LGBT Public Opinion Polls & Surveys

Equaldex aggregates LGBTQ+ public opinion surveys from trusted research firms and publications worldwide. This data, combined with legal rights, form the LGBTQ+ Equality Index, providing a fuller picture of both legal progress and societal attitudes towards the LGBTQ+ community.

Global LGBT Surveys

This Year

Support for LGBT rights and protections
26 regions surveyed. Source: Ipsos, February 23–March 8, 2024
Support for teens' access to gender-affirming care
26 regions surveyed. Source: Ipsos, February 23–March 8, 2024
Support for access to facilities matching gender identity
26 regions surveyed. Source: Ipsos, February 23–March 8, 2024
Support for other-gender option on official documents
26 regions surveyed. Source: Ipsos, February 23–March 8, 2024
Support for transgender athletes
26 regions surveyed. Source: Ipsos, February 23–March 8, 2024
Support for same-sex marriage
26 regions surveyed. Source: Ipsos, February 23–March 8, 2024
Support for same-sex adoption
26 regions surveyed. Source: Ipsos, February 23–March 8, 2024
Support for same-sex couples' parenting
26 regions surveyed. Source: Ipsos, February 23–March 8, 2024

Last Year

Acceptance of homosexuals as neighbors
39 regions surveyed. Source: Afrobarometer, 2021-2023
Support of same-sex marriage
32 regions surveyed. Source: Pew Research Center, Feb. 21, 2023 – April 15, 2023
Approval of gay male parents
11 regions surveyed. Source: European Social Survey, November 2021 to March 2023
Approval of lesbian parents
11 regions surveyed. Source: European Social Survey, November 2021 to March 2023
Acceptance of LGBTI+ people’s rights
8 regions surveyed. Source: GLOBSEC, March 2023
Support for same-sex marriage or legal recognition
30 regions surveyed. Source: Ipsos, February-March 2023
Views about same-sex couples' parenting
30 regions surveyed. Source: Ipsos, February-March 2023
Perceived prevalence of transgender discrimination
30 regions surveyed. Source: Ipsos, February-March 2023
Support for transgender discrimination protection
30 regions surveyed. Source: Ipsos, February-March 2023
Support for teens’ access to gender-affirming care
30 regions surveyed. Source: Ipsos, February-March 2023
Support for trans access to facilities matching gender identity
30 regions surveyed. Source: Ipsos, February-March 2023
Support for non-binary gender option on official documents
30 regions surveyed. Source: Ipsos, February-March 2023
Support for insurance coverage of gender transition costs
30 regions surveyed. Source: Ipsos, February-March 2023
Support for same-sex adoption
30 regions surveyed. Source: Ipsos, February-March 2023
Support to Pride (Western Balkans)
6 regions surveyed. Source: ERA - LGBTI Equal Rights Association, December 2022 - January 2023


Acceptance of homosexuals as neighbors
88 regions surveyed. Source: World Values Survey, 2017-2022
Justifiability of homosexuality
88 regions surveyed. Source: World Values Survey, 2017-2022
Acceptance of homosexuals as neighbors
34 regions surveyed. Source: Afrobarometer, 2019-2021
Support for same-sex marriage (US)
50 regions surveyed. Source: PRRI American Values Atlas, March 11–December 14, 2021
Support for same-sex marriage (US)
50 regions surveyed. Source: PRRI American Values Atlas, March 8–November 9, 2021
Views on same-sex marriage or other legal recognition
27 regions surveyed. Source: Ipsos, April–May, 2021
Views on same-sex couples' right to adopt
27 regions surveyed. Source: Ipsos, April–May, 2021
Support for same-sex marriage (US)
50 regions surveyed. Source: PRRI American Values Atlas, January 7–December 20, 2020
Opinion on same-sex couples as parents
74 regions surveyed. Source: World Values Survey, 2017-2020


"Should society accept homosexuality?"
34 regions surveyed. Source: Pew Research Center, May–October, 2019
Acceptance of homosexuals as neighbors
34 regions surveyed. Source: Afrobarometer, 2016-2018
Support for LGBT protections by US state
50 regions surveyed. Source: PRRI, 2018
Opposition of same-sex marriage
32 regions surveyed. Source: INEGI, 2017
Support for same-sex marriage (US)
50 regions surveyed. Source: PRRI American Values Atlas, January 4–December 30, 2017
Attitude toward transgender people
27 regions surveyed. Source: Ipsos / The Williams Institute, October-November 2017
Attitude toward gender reassignment surgery
27 regions surveyed. Source: Ipsos / The Williams Institute, October-November 2017
Transgender people in the military
26 regions surveyed. Source: Ipsos / The Williams Institute, October-November 2017
Allowing transgender people to adopt
27 regions surveyed. Source: Ipsos / The Williams Institute, October-November 2017
Transgender people's bathroom choice
27 regions surveyed. Source: Ipsos / The Williams Institute, October-November 2017
Support for same-sex marriage (US)
50 regions surveyed. Source: PRRI American Values Atlas, January 6, 2016–January 10, 2017
Percentage of U.S. Adults Identifying as LGBT by State
51 regions surveyed. Source: Gallup, June 1st, 2011 to December 30th, 2016
Support for same-sex marriage
54 regions surveyed. Source: ILGA / RIWI, October 2016
Acceptance of homosexuals as neighbors
33 regions surveyed. Source: Afrobarometer, 2014–2016
Acceptance of homosexuals as neighbors
34 regions surveyed. Source: Afrobarometer, 2016–2018
Support for gender affirming surgery
23 regions surveyed. Source: Ipsos / The Williams Institute, July-August 2016
Allowing transgender people to adopt
23 regions surveyed. Source: Ipsos / The Williams Institute, July-August 2016
Allowing transgender people to marry
23 regions surveyed. Source: Ipsos / The Williams Institute, July-August 2016
Support for same-sex marriage (US)
50 regions surveyed. Source: PRRI American Values Atlas, January 7, 2015–January 7, 2016
Support for same-sex marriage (EU)
28 regions surveyed. Source: Eurobarometer, May 30th to June 8th 2015
Comfort working with a gay, lesbian, or bisexual colleague (EU)
28 regions surveyed. Source: Eurobarometer, May 30th to June 8th 2015
Support for same-sex marriage (US)
50 regions surveyed. Source: PRRI American Values Atlas, January 2, 2014–January 4, 2015
Support of same-sex marriage by US state
51 regions surveyed. Source: Pew Research, 2014
Support of homosexuality by US state
51 regions surveyed. Source: Pew Research, 2014
Support for same-sex marriage
49 regions surveyed. Source: ILGA / RIWI, April-June 2014
Support for same-sex marriage (Latin America)
19 regions surveyed. Source: PEW Research Center, October 2013–February 2014
Acceptance of homosexual behavior (Latin America)
19 regions surveyed. Source: PEW Research Center, October 2013–February 2014
Justifiability of homosexuality
58 regions surveyed. Source: World Values Survey, 2010-2014
Acceptance of homosexuals as neighbors
57 regions surveyed. Source: World Values Survey, 2010-2014
"Should society accept homosexuality?"
39 regions surveyed. Source: Pew Research Center, June, 2013
Views on Same-Sex Marriage
16 regions surveyed. Source: Ipsos, May 2013
Support for same-sex marriage
51 regions surveyed. Source: The Williams Institute, 2011-2012


Acceptance of homosexuals as neighbors
54 regions surveyed. Source: World Values Survey, 2005-2009
Justifiability of homosexuality
54 regions surveyed. Source: World Values Survey, 2005-2009
Views on homosexuality
45 regions surveyed. Source: Pew Research Center, April 6th to May 29th 2007
Support for same-sex marriage
51 regions surveyed. Source: The Williams Institute, 2004
Justifiability of homosexuality
38 regions surveyed. Source: World Values Survey, 2000-2004


Acceptance of homosexuals as neighbors
52 regions surveyed. Source: World Values Survey, 1995-1999
Justifiability of homosexuality
51 regions surveyed. Source: World Values Survey, 1995-1999
Justifiability of homosexuality
20 regions surveyed. Source: World Values Survey, 1990-1994
Acceptance of homosexuals as neighbors
17 regions surveyed. Source: World Values Survey, 1990-1994


Justifiability of homosexuality
11 regions surveyed. Source: World Values Survey, 1981-1984
Suggest Survey Data

Recent Regional Surveys

Region Source Statistics
BrazilPoderData (2024, you for or against same-sex marriage?
  • 46% For
  • 41% Against
United StatesGallup (2024, bans on treatments and medical procedures for minors
  • 62% Oppose
  • 34% Favor
United StatesGallup (2024, bans on psychological support, hormonal treatments, and medical surgeries for minors
  • 61% Oppose
  • 36% Favor
United StatesGallup (2024, marriage should be legal
  • 69% Agree
  • 29% Disagree
United StatesGallup (2024, and lesbian relationships are morally acceptable
  • 64% Agree
  • 33% Disagree
United StatesGallup (2024, one’s gender is morally acceptable
  • 44% Agree
  • 51% Disagree
United KingdomJust Like Us (2024, parents who say their child's school has LGBT+ inclusive books for pupils to read.
  • 12% Agree
United KingdomJust Like Us (2024, who say their child's school celebrates School Diversity Week.
  • 23% Celebrate
United KingdomJust Like Us (2024, and nonbinary parents who report school forms only having 'male' and 'female' on registration forms
  • 20% Agree
United KingdomJust Like Us (2024, and gay parents who feel let down by their child’s school not being LGBT+ inclusive
  • 12% Feel let down
United KingdomJust Like Us (2024, parents who feel let down by their child’s school not being LGBT+ inclusive
  • 16% Feel let down
United KingdomJust Like Us (2024, and lesbian parents who have decided to homeschool their children 'to avoid anti-LGBT+ prejudice.
  • 5% Agree
United KingdomJust Like Us (2024, parents who have decided to homeschool their children 'to avoid anti-LGBT+ prejudice.
  • 4% Agree
United KingdomJust Like Us (2024, parents who have decided to homeschool their children 'to avoid anti-LGBT+ prejudice.
  • 11% Agree
United KingdomJust Like Us (2024, and trans parents who have felt 'depressed or anxious' about their family facing discrimination
  • 23% Agree
EstoniaEstonian Human Rights Centre (2023, towards LGBT topics in Estonia
  • 56% of Estonians consider homosexuality completely or somewhat acceptable
  • 53% of Estonians support marriage equality
United StatesGLAAD (2023, of LGBTQ Rights Among Non-LGBTQ People
  • 84% Support equal LGBTQ rights
JapanAsahi Shimbun (2023, for Same-Sex Marriage
  • 72% of voters support the legalization of gay marriage
  • 18% do not support it
EstoniaEstonian Human Rights Centre (2023, for Marriage Equality
  • 53% of Estonians support marriage equality
PhilippinesSocial Weather Stations (2023, Trust of Gays and Lesbians
  • 79% of Filipinos agree that gays and lesbians are just as trustworthy as any other Filipino
United StatesGallup (2023, you think marriages between same-sex couples should or should not be recognized by the law as valid, with the same rights as traditional marriages?
  • 71% Should be valid
  • 28% Should not be valid
United KingdomYouGov (2023, for Same-Sex Marriage (June)
  • 78% Support
  • 14% Oppose
  • 8% Don't Know
United KingdomYouGov (2023, for Same-Sex Marriage (May)
  • 73% Support
  • 16% Oppose
  • 10% Don't Know
United KingdomYouGov (2023, for Same-Sex Marriage (March)
  • 73% Support
  • 17% Oppose
  • 10% Don't Know
United KingdomYouGov (2023, for Same-Sex Marriage (January)
  • 77% Support
  • 15% Oppose
  • 8% Don't Know
United StatesNavigator (2023, Americans Know LGB People
  • 63% Know a gay, lesbian, or bisexual person
  • 24% Know a transgender person
United StatesNew York Times / Siena (2023, for Same-Sex Marriage
  • 70% Support
  • 22% Against
EstoniaEesti Inim (2023, for same-sex marriage
  • 53% Support same-sex marriage
  • 71% Support civil unions
EstoniaEstonian Human Rights Centre (2023, of homosexuality
  • 56% Consider homosexuality acceptable
  • 38% Consider homosexuality completely or somewhat unacceptable
United KingdomYouGov (2023, of LGBT People
  • 54% Very positive or fairy positive view of gay and lesbian people
  • 50% Very positive or fairy positive view of bisexual people
  • 39% Very positive or fairy positive view of transgender people
United KingdomYouGov (2023, on Gender Identity
  • 55% People should be able to identify as being of a different gender to the one they had recorded at birth
  • 25% People should not be able to identify as being of a different gender to the one they had recorded at birth
  • 20% Not sure
United KingdomYouGov (2023, on Transgender People
  • 22% Very positively
  • 17% Fairly positively
  • 33% Neither positively nor negatively
  • 14% Fairly negatively
  • 11% Very negatively
  • 4% Don't know
UkraineNational Democratic Institute (2023, That LGBT+ People Should Have Equal Rights (November)
  • 8% Neutral
  • 72% Agree
  • 17% Disagree
UkraineNational Democratic Institute (2023, That LGBT+ People Should Have Equal Rights (May)
  • 65% Agree
  • 12% Neutral
  • 16% Disagree
UkraineNational Democratic Institute (2023, That LGBT+ People Should Have Equal Rights (January)
  • 58% Agree
  • 10% Neutral
  • 20% Disagree
SerbiaFaktor Plus / Poverenik za zaštitu ravnopravnosti (2023, you say that there is discrimination in Serbia in relation to LGBT+ people?
  • 59% Yes, there is
  • 33% No, there isn't
SerbiaFaktor Plus / Poverenik za zaštitu ravnopravnosti (2023, is a disease that needs to be treated
  • 47% Disagree
  • 35% Agree
SerbiaFaktor Plus / Poverenik za zaštitu ravnopravnosti (2023, partnerships should be allowed in Serbia
  • 26% Agree
  • 62% Disagree
SerbiaFaktor Plus / Poverenik za zaštitu ravnopravnosti (2023, is nothing wrong with a romantic relationship between two people of the same sex
  • 29% Agree
  • 57% Disagree
SerbiaFaktor Plus / Poverenik za zaštitu ravnopravnosti (2023,, lesbian and bisexual people should have the same rights as heterosexual people
  • 38% Agree
  • 48% Disagree
SerbiaFaktor Plus / Poverenik za zaštitu ravnopravnosti (2023, would you feel if you saw two women showing affection in public (eg kissing or holding hands)
  • 22% I would feel comfortable
  • 16% I would feel somewhat at ease
  • 62% I would feel uncomfortable
SerbiaFaktor Plus / Poverenik za zaštitu ravnopravnosti (2023, would you feel if you saw two men showing affection in public (eg kissing or holding hands)
  • 19% I would feel comfortable
  • 13% I would feel somewhat at ease
  • 68% I would feel uncomfortable
BrazilPoderData (2023, you for or against same-sex marriage?
  • 44% For
  • 46% Against
Bosnia and HerzegovinaSarajevski otvoreni centar (2023, you think that transgender people should have the right to change the gender marking in personal documents on the basis of self-determination (without surgical gender reassignment)?
  • 20.7% Yes
  • 43.6% No
Bosnia and HerzegovinaSarajevski otvoreni centar (2023, is an acronym that refers to lesbians, gay men, bisexual, transgender and intersex people, and is used as a single term to denote different sexual orientation and sex/gender of people. To what extent was this known to you previously?
  • 91.5% I know the term from before and I know what it means
  • 6.9% I know/have heard about the term, but I did not know what exactly it means
  • 1.7% I do not know/this is the first time I'm hearing about the term
Bosnia and HerzegovinaSarajevski otvoreni centar (2023, your education, did you come across topics related to the human rights of LGBTI persons?
  • 11.3% Yes, I did
  • 72.2% No, I didn't
  • 16.5% I do not remember
Bosnia and HerzegovinaSarajevski otvoreni centar (2023, you personally know an LGBTI person?
  • 45.6% I do, personally
  • 54.4% I do not know
Bosnia and HerzegovinaSarajevski otvoreni centar (2023, your opinion, to what extent is the position of LGBTI people publicly discussed today in Bosnia and Herzegovina?
  • 6.1% It is not discussed at all

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