2014 in LGBT Rights

In 2014, there were 145 recorded legal changes made affecting LGBT people. In the previous year, there were 138 changes made and 190 in the following year. A total of 1344 legal changes were made in the 2010s.

  • December 25
    Same-sex adoption becomes legal.
    Legal since December 25th 2014
  • December 23
    Same-sex adoption becomes ambiguous.
    a civil union bill that will allow gay couples to adopt is being discussed in the Parliament tomorrow
  • December 22
    Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    On December 22, 2014, the Conversion Therapy for Minors Prohibition Amendment Act was signed into law, banning conversion therapy on minors. Washington, D.C. was the third U.S. region to ban conversion therapy, in addition to California and New Jersey.
  • December 16
    Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    MSPs voted by 105 to 18 in favour of the Marriage and Civil Partnership (Scotland) Bill. Establishes belief ceremonies, such as humanist ceremonies as a "third form of marriage", alongside religious and civil events. Allowing transgender people to stay married, rather than having to get divorced, when obtaining a Gender Recognition Certificate. Amended guidance on the teaching of the issue in schools. The first same-sex marriages were allowed to take place December 16, 2014.
  • LGBT housing discrimination becomes ambiguous.
    Only under city discrimination protections. Pending state wide.
  • LGBT housing discrimination becomes ambiguous.
    Only under city discrimination protections. Pending in some counties.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes ambiguous.
    City protections in Lamorie, Jackson. As well sexual orientation and gender identity under the federal hate crime law.
  • LGBT housing discrimination becomes no protections.
    Florida has no known protections for LGBTQ people looking for housing or people who have housing. As of 2020, there was a bill that was in motion for LGBTQ people for housing but it died in the Civil Justice Subcommittee.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes ambiguous.
    Under federal law VII and city discrimination protections. As well as sexual orientation employment discrimination protection under state law.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes no protections.
    As of December 16, 2014, there are no legal protections for people who are LGBT in regards to employment.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes no protections.
    As of December 16, 2014, there are no legal protections for people who are LGBT in regards to employment.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes no protections.
    As of December 16, 2014, there are no legal protections for people who are LGBT in regards to employment.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes no protections.
    As of December 16, 2014, there are no legal protections for people who are LGBT in regards to employment.
  • Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    MSPs voted by 105 to 18 in favour of the Marriage and Civil Partnership (Scotland) Bill. Establishes belief ceremonies, such as humanist ceremonies as a "third form of marriage", alongside religious and civil events. Allowing transgender people to stay married, rather than having to get divorced, when obtaining a Gender Recognition Certificate. Amended guidance on the teaching of the issue in schools. The first same-sex marriages were allowed to take place December 16, 2014.
  • December 1
    LGBT employment discrimination becomes ambiguous.
    Only in the city of Norman.
  • November 23
    LGBT discrimination becomes no protections.
    In 2007, senators Carlos Filizzola and Miguel Abdón Saguier presented the “Bill Against All Forms of Discrimination”, which presents sexual orientation and gender identity as protected categories. In November 2014, after 7 years of being presented, the Senate rejected and definitively archived the project, with 21 votes against, 17 in favor, one abstention and six absences.
  • November 20
    Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    No restrictions since Nov 20, 2014. Guidelines about the method of collecting medical documentation and determining conditions and assumptions for sex change or life in another gender identity from 2014, Article 2 (2): "No person shall be forced to undergo medical procedures, including surgical sex adjustment, sterilization or hormone therapy, as a condition for recognition of a change of sex or life in another gender identity."
  • Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    Supreme Court allowed same sex marriage to commence
  • November 19
    Same-sex marriage becomes ambiguous.
    Same sex marriage is currently allowed in 2 counties. The state is expected to increase this as the ban is challenged county by county
  • Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    A supreme court judge struck down the same-sex marriage ban, allow same sex couples to marry
  • November 8
    Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    After various referendums that asked the Finnish public on gay marriage, they finally cleared the last referendum in the 22nd of February, and gay marriage was finally allowed since this date.
  • October 21
    Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    County clerks began issuing marriage license to same sex couples.
  • October 17
    Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    Same sex marriage commenced when the Supreme Court denied Alaska's request for an emergency stay.
  • Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    Arizona became legal when the state attorney announced that he will not appeal the decision made by federal court.
  • October 16
    Homosexual activity becomes legal.
  • Homosexual activity becomes legal.
  • Homosexual activity becomes legal.
    Homosexuality is legal
  • October 15
    Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    On October 15, 2014, same-sex marriage became legal in Idaho.
  • October 10
    Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    Case determined denial of rights was unconstitutional.
  • October 9
    Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    The Supreme Court decision to not consider the appeal made same sex marriage legal in West Virginia
  • Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    After the Supreme Court's decision to not consider the appeal, same sex marriage ban was lifted on October 9th.
  • Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in Sevcik v. Sandoval that Nevada laws violated the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment after the US Supreme Court declined to take up other cases related to anti-marriage laws and amendments.
  • October 8
    LGBT discrimination becomes no protections.
    The government of Sri Lanka claimed to the United Nations Human Rights Committee on 7–8 October 2014 that they think sexual minorities should be protected under existing generic anti-discrimination laws provided in the Constitution.[22] The government of Sri Lanka stated that such protections were "'implicit'" in the Sri Lankan constitution and that the government has not written a law giving 'explicit' rights yet".
  • October 6
    Same-sex adoption becomes legal.
    Same sex marriage is now legal, allowing same sex couples to adopt children
  • Same-sex adoption becomes legal.
    Same sex marriage became legal, effectively overturning the same sex couple adoption
  • Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    Same sex marriage in Wisconsin returned when the Supreme Court decision came through.
  • Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    Supreme Court dismisses the appeal, making same-sex marriage legal.
  • September 17
    Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    Same-Sex Marriage became legal in Coahuila on September 17, 2014.
  • September 12
    Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes recognized.
    The Danish government allows the 'X' gender marker in passports.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    The Danish government has removed any medical requirements for changing one's gender legally.
  • Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes recognized.
    The Danish government allows the 'X' gender marker in passports.
  • September 10
    Homosexual activity becomes illegal (up to life in prison as punishment).
    In 2014 the Criminal Code was updated to allow sentences of up life imprisonment for "aggrevated homosexuality".
  • LGBT discrimination becomes illegal in some contexts.
    Many instances of discriminations against LGBT individuals are illegal. The only case where discrimination is not illegal is if it is done by public domain (of which the church is one.)
  • September 8
    Same-sex adoption becomes second parent adoption only.
    Only singles can adopt
  • September 5
    Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    Denmark's historic new law allows citizens to self-determine their own gender identity without any requirements for medical or psychiatric intervention.
  • September 2
    Same-sex adoption becomes legal.
    became legal in this state on that day.
  • August 5
    Same-sex marriage becomes civil unions (marriage rights).
    The Law on Life Partnerships of Persons of the Same Sex was adopted on July 15, 2014. Same-sex couples became equal to married couples in everything except the adoption of children. However, the law allows custody of the partner's child in some situations. The adoption of the law was preceded by the Constitutional Referendum on the definition of marriage held on December 1, 2013. The citizens declared that they were in favor of including a provision in the Constitution according to which marriage is the life union of a man and a woman.
  • August 1
    Homosexual activity becomes male illegal, female uncertain.
    Previous bill was struck down due to a technicality rendering it unconstitutional. However, homosexual conduct is still explicitly illegal and is punishable by imprisonment.
  • July 18
    Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    The ban on same sex marriage was struck down by a 2-1 vote on July 23rd, 2014. However, due to the appeal process, the first marriages were not conducted until October 7th.
  • Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    The law was passed on July 18th. However, due to some complications with the state challenging the decision, the first marriage was only conducted from October 6th 2014 when the Supreme Court decided not to discuss the disputes.
  • July 16
    LGBT discrimination becomes illegal in some contexts.
    Hate speech based on sexual orientation was included in the decisions of the Constitutional Court for the first time. The Constitutional Court stated that calling homosexuals "deviants" or "perverts" constitutes hate speech.
  • July 1
    LGBT discrimination becomes illegal.
    they have a Constuitional ban on all discrimination
  • Same-sex marriage becomes ambiguous.
    Same-sex marriage celebrated via judicial proceedings / court order.
  • June 26
    LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation only.
  • LGBT discrimination becomes illegal in some contexts.
    Only sexual orientation
  • June 20
    LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation only.
  • LGBT discrimination becomes illegal in some contexts.
    Only sexual orientation
  • June 3
    Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    as being a part of the uk
  • June 2
    Same-sex marriage becomes civil unions (marriage rights).
    Civil unions since June 2nd 2014, but stable unions since 2005
  • June 1
    LGBT discrimination becomes illegal.
    The Constitution of Malta bans discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity since 2014. Malta's hate crime laws include both gender identity and sexual orientation.
  • May 21
    LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation only.
  • LGBT discrimination becomes illegal in some contexts.
  • May 20
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    Newer law has been passed. As of 20/05/2014 South African National Blood Service (SANBS) will accept donations from anyone as long as they have been in a monogamous relationship for the prior six months, or celibate - regardless of sexual orientation. Donors will be asked about sexual history rather than sexual orientation. Six month deferral instead applies to everyone with new sexual partners.
  • Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    In 2014, U.S. District Judge John E. Jones III, who was appointed by President George W. Bush, ruled in favor of allowing same-sex couples to marry, and struck down Pennsylvania's ban on gay marriage.
  • May 19
    Same-sex adoption becomes legal.
    Individuals and couples may adopt though single parent or joint-adoption. Second parent adoption has been approved in lower courts.
  • Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    In 2014, Oregon legalized same-sex marriage.
  • May 12
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (1-year deferral).
    Before May 3, 2021, Finland had a one year deferral period.
  • April 29
    Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    Now, surgery is not required to change an individual's stated gender on their birth certificate.
  • April 23
    Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    Application requires a letter from a psychiatrist, a commissioned for oaths letter from the applicant, and $20. The Vital Statistics Act's surgical requirement was defeated in court.
  • April 15
    Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes recognized.
    India's Supreme Court has ruled to recognize a third gender commonly known as hijra. Indian passports display this with the descriptor "O" (other), with other identification documents also availble with "T" (transgender) and "TG" (third gender).
  • Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
  • Same-sex marriage becomes civil unions (marriage rights).
    Malta President Marie-Louise Colerio Preca signed a civil unions bill into law on April 15, 2014. The Labor Party ruled in favor of the bill at 37 to 0, while 30 abstained. According to a Eurostat poll, 80% of Maltese were said to oppose the law's provisions.
  • Same-sex adoption becomes legal.
    Same-sex adoption became legal in Malta along with civil unions on April 15, 2014.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes illegal.
    The Supreme Court of India recognized a third gender that individuals, including transgender persons can choose to identify themselves in official documents without surgery. This ruling does not however allow people to change their gender to male or female.
  • April 14
    Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    Since 2017.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    Also have a non-binary option for documents.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    Surgery not required since 2017.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    Since 2017.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    Since 2017.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    Since 2017.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    Since 2017.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    Since 2017.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    Surgery not required since 2017. it is preformed in India.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    Since 2017
  • Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    Since 2017.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    Since 2017.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    Since 2017.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    Since 2017.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    Since 2017.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    Since 2017.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    Since 2017.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    Since 2017.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    Since 2017.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    Since 2017.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    Since 2017.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    Since 2014
  • April 7
    Conversion therapy becomes not banned.
    it was introduced in 2014. Not clear.
  • March 28
    Same-sex marriage becomes civil unions (marriage rights).
    Civil Partnership Act 2014
  • March 6
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    MSMs are allowed to donate blood following the same criteria as any other donor.
  • March
    Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    Same-sex marriage is Legal in London, The UK.
  • February 26
    Same-sex marriage becomes unrecognized.
    Despite the supreme court ruling, the constitutional ban of same sex marriage in Texas is still valid.
  • February 24
    Homosexual activity becomes illegal (up to life in prison as punishment).
    Under this bill, "aggravated homosexuality" is punishable by imprisonment for life. Includes provisions which make it illegal to aid homosexuality, touch with the intent of homosexuality, and promote homosexuality. Allows extradition for homosexuality-related offenses. Earlier referred to internationally as the "Kill the Gays" bill when first proposed on October 13, 2009, life imprisonment was substituted for the death penalty following international pressure. Prior to this bill, homosexuality was illegal under Section 145 of the penal code, punishable by up to life imprisonment.
  • February 14
    Same-sex marriage becomes ambiguous.
    Same-sex marriage celebrated via judicial proceedings / court order.
  • January 23
    Same-sex marriage becomes ambiguous.
    Virginia Attorney General, Mark Herring, announces he will not defend ban on same-sex marriage as it violates equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution. Federal judge currently hearing arguments in court.
  • January 11
    LGBT employment discrimination becomes no protections.
    In Virginia public-sector jobs, discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity are made illegal by executive order. There are no state protections for private sector employees, and the attorney general has released an opinion stating that localities that have instituted protective policies are outside of their legislative powers.
  • January 7
    Same-sex marriage becomes banned.
    The Nigerian legislature unanimously approved the Same Sex Marriage (Prohibition) Act 2013, which explicitly criminalises same-sex unions.
  • January 6
    Same-sex marriage becomes ambiguous.
    US Supreme Court puts Utah gay marriage on hold, pending an appeal from the state.
  • January 5
    Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    government there just started cracking down.
  • Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    The stay on same-sex marriage ban is officially set to expire on January 5th 2015, allowing same sex couples to marry from this date forward.
  • January 2
    Right to change legal gender becomes ambiguous.
    Changing gender in Bahrain is very limited.
  • (date unknown)
    LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation only.
    Article 5 of the Ordinance for the Protection and Promotion of the Human Rights of South Chungcheongn Residents (2014) prohibits discrimination on the grounds enumerated in the National Human Rights Commission Act (2001), which includes "sexual orientation". The Ordinance was briefly unenforceable in 2018, but it was fully reinstated in October 2018.
  • January 1
    Gender-affirming care becomes legal, but restricted for minors.
    In Jersey, gender affirming surgery is performed off-island. If the individual decides to have the surgery through public funding, they must do it through an NHS transgender clinic in the UK, which has recently banned gender affirming treatment for children. Alternately they can choose to do the surgery privately and they can do this in any country.
  • Gender-affirming care becomes legal, but restricted for minors.
    The states of Guernsey will provide funding for off-island gender affirming care if they have a gender affirming certificate. Because this treatment is provided off-island, islanders are subject to UK law. Islanders are free to also have privately funded gender affirming care. Whilst Puberty Blockers are not outright banned, the states of Guernsey will not fund for minors to receive them so they would have to fund for them privately.
  • (date unknown)
    Gender-affirming care becomes legal.
    In 2014, Greece adopted the ICD-10 classification, which contains codes for diagnosing transsexualism in adulthood and childhood, which authorize the initiation of medical transition.
  • January 1
    Same-sex adoption becomes single only.
    Law no. 89/2012 Sb § 800 allows individuals to adopt children.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
  • LGBT housing discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
  • LGBT discrimination becomes illegal.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Missing Gender Identity Hate Crime Law.
  • LGBT housing discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Missing Gender Identity Hate crime Law.
  • LGBT discrimination becomes illegal.
    In all areas since 2014.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    All areas.
  • LGBT housing discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Under hate crime laws, in good and services and Under indiscriminant discrimination and hate speech.
  • LGBT discrimination becomes illegal.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
  • (date unknown)
    Conversion therapy becomes not banned.
    Conversion Theraphy is partially banned in the Occupied West Bank for Israeli Citizens but in the Gaza Strip and the areas of West Bank under the Palestinian Authorities there is no ban towards conversion theraphy for LGBT people.
  • LGBT discrimination becomes illegal.
    Protection for Sexual orientation province wide and gender identity and expression under bill C-16. Gender identity protection added to the provincial protections in 2014
  • January 1
    Homosexual activity becomes legal.
  • Homosexual activity becomes legal.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
  • Equal age of consent becomes equal.
    Set age of Consent.
  • Equal age of consent becomes female equal, male n/a.
    Set age of 16 years for same sexual activity between women and for heterosexual sexual activity. However male same sexual activity is illegal
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Sexual orientation only in Northern Cyprus.
  • LGBT housing discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (1-year deferral).
    After a review, the 5 years deferral was reduced to 12 months deferral.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes legal, but requires medical diagnosis.
    The Supreme Court of Justice ruled against the surgical requirement in the case "Ronit Liran-Shaked v. Ministry of Interior" (2014). A new policy was adopted to create an additional committee of psychology and medical professionals to decide on a case-by-case basis whether to allow the alteration of gender markers without surgery. A special psychological, medical and psychiatric committee decides for each application whether legal gender recognition can be authorised. According to ILGA, it is not clear what specific rules or procedures these committees adopt.
  • (date unknown)
    LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    State law provides for protections against employment discrimination in regards to both sexual orientation and gender identification.
  • LGBT housing discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Article 158 of Law No. 2002-73 (2002) amended Article 1 of Law No. 89-462 (1989) to prohibit a landowner from discriminating against tenants on the basis of "sexual orientation". In 2014, Law No. 2014-366 (2014) modified the provision, but kept the prohibition of discrimination based on "sexual orientation. In 2014, Law No. 2014-366 (2014) amended Article 1 of Law No. 89-462 (1989) to prohibit a landowner from discriminating against tenants on the grounds established by Article 225-1 of the Penal Code, which includes "gender identity"
  • Homosexual activity becomes illegal (death penalty as punishment).
    Even though the Yemeni Law says that only married Muslim man can be punished with the death penalty if the man is caught having a homosexual activity. Executions can occur in the country in the time during the Yemeni civil war by vigilante Islamist groups and controls. Women are punished up to three years of imprisonment; where the offense has been committed under duress, the punishment is up to seven years detention.

LGBT Organizations Founded in 2014

  • Day of Silence NZ Campaign FaviconDay of Silence NZ Campaign
    The Day of Silence Campaign is a non-violent protest for high school aged students, which aims to draw attention to the silencing effect on youth due to homophobic and…
  • Same Love FaviconSame Love
    Providing support for LGBTQIA and their parents and families. - Telephonic counselling - Face-to-face counselling & referrals - Factual information & resources - Talks and…
  • Rainbow Campaign FaviconRainbow Campaign
    Rainbow Campaign's mission is to harmonize the LGBT community behind projects, causes, and campaigns that make individual and group dreams come true. We believe that by…
  • Rainbow Campaign | The LGBT Crowdfunding Network FaviconRainbow Campaign | The LGBT Crowdfunding Network
    As the LGBT Crowdfunding Network, Rainbow Campaign
  • Rainbow Street FaviconRainbow Street
    Rainbow Street is a Jordanian-American organization that is a lifeline for exceptionally vulnerable LGBT refugees in the Middle East and North Africa. Rainbow Street works with…
  • GLAS Foundation FaviconGLAS Foundation
    GLAS /Gays and Lesbians Accepted in Society/ is a non-governmental organization which aims to deliver positive change for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in…
  • Türkiye LGBTİ Birliği FaviconTürkiye LGBTİ Birliği
    Lezbiyen, Gay, Biseksüel, Trans ve İnterseks, Eşcinsel Topluluk, Türkiye LGBTİ Birliği
  • Mawjoudin We Exist FaviconMawjoudin We Exist
    Mawjoudin was founded in 2014 by a group of young activists, feminists and LGB persons, who have been working together in other activist groups. We were alarmed by the situation…
  • Rainbow Tick FaviconRainbow Tick
    Rainbow Tick is a certification mark for organisations that complete a Diversity & Inclusion assessment process. The certification process tests whether a workplace understands…
  • Stonewall Democrats of Arizona FaviconStonewall Democrats of Arizona
    Arizona's LGBTQ Democrats. Stonewall Democrats supports candidates and elected officials friendly to the LGBTQI community who are in support of rights, equality and common sense…
  • Ogden Pride  FaviconOgden Pride
    Ogden Pride celebrates and supports the LGBTQ+ community, individuals and their families and allies in Northern Utah in building and strengthening inclusive communities. We are…
  • Kultura Równości FaviconKultura Równości
  • Agrupación Lésbica Rompiendo el Silencio FaviconAgrupación Lésbica Rompiendo el Silencio
    Lesbofeminist and inclusive organization of all those women (cis/trans), who identify emotionally/sexually and politically as lesbian or bisexual.
  • Feminita FaviconFeminita
    Feminita is an organization in Kazakhstan focusing on the LBQ(T)-women's rights but also covering women's and LGBTQIA+ rights.
  • Liberate FaviconLiberate
    Liberate is a Guernsey-registered charity established in 2014 to promote fairness and equality. Liberate also provides support for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer…