    ✔ Legal
    Gay Marriage
    ✔ Legal
    ✔ No censorship
    Changing Gender
    ✔ Legal, no restrictions
    Gender-Affirming Care
    ✔ Legal
    Non-Binary Gender Recognition
    ✔ Recognized
    ✔ Illegal
    Employment Discrimination
    Varies by Region
    Housing Discrimination
    ✖ Sexual orientation only
    Varies by Region
    Intersex Infant Surgery
    ✖ Not banned
    ✖ Lesbians, gays, bisexuals permitted, transgender people banned
    Donating Blood
    ✔ Legal
    Conversion Therapy
    ✔ Banned
    Age of Consent
    ✔ Equal
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Public opinion in Mexico appears to be somewhat divided on LGBTQ+ issues, as evidenced by recent studies.

Perception of LGBTQ+ People

Survey results from 10 LGBTQ+ Equaldex users who lived in or visited Mexico.



Perceived Safety*

Feel safe being open
Absence of verbal harassment
Absence of threats and violence
*Survey results represent personal perceptions of safety and may not be indicative of current actual conditions.

Equal Treatment

Treatment by peers
Treatment by family
Treatment at work
Treatment at school
Treatment by general public
Treatment by businesses
Treatment by law enforcement
Treatment by religious groups

Visibility & Representation

Inclusion in education
Representation in entertainment
Representation in news
Political support
Out public figures


Dating life
Interest groups and clubs


Health and wellness
Gender-affirming care
Support and social services
Advocacy and legal


Homosexual activity in Mexico


Homosexual activity in Mexico is legal.

Current status
Since Feb 15, 1872
Mexico’s first Penal Code (published in 1871) which entered into force in 1872, made no reference to the criminalisation of sodomy or any other consensual same-sex act between adults.
Nevertheless, LGBTQ people could be prosecuted under the vague language of article 787 (Third Book; Title 6 'Violations against family order, public decency, or traditional customs'; chapter II 'Offences against public morals or good manners'), which never mentioned any sexual orientation or gender identity. The penalty included arrest and a fine if the alleged 'indecent act' was committed either in a public place (with or without witnesses) or in a private place.
The first known reference of the application of this article towards LGBTQ people dates from November 1901 when the scandal of the 'baile de los cuarenta y uno' (the 'Ball of the Forty-One') occurred. Police illegally raid a private home in Mexico City where 41 men (some of them dressed in women's clothing) from the upper classes of the Mexican society were attending am event. The identity of the suspects was never disclosed, but according to some sources, there are some press articles at the time that state some of them could be conscripted into the army and sent to Yucatán to public works. This was as the Caste War against the Mayan Indigenous rebels was finalising. There are seven names listed in the records of the Supreme Court who filed a writ of protection against their conscription to the army because homosexuality was not illegal in Mexico at the time. Hence, the charge was simply replaced (crime against decency), but the punishment didn't change.

This Penal Code was replaced in 1929.
Jan 1, 1600–Feb 15, 1872
Male illegal, female uncertain
From the 1600s to the short Second French intervention and the subsequent restoration of the Republic under President Juárez, sodomy was heavily criminalized in Mexico. The medieval laws issued in the Kingdom of Castile were still valid for all the territories of the Hispanic Monarchy in the Americas. These laws still heavily criminalised acts of sodomy and were still part of the chaotic Mexican legal body even after achieving independence.
In the first half of the 19th century, Mexico experienced political instability and a series of civil wars and revolts. All the efforts to enact a solid, unified legal body for this new country were unsuccessful until the 1870s.
Garza, Federico. Quemando mariposas. Sodomía e imperio en Andalucia y México, siglos XVI-XVII. Laertes. Barcelona, 2002. (Spanish)

utpress.utexas.edu/9780292779945/ (English & Book)


dof.gob.mx/nota_detalle.php… (Spanish)

Irwin, Robert McKee, et al., eds. The Famous 41: Sexuality and Social Control in Mexico 1901. New York: Palgrave, 2003. Lumsden, Ian. Homosexuality, Society and the State in Mexico. Toronto: Canadian Gay Archives, 1991. (English)

Timeline of war: napoleon.org/en/history-of-…

Translated version: www-jornada-com-mx.translat…

Original version: jornada.com.mx/2001/11/08/l…
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Same-sex marriage in Mexico


Same-sex marriage in Mexico is legal.

Current status
Since Dec 31, 2022
The congress of Mexico’s northeastern border state Tamaulipas has voted to recognise same-sex marriage, making it legal across the country.

Becoming the last of the country’s states to do so, Tamaulipas amended the state’s Civil Code on Wednesday, setting off cheers of “Yes, we can!” from supporters of the change.
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2010–Oct 27, 2022
Varies by Region
23/31 States of Mexico (and Mexico City) recognize same-sex marriage.
Grillo, Ioan. "Mexico City's Revolutionary First: Gay Marriage." Time 24 Dec. 2009: n. pag. Web. 20 Aug. 2013.
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Censorship of LGBT issues in Mexico


Censorship of LGBT issues in Mexico is no censorship.

Current status
No censorship
In Mexico, there are no laws restricting to discussion or promotion of LGBTQ+ topics.
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Right to change legal gender in Mexico


Right to change legal gender in Mexico is legal, no restrictions.

Current status
Since Jun 2009
Legal, no restrictions
In 2009, the Supreme Court of Mexico established in its Judgment No. 6/2008 (2009) that the right to personal identity and free development of personality includes the right to gender identity and to "sexual reassignment", which obliges states to provide access to the "rectification of name and sex legal markers".
In 2018, the Court issued Judgment No. 1317/2017 (2018) where it analysed the most appropriate procedure to guarantee "sex-gender rectification in the Civil Registry". In summary, this judgment concluded that the type of authority (judicial or administrative) before which the procedure is conducted is irrelevant as long as the nature of the procedure is materially administrative. Specifically, it must (a) be comprehensive; (b) be based on free and informed consent, with no medical, psychological and/or pathologising requirements; (c) be confidential; (d) be expeditious and free of charge; and (e) it must not require surgical or hormonal treatments. Despite this, various Mexican have not unified their regulations and, in many cases, continue to require judicial processing and all sorts of evidence.
Until 2008
Legal, no restrictions
Only Mexico City, Nayarit and Michoacan transgender people can change document without surgery not required.
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Gender-affirming care in Mexico


Gender-affirming care in Mexico is legal.

Current status
Since 1998
In 1998, Mexico adopted the ICD-10 classification, which contains codes for diagnosing transsexualism in adulthood and childhood, which authorize the initiation of medical transition.
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Legal recognition of non-binary gender in Mexico


Legal recognition of non-binary gender in Mexico is recognized.

Current status
Since May 17, 2023
Non-binary Mexican citizens can choose to have an X as their gender marker rather than choosing male or female.

However, other IDs are handled on a state level basis and not all of them allow the X gender marker.
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Feb 11, 2022–May 17, 2023
Varies by Region
On February 11th, 2022, Fausto Martínez became the first person in Mexico to receive a non-binary gender marker on their birth certificate. The marker was issued by the Civil Registry of Guanajuato.
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Until Feb 11, 2022
Not legally recognized
Before February 11th, 2022, no non-binary person had ever been issued a non-binary gender marker in Mexico.
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LGBT discrimination in Mexico


LGBT discrimination in Mexico is illegal.

Current status
Since Jun 11, 2003
Since 2011, Article 1 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States (1917) (federal constitution) prohibits discrimination based on “sexual preferences”. 3 out of 32 subnational jurisdictions bans discrimination based on gender identity in its State Constitutions. Article 1(3) of the Federal Act to Prevent and Eliminate Discrimination (2003) includes “sexual preferences” as one of the prohibited grounds of discrimination

LGBT employment discrimination in Mexico


LGBT employment discrimination in Mexico is varies by region.

Current status
Since Jun 11, 2003
Varies by Region
Most of Mexico's states have enacted laws that ban discrimination based on sexual orientation or sexual preference, as well as gender. Many states also explicitly ban discrimination based on gender identity in local laws.
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Sexual orientation and gender identity

  1. Nuevo León 2016
  2. Sonora 2015
  3. Yucatán 2015
  4. Tlaxcala 2013
  5. Aguascalientes 2012
  6. Chihuahua 2007
  7. Baja California
  8. Baja California Sur
  9. Campeche
  10. Coahuila
  11. Morelos
  12. México
  13. Tabasco

Sexual orientation only

  1. Durango 2016
  2. Guanajuato 2014
  3. Chiapas 2014
  4. Nayarit 2014
  5. Puebla 2013
  6. Veracruz 2013
  7. Sinaloa 2013
  8. Guerrero 2009
  9. Hidalgo 2008
  10. Zacatecas 2005
  11. Tamaulipas 2004
  12. Querétaro

No protections

  1. San Luis Potosí 2009
  2. Colima
  3. Jalisco
  4. Michoacán
  5. Quintana Roo

LGBT housing discrimination in Mexico


LGBT housing discrimination in Mexico is sexual orientation only.

Current status
Sexual orientation only
At the level of the federal government authorities, Article 1(3) of the Federal Act to Prevent and Eliminate Discrimination (2003) includes “sexual preferences” as one of the prohibited grounds of discrimination. This law applies to housing as per Article 9(XXI). Gender identity is not explicity mentioned

Same-sex adoption in Mexico


Same-sex adoption in Mexico is varies by region.

Current status
Since Mar 21, 2010
Varies by Region
There is no federal law allowing for joint adoption and second parent adoption by same-sex couples. Adoption is only permitted for same sex married couples in 21 of the 31 Mexican states and Mexico City


  1. Tabasco 2024
  2. Baja California 2024
  3. Quintana Roo 2022
  4. Nayarit 2022
  5. Chiapas 2017
  6. Campeche 2016
  7. Veracruz 2016
  8. Colima 2016
  9. Michoacán 2016
  10. Chihuahua 2014
  11. México 2010
  12. Aguascalientes
  13. Coahuila
  14. Jalisco
  15. Morelos


  1. Baja California Sur


  1. Durango
  2. Guanajuato
  3. Guerrero
  4. Hidalgo
  5. Nuevo León
  6. Oaxaca
  7. Puebla
  8. Querétaro
  9. San Luis Potosí
  10. Sinaloa
  11. Sonora
  12. Tamaulipas
  13. Tlaxcala
  14. Yucatán
  15. Zacatecas

Intersex infant surgery in Mexico


Intersex infant surgery in Mexico is not banned.

Current status
Not banned
There's no ban on intersex infant surgery in Mexico
no sources
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Serving openly in military in Mexico


Serving openly in military in Mexico is lesbians, gays, bisexuals permitted, transgender people banned.

Current status
Since 2012
Lesbians, gays, bisexuals permitted, transgender people banned
LGB people can serve in the military openly, Transgenders Can’t
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Until 2012
No laws seek to identify or prevent the enrollment of gays in armed services. High prevalence of harassment, encouraged leave, and dishonorable discharge if interpreted as homosexual.
Medellín, Jorge Alejandro (October 17, 2010). "Homosexualidad y Ejército" [Homosexuality and the Military]. M Semanal (in Spanish) (Milenio).
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Blood donations by MSMs in Mexico


Blood donations by MSMs in Mexico is legal.

Current status
Since Dec 25, 2012
"Mexico Now Accepting Blood Donations from Gay and Bisexual Men" Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News. 28 Dec. 2012. genengnews.com/gen-news-hig…
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Conversion therapy in Mexico


Conversion therapy in Mexico is banned.

Current status
Since Jun 8, 2024
Conversion therapy is a federal offence under Article 209 Quintus of the Federal Penal Code (Código Penal Federal) and Article 465 Ter of the General Health Law (Ley General de Salud).

Conversion therapy is defined as any treatment, service, therapy, or practice intended to obstruct, restrict, impede, diminish, annul, or suppress sexual orientation or gender identity/expression.

Those liable under the law include anyone who practices, conducts, imparts, applies, forces, or funds such activities.

Sanctions include:
- 2 to 6 years in prison and a fine of 2,000 UMA (Unidad de Medida y Actualización, a unit updated yearly based on inflation. In 2024, 2,000 UMA exceeded $11,000 USD).
- Sanctions are doubled if the victim is a minor (-18), an elderly person (+60), or a person with a disability; or if the perpetrator is a public/government employee, or they have any relationship with the victim (such as family member; or employer, teacher, medical professional, doctor, nurse, or psychologist). Additionally, the latter will face professional dismissal, disqualification, and suspension (1 to 3 years or equivalent to the prison sentence).
- Sanctions are further doubled if any kind of violence (physical, psychological, or moral) is used against the victim.
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Until Jul 24, 2020
Not banned
Before Mexico City’s ban, no federal entity in Mexico outlawed conversion therapy.
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Equal age of consent in Mexico


Equal age of consent in Mexico is equal.

Current status
Since 1871
Illegal with a minor under 12, ambiguous rulings observed 12-18, universally legal 18+.
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