias, La Rioja, Navarra and Andalusia.…
qcksws deleted an entry in region.
"no source no desc"
LGBT housing discrimination: from Jul 27, 2024 to Jul 27, 2024.
qcksws edited an entry in Malta.
"Had to edit for a federal law, as it was "
LGBT employment discrimination: Sexual orientation and gender identity from Aug 1, 2004 to (none).
In 2004, the Equality for Men and Women Act (2003) was passed in the government. Allowing for no discrimination against women or men
qcksws edited an entry in Malta.
"added actual links to describe what the editor was talking about, short desc"
LGBT employment discrimination: Sexual orientation and gender identity from Aug 1, 2004 to (none).
In 2004, the Equality for Men and Women Act (2003) was passed in the government. Allowing for no discrimination against women or men
qcksws edited an entry in Malta.
"Reverting to revision #321: Cleaning up this as it was the original edit "
Homosexual activity: Legal from Jan 29, 1973 to (none).
In 1973, homosexual acts were made legal by the government
qcksws deleted an entry in region.
"banned member entry, fixing "
Gender-affirming care: from Jul 27, 2024 to Jul 27, 2024.
qcksws edited an entry in Germany.
"Reverting to revision #39554: still reviewing dates "
Gender-affirming care: Legal from (unknown) to (none).
The cost for gender affirming care in Germany is covered by public health insurance. Condition for hormone therapy is a letter of indication from a psychotherapist, voice therapy a letter of…
qcksws edited an entry in Germany.
"added end date for new entry "
Gender-affirming care: Legal from (unknown) to Mar 1, 2024.
The cost for gender affirming care in Germany is covered by public health insurance. Condition for hormone therapy is a letter of indication from a psychotherapist, voice therapy a letter of…
qcksws edited an entry in Germany.
"Reverting to revision #38206: banned member edit "
Gender-affirming care: Legal from (unknown) to (none).
The cost for gender affirming care in Germany is covered by public health insurance. Condition for hormone therapy is a letter of indication from a psychotherapist, voice therapy a letter of…
qcksws edited an entry in Germany.
"Reverting to revision #38206: Banned member edit "
Gender-affirming care: Legal from (unknown) to (none).
The cost for gender affirming care in Germany is covered by public health insurance. Condition for hormone therapy is a letter of indication from a psychotherapist, voice therapy a letter of…
qcksws deleted an entry in region.
"Banned Member edit"
Gender-affirming care: from Jul 27, 2024 to Jul 27, 2024.
qcksws deleted an entry in region.
"Banned Member entry"
Gender-affirming care: from Jul 27, 2024 to Jul 27, 2024.
qcksws created an entry in Azerbaijan.
Gender-affirming care: Ambiguous from (unknown) to (none).
Government does provide a fundamental right to gender affirming care but transgender people have been known to be refused treatment.
qcksws deleted an entry in region.
"Banned Member entry"
Gender-affirming care: from Jul 27, 2024 to Jul 27, 2024.
qcksws deleted an entry in region.
"Banned Member entry"
Gender-affirming care: from Jul 27, 2024 to Jul 27, 2024.
qcksws deleted an entry in region.
"Banned Member entry"
Gender-affirming care: from Jul 27, 2024 to Jul 27, 2024.
qcksws edited an entry in Somalia.
"added a english verison "
Homosexual activity: Illegal (death penalty as punishment) from Jun 12, 2012 to (none).
The Provisional Constitution of Somalia (2012) upheld the preeminence of Sharia law. As such, the possibility of Sharia courts imposing the death penalty for individuals convicted of engaging in…
Sources: database.ilga.org/api/downl… (Arabic) ohchr.org/sites/default/fil… (joint submission for to fix laws)
qcksws created an entry in Kuwait.
Equal age of consent: N/A from (unknown) to (none).
Homosexual activity is illegal in Kuwait, there are no known equal laws in Kuwait, sex out of marriage is illegal
Sources: web.archive.org/web/2015103…//www.unhchr.ch/tbs/doc.nsf/0/2f5665ae20b956cb8025675a0033cafb?Opendocument