2004 in LGBT Rights

In 2004, there were 73 recorded legal changes made affecting LGBT people. In the previous year, there were 108 changes made and 76 in the following year. A total of 686 legal changes were made in the 2000s.

  • December 30
    LGBT discrimination becomes illegal.
    French law applies
  • LGBT discrimination becomes illegal.
    Discrimination aimed toward an individual's sexual orientation or gender identity is banned in France.
  • December 29
    LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation only.
  • LGBT discrimination becomes illegal.
  • LGBT discrimination becomes illegal in some contexts.
    Treats of administrative penalties to be applied to companies that practice discrimination based on sexual orientation
  • December 21
    Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    Same-sex marriage is legal.
  • November 9
    Same-sex marriage becomes banned.
    The Constitution of Armenia was amended in 2015 to define marriage in heterosexual terms only.
  • November 5
    Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    Queen's Bench Justice Donna Wilson Ruled It unconstitutional.
  • November 4
    Same-sex marriage becomes banned.
    The state passed a constitutional amendment to ban same sex marriage.
  • Same-sex marriage becomes banned.
    Constitutional amendment adopted by state wide vote in 2004. Passed with 62% of the vote. Text of amendment follows: § 15.11 Marriage Amendment Only a union between one man and one woman may be a marriage valid in or recognized by this state and its political subdivisions. This state and its political subdivisions shall not create or recognize a legal status for relationships of unmarried individuals that intends to approximate the design, qualities, significance or effect of marriage.
  • November 2
    Same-sex marriage becomes unrecognized.
    Proposal 2 passed in 2004 defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman
  • Same-sex marriage becomes banned.
    Also note that it does not matter where a same-sex couple was married, Arkansas states that all such marriages are void in the eyes of the state.
  • Same-sex marriage becomes banned.
    The Commonwealth of Kentucky only recognizes marriages between a man and woman regardless of where the ceremony was performed.
  • November 1
    Same-sex adoption becomes legal.
  • October 19
    Right to change legal gender becomes legal, but requires medical diagnosis.
    In Florida you have the right to change your gender on your birth certificate and driver's license. In both cases, a physician is required to attest that you are receiving "appropriate treatment". What exactly is considered appropriate seems to be at the discretion of the physician. As such, surgery is not required. Additionally, before beginning hormone therapy, adults are required to have a psychological evaluation performed by a Florida-licensed psychologist or psychiatrist and then every two years thereafter. At the end of June, the Florida Board of Medicine adopted an emergency rule giving patients already on treatment six months to adapt to the new requirements.
  • September 25
    LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    State law provides for protections against employment discrimination in regards to both sexual orientation and gender identification.
  • September 24
    Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    Gay marriage became legal in Nova Scotia on September 24th, 2004.
  • September 19
    LGBT housing discrimination becomes sexual orientation only.
    The Law on Prohibition of Discrimination from 2004 prohibited discrimination in Housing on the basis of sexual orientation (Articles 2 and 4).
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation only.
    The Law on Prohibition of Discrimination from 2004 prohibited discrimination in Employment on the basis of sexual orientation (Articles 2 and 4).
  • LGBT discrimination becomes illegal in some contexts.
    Law on Prohibition of Discrimination adopted on February 19, 2004, prohibited, among other categories, discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation in all areas. Also, Kosovo Constitution from 2008 prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation (Article 24 (2)).
  • September 18
    Same-sex marriage becomes banned.
    The state passed a referendum question defining marriage to be a union between one man and one woman.
  • September 16
    Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    Manitoba legalized gay marriage on September 16th, 2004.
  • August 25
    Same-sex marriage becomes unrecognized.
    Marriage is defined as a union between a man and a woman
  • August 18
    LGBT housing discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
  • August 17
    LGBT discrimination becomes illegal.
    Defines a hate crime as a criminal act committed because the victim's perceived: disability, gender, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. Protections also include gender identification. Also, In 2014, California became the first state in the U.S. to officially ban the use of gay panic and transgender panic defenses in murder trials.
  • August 11
    Same-sex marriage becomes unrecognized.
    Proposed on Legalizing Gay marriage by the King of Bhutan.
  • Homosexual activity becomes illegal (imprisonment as punishment).
    Offence of "unnatural" sex is considered a petty misdemeanor in article 213 & 214.
  • August 5
    Censorship of LGBT issues becomes imprisonment as punishment.
    Article 4 of the Law on Associations (2004) forbids the registration of associations with objectives deemed "contrary to law and morality." In November 2021, authorities detained multiple women following a complaint from a mother alleging her daughter's involvement in an "online network" of lesbians. Researchers have found that searches for LGBT related subjects on the Malian internet are curated to provide anti-LGBT results. The country has an authoritarian government and appears to control the flow of information online.
  • August 4
    Same-sex adoption becomes legal.
    Any adults are permitted to petition jointly or individually before the court to request adoption, regardless of sexual orientation. §19-5-202. Second-parent adoption by same-sex couples is permitted per Colo. Rev. §19-5-203 et seq.
  • August 1
    LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    In 2004, the Equality for Men and Women Act (2003) was passed in the government. Allowing for no discrimination against women or men
  • Serving openly in military becomes lesbians, gays, bisexuals permitted, transgender people banned.
    Only 22 Countries allow transgender service Bulgaria is not one of them.
  • July 24
    LGBT discrimination becomes illegal in some contexts.
    Article 13 explicitly prohibits discriminations on the basis of sexual orientations
  • July 16
    Right to change legal gender becomes legal, but requires surgery.
    Act No.111 of 2003 requires for transgender people to change their legal gender, (1) be at least 20 years of age, (2) not currently married, (3) no child, (4) infertile (no gonads or persistent lack of gonadal function), (5) and has a body which appears to have genital parts of those of the opposite sex. And also requires medical certificate by two or more psychiatrist.
  • July 14
    Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    Became the fourth Jurisdiction to legalize Gay marriage.
  • July 1
    LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation only.
    Article 17(1) of the Law on Equal Treatment (2004) prohibits sexual orientation discrimination in employment at the federal level. However, for gender identity there are no explicit protections.
  • Same-sex marriage becomes unrecognized.
    Same-sex marriages and civil unions are prohibited in Georgia. Marriages between people of the same sex are not entitled the status of marriage. Foreign same-sex marriages also stand void here and are not covered by the jurisdiction, whatsoever be the circumstances.
  • May 17
    Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    In 2004, Massachusetts became the first US state to legalize same-sex marriage.
  • Same-sex marriage becomes varies by region.
    From May 2004 to June 2015, the legality of gay marriage in the United States varied by state. On November 18th, 2003, Massachusetts Supreme Court ruled that banning same-sex marriage was unconstitutional, and their ruling came into effect on May 17th, 2004. Massachusetts was the first state to legalize same-sex marriage. Between May 17th, 2004, and June 26th, 2015, when the United States Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage nationwide, 37 states and the District of Columbia legalized same-sex marriage.
  • May 3
    Same-sex adoption becomes legal.
    In 2004, Aragon passed a bill stating: “stable unmarried couples may jointly adopt”
  • May 1
    Serving openly in military becomes legal.
    LGBT people are allowed to serve openly under new rules brought into place when Cyprus joined the European Union
  • Same-sex marriage becomes unrecognized.
    There was no definition of marriage in the 1991 Constitution. Article 53: Marriage and legal relationships within it... are regulated by law. Family Law from 2004, Article 3: "A marriage union is a life community of a husband and wife regulated by law."
  • April 6
    Equal age of consent becomes equal.
    Kosovo has an equal age of consent (16 years) for both heterosexual and homosexual sexual activity.
  • March 19
    Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    Quebec legalized gay marriage and was the third to do so. After gay couple Michael Hendricks and René Leboeuf went to court and invalidated parts of the law preventing them from getting married. This became effective on March 19th, 2004. Gay marriage became legal federally on July 20th, 2005.
  • March 15
    Right to change legal gender becomes legal, but requires medical diagnosis.
    The Alteration of Sex Description and Sex Status Act allows people to apply to have their sex status altered in the population registry, and consequently to receive identity documents and passports indicating their gender identity. The law states that transgender persons must undergo gender reassignment. This includes medical interventions but is not limited to surgery alone. Hormone therapy is considered to be gender reassignment, therefore surgery per se is not required.
  • March 4
    Same-sex marriage becomes varies by region.
    On March 4th, 2004, a panel of judges in Rio Grande Do Sul gave the green light to gay and lesbian civil unions. The ruling gave same-sex couples broad rights in areas like inheritance, child custody, insurance benefits and pensions. They were the first Brazilian state to offer civil unions.
  • March 1
    LGBT discrimination becomes varies by region.
    In Tuscany, Piedmont, Liguria, Marche, Umbria, Sicily, Emilia-Romagna and Campania discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity is banned.
  • Equal age of consent becomes equal.
  • Homosexual activity becomes legal.
    Homosexual activity is legal in Cape Verde.
  • February 10
    Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes not legally recognized.
    No official ‘x’ marking option on official documents, applications etc. for non binary individuals.
  • Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes not legally recognized.
    Due to the fact that the UK does not recognise non-binary gender identity, Wales does not currently recognise non-binary gender identity
  • Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes not legally recognized.
    No official ‘x’ marking option on official documents, applications etc. for non binary individuals.
  • Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes not legally recognized.
    In 2021 the UK government said (in response to a petition) that legal recognition of non-binary gender identity would have "complex practical consequences for other areas of the law, service provision and public life", and said that they felt existing legislation allowing people to change their legal gender went far enough. Courts have, however, ruled that people with non-binary identities are protected from discrimination by the Equality Act. On 4 October 2023, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak asserted his stance on gender identity in a speech Wednesday, stating it was “common sense” that “a man is a man and a woman is a woman”.
  • February 1
    LGBT housing discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
  • LGBT discrimination becomes illegal.
    LGBTQ+ people from Finland are protected from all types of discrimination.
  • January 10
    Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes not legally recognized.
    In 2021 the UK government said (in response to a petition) that legal recognition of non-binary gender identity would have "complex practical consequences for other areas of the law, service provision and public life", and said that they felt existing legislation allowing people to change their legal gender went far enough. Courts have, however, ruled that people with non-binary identities are protected from discrimination by the Equality Act.
  • January 9
    Right to change legal gender becomes legal, but requires surgery.
    NAC 440.130 provides allowance for persons to change gender on birth certificates and other vital records so long as a certifying physicians signs off on the persons gender identity.
  • (date unknown)
    Homosexual activity becomes illegal (imprisonment as punishment).
    The federal Criminal Code Act (2004) is used as the criminal state law. Under Section 241 this code criminalises consensual same-sex sexual acts (framed as “carnal knowledge of any person against the order of nature”) and imposes a penalty of imprisonment for 14 years. Additionally, Section 217 of this Code also punishes acts of "gross indecency" among men, whether in public or private, with imprisonment for three years.
  • LGBT housing discrimination becomes varies by region.
    In Tuscany, Piedmont, Liguria, Marche, Umbria, Sicily, Emilia-Romagna and Campania housing discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity is banned
  • January 1
    Right to change legal gender becomes ambiguous.
    Section 85(1) of the Código do Registo Civil 2004 gives the Civil Registrar general authority to make changes when there is a change of facts which alter the legal identity or status of the person registered. Transgender people can use this section to change the sex description on their identity document. Unclear requirements.
  • LGBT housing discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    illegal since 2004
  • LGBT discrimination becomes illegal.
    illegal since 2004
  • (date unknown)
    LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation only.
    Section 13(1)(9) of the Staff Orders for the Public Service (2004) requires that public service employees shall be treated fairly and equitably without discrimination based on sexual orientation.
  • Serving openly in military becomes don't ask, don't tell.
    According to the Helsinki Rights Committee in Armenia, in 2004, an internal defence ministry decree effectively bans gay men from serving in the armed forces. In practice, gays are marked as "mentally ill" and sent to a psychiatrist.
  • January 1
    Right to change legal gender becomes legal, but requires surgery.
    In 2004, a Syrian woman named Hiba became the first transgender woman to be licensed for sex reassignment surgery
  • Censorship of LGBT issues becomes imprisonment as punishment.
    Article 226 of the Penal Code (1913) which was amended in 2004, criminalizes any act that publicly draws attention to the opportunity to “commit debauchery” through any form of writing, audio, or visual recording.
  • Equal age of consent becomes equal.
    Equal at 16 years. Art 151 of the Lithuanian Criminal Code.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Act No. 365/2004 on Equal treatment gives protections for LGB People, Trans people would be covered later on when the act was amended in 2018
  • (date unknown)
    Same-sex marriage becomes civil unions (marriage rights).
    A same-sex marriage bill was approved by the Chamber of Deputies on 18 June 2014, and went into effect in 2015.
  • LGBT discrimination becomes illegal.
    Articles 12, 13 and 14 of the Gender Equity Education Act (2004) include gender identity and sexual orientation among the prohibited grounds of discrimination in education. Taiwan banned workplace discrimination against LGBT citizens in 2007.
  • LGBT discrimination becomes illegal.
    Discrimintion is illegal in all context
  • Same-sex marriage becomes civil unions (marriage rights).
    The Civil Partnership Act (2004). Under the Act, same-sex couples can register a civil partnership, which has almost the same legal effects, rights and obligations as marriage does for mixed-sex couples. For that reason, civil partnership is sometimes called ‘gay marriage’. However, legally, it is not marriage, but is a separate, segregated system

LGBT Organizations Founded in 2004

  • Sexual Minorities Uganda FaviconSexual Minorities Uganda
    Sexual Minorities Uganda [SM-UG] is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation that works towards achieving full legal and social equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual…
  • LGBT Pride Centre of Edmonton FaviconLGBT Pride Centre of Edmonton
    The Pride Centre of Edmonton is a registered charity that was incorporated in August of 2004 (although other incarnations of the Centre have existed since at least 1974.) The…
  • Garden State Equality FaviconGarden State Equality
    With more than 150,000 members, Garden State Equality is New Jersey
  • Trans Youth Support Network FaviconTrans Youth Support Network
    ~~ Mission ~~ ~ To make it possible for trans and gender non-conforming youth to survive adultism, racism, sexism and economic injustices in systems we have to engage with to…
  • Colombia Diversa FaviconColombia Diversa
    Founded in 2004, Colombia Diversa is the leading LGBT human rights organization in Colombia. Colombia Diversa focuses on three main areas: 1. Advancing the human and legal…
  • Bilitis Foundation FaviconBilitis Foundation
    Bilitis began its activity as a self-support group of lesbian and bisexual women in 2004. Today, Bilitis advocates actively for eliminating all forms of discrimination and…
  • LGBT Organization Labrys Kyrgyzstan FaviconLGBT Organization Labrys Kyrgyzstan
    Labrys is committed to improving the situation of Lesbians, Bisexual women, Gay men and Transgender people in Kyrgyzstan through empowering LGBT themselves and working with…
  • Equal Ground FaviconEqual Ground
    EQUAL GROUND is a nonprofit organisation seeking human and political rights for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Questioning (LGBTIQ) community of Sri Lanka.…
  • Kif-Kif FaviconKif-Kif
    The organization is the only one that advocates for LGBT rights for Morocco
  • University of Washington Q Center FaviconUniversity of Washington Q Center
    We facilitate and enhance a brave, affirming, liberatory, and celebratory environment for students, faculty, staff, and alumni of all sexual and gender orientations, identities…
  • Onassis Stegi FaviconOnassis Stegi
    The Onassis Foundation House (Stegi) is a cultural meeting place for theater, dance, music, visual arts and letters. The mission of the Onassis Stegi is the promotion of modern…
  • Skeiv Verden FaviconSkeiv Verden
    Skeiv Verden is a national interest organization for LGBTIQ+ people with a minority background. We are an independent, religiously and party-politically independent organization…
  • Asocijacija Duga FaviconAsocijacija Duga
    Providing support to the LGBT population, young people and people in institutional accommodation throughout Serbia.
  • Skeiv Ungdom FaviconSkeiv Ungdom
    Skeiv Ungdom works for each individual's freedom to be themselves regardless of gender identity, gender expression and sexuality. They want a world where all sexual relationships…