2016 in LGBT Rights

In 2016, there were 169 recorded legal changes made affecting LGBT people. In the previous year, there were 190 changes made and 200 in the following year. A total of 1344 legal changes were made in the 2010s.

  • December 28
    Right to change legal gender becomes legal, but requires surgery.
    In 2016, the UAE amended its federal medical liability law to permit sex reassignment surgery, but only in certain circumstances. The law specifies that these procedures should only be permitted for intersex individuals and not for purely psychiatric ones. The law also states that surgeons who operate on people who don't fit the requirements set forth by the same statute would be held criminally liable.
  • Same-sex adoption becomes single only.
    Adoption criteria in Myanmar only allows for married couples (same sex marriage is not recognised) or single people to adopt.
  • December 19
    LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
  • LGBT discrimination becomes illegal.
    The state Nuevo leon approves to promote and eliminate the discrimination.
  • December 15
    Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    Civil Marriage Amendment Act 2016
  • December 9
    LGBT discrimination becomes illegal in some contexts.
    Law 4443/2016 offered protection against discrimination only in the work and employment sectors.
  • LGBT housing discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Law 4443/2016 includes housing on the list of services that discrimination is prohibited. Although not mentioned directly, the law, later on, explains what direct discrimination can be.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    In December 9, 2016 the Hellenic Parliament passed the law 4443/2016, which added as 'suspicious' criteria of discrimination "color", "ethnic origin", "pedigree", "chronic disease", "marital status", "social status", "gender identity" and "gender characteristics", while the term “genetic orientation”, which was used in law 3304/2005, was corrected to sexual orientation. The concept of multiple discrimination was also standardized
  • December 6
    Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    Anyone who tries to "change, repress or eliminate a person's sexual orientation, gender identity and/or gender expression" will be fined up to 10,000 euros or even jailed for up to a year.
  • November 3
    Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    Connecticut has conversion therapy fully banned since a 2016 court decision.
  • November 2
    LGBT discrimination becomes illegal in some contexts.
    Banned as Hate Speech law but mostly not enforced. In 15 November 2022 Bullying children in schools is prohibited. Although the law does not specify any specifics, it is likely to include sexual orientation and identity.
  • October 31
    Same-sex adoption becomes single only.
    No restrictions. No laws in place for same sex couples. Legalization pending.
  • October 26
    Homosexual activity becomes illegal (imprisonment as punishment).
    A new Penal Code was adopted in 2016, punishing "unnatural acts" with imprisonment of 6 months to 3 years and/or a fine of 500,000 to 1,000,000 Guinean francs.
  • October 16
    Right to change legal gender becomes legal, but requires medical diagnosis.
    According to PROMSEX, a leading local organisation, the lack of a specific law regulating the legal recognition of gender means that "transgender people seeking recognition of their social name and gender have to resort to a judicial process in civil proceedings". A process described as "cumbersome, long and often full of stereotypes (...) [which] contains more steps and longer deadlines, leading to a longer time for the resolution of the case". Generally, court proceedings for legal gender recognition require a person to undergo gender affirmative surgery and other pathologising requirements. In July 2020, the Third Transitory Constitutional Court of the Superior Court of Lima ordered in its Judgment No. 12 (2020) that the National Registry of Identification and Civil Status (RENIEC) must develop a procedure to rectify the name, sex and image components of the ID documents of trans and intersex persons, through an administrative procedure without pathologising requirements. However, RENIEC appealed this judgment and the final resolution is still pending. In 2021, five years after it was originally submitted, the Parliamentary Commission for Women and Family of the Peruvian Congress provided its opinion on the Gender Identity Bill (Bill No. 790-2016) (2016). As of January 2023, the bill is still pending. Moroever, in September of 2021, local media reported that for the first time in Peruvian history, a civil court ruled in favour of a trans woman who requested to change her name and sex on her DNI without undergoing gender affirmation surgery. (ILGA)
  • October 13
    Same-sex marriage becomes varies by region.
    Antarctica has no permanent human population or government and applicable laws are mostly based on a person's nationality due to the Antarctic Treaty System. However, since 13 October 2016 same sex marriage has been legal and possible in the British Antarctic Territory.
  • October 11
    Same-sex adoption becomes single only.
    No restrictions. No laws in place for same sex couples. Legalization pending.
  • September 28
    Conversion therapy becomes not banned.
    Conversion therapy ban pending.
  • September 27
    LGBT housing discrimination becomes ambiguous.
    Ambiguous, constitutional definitions very vague.
  • September 26
    Same-sex adoption becomes legal.
    same-sex couple can adopt
  • September 16
    Equal age of consent becomes equal.
    Following the amendment in the Queensland Criminal Code, the age of consent is now equal across all states and territories of Australia.
  • September 14
    LGBT housing discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Under federal law.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Under federal law.
  • LGBT discrimination becomes illegal.
    Under federal law.
  • LGBT housing discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Under federal law.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Under federal law.
  • LGBT discrimination becomes illegal.
    Under federal law.
  • LGBT housing discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Under federal law.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Under federal law.
  • LGBT discrimination becomes illegal.
    Under federal law.
  • LGBT discrimination becomes illegal.
    In July 2016, the Bosnian Parliament adopted a bill amending Anti-Discrimination Law to explicitly prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity and sex characteristics.
  • LGBT housing discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    After the 2016 amendment to the Law on Prohibition of Discrimination, the LGBT population became protected on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity and sex characteristics in the field of Housing, among other areas.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    After the 2016 amendment to the Law on Prohibition of Discrimination, the LGBT population became protected on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity and sex characteristics in the field of Employment, among other areas.
  • September 10
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (1-year deferral).
    According to the BBC.
  • Same-sex adoption becomes legal.
    The law 259 allows same-sex adoption
  • September 7
    Conversion therapy becomes not banned.
    Not banned in this state.
  • Conversion therapy becomes not banned.
    Not criminalized in this state.
  • Conversion therapy becomes not banned.
    Only in Milwaukee.
  • Conversion therapy becomes ambiguous.
  • Conversion therapy becomes not banned.
    Just got vetoed by the current governor.
  • Conversion therapy becomes ambiguous.
    in a few cities. an in one county. Not criminalized state wide.
  • Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    Bill outlawing conversion therapy on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity just got signed by the governor.
  • September 6
    Right to change legal gender becomes illegal.
    illegal completely
  • Conversion therapy becomes ambiguous.
    Not legal but unenforced.
  • September 1
    Same-sex adoption becomes legal.
    Adoption by same-sex couples legal since 1 September 2016 under the Adoption Amendment (Adoption by Same-Sex Couples) Act 2015.
  • August 23
    Intersex infant surgery becomes not banned.
    In 2016, Circular No. 18 was replaced by Circular No. 7. This allowed for surgeries to be performed on intersex youth again.
  • August 11
    Censorship of LGBT issues becomes imprisonment as punishment.
    Section 34 of the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act (2016) empowers the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority to remove or block content if deemed necessary for the "glory of Islam, public order, decency, or morality." However, prior to this law, the government had already been censoring LGB-related content online and in the media. Punishment for spreading this type of content, looking at it, if you gain access to banned content, etc, is 3 or more months in jail.
  • August 10
    LGBT employment discrimination becomes ambiguous.
    under city discrimination protections only. protections under sexual orientation under Nebraska hate crime law.
  • LGBT housing discrimination becomes ambiguous.
    under city housing discrimination protections. as well as under hate crime law. pending statewide.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes ambiguous.
    Full protection under hate crime law. Only full discrimination protections under city protections. only protection under state employment is sexual orientation.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    State employment discriminaiton protections for sexual orientation and gender idneitty and gender expression since June 13, 2018. some under city protections for sexual orientation and gender identity. under hate crime law for sexual orientation. complete protection under federal hate crime law.
  • Equal age of consent becomes equal.
    The age of consent was equalized when the Supreme Court struck down the sodomy law and granted non-discrimination rights in the constituion under grounds of sexual orientation for LGBT individuals.
  • Homosexual activity becomes legal.
    On August 10th 2016, after 6 years of pending the Belizean Supreme Court ruled in favor of Caleb Orosco in the landmark Orozco v Attorney General case. The court struck down Section 53 of the Belize code which criminalized sodomy emphasizing the rights of privacy, equality and dignity which Belizeans possess, in the process also expanding the definiton of sex in the constitution to include sexual orientation. It was the last sodomy law in Central America to be struck down.
  • LGBT discrimination becomes illegal in some contexts.
    there is local protections in the city of Atlanta and Macon-Bib county. under section VII under sex discrimination covers sexual orientation and gender identity. As well under section IX. Full state employment discrimination protections pending. gender identity discrimination protection under Glenn v. Brumby
  • LGBT discrimination becomes illegal in some contexts.
    Full state discrimination protections for sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression since June 13, 2018.They have only city protections. as well as protection under federal and Louisiana hate crime law for sexual orientation. Also in Full city discrimination protection in two cities. Full Employment, Housing and Public accommodations state wide discrimination protections pending.
  • LGBT discrimination becomes illegal in some contexts.
    under City discrimination protections.
  • LGBT discrimination becomes illegal in some contexts.
    Some counties and towns in WV have anti-discriminatory laws, but not the entire state.
  • LGBT discrimination becomes illegal in some contexts.
    city discrimination protections in the city of Lamorie, Jackson.
  • LGBT discrimination becomes ambiguous.
    Only city discrimination protections in Omaha. As well sexual orientation and gender identity under Federal hate crime law. Sexual orientation under Nebraska Hate crime law. Full state discrimination protections pending statewide.
  • LGBT discrimination becomes illegal in some contexts.
    in the city of Norman for sexual orientation discrimination protections. as well as the Oklahoma city and Tulsa. Full state employment discrimination protections pending.
  • LGBT discrimination becomes illegal in some contexts.
    14 cities have sexual discrimination protections. 13 cities have gender identity discrimination protection. full protections under Missouri's hate crime law. State employment discrimination protections pending. Court decision pending. pending statewide.
  • LGBT discrimination becomes illegal in some contexts.
    Only state protections for sexual orientation. Sexual orientation under state hate crime law. As well under sex discrimination under Section VII. Also under federal hate crime law for sexual orientation and gender identity. State discrimination protections state wide pending. Gender identity discrimination protection under Schwenk v. Hartford. Full employment discrimination protections pending.
  • August 8
    Right to change legal gender becomes legal, but requires medical diagnosis.
    Under Pennsylvania’s new policy, which is similar to the process for updating gender markers on US passports, proof of sex reassignment surgery is no longer a requirement in changing one’s gender on their birth certificate. Individuals with a Pennsylvania birth certificate can update the gender by having their physician submit a letter stating that they have had appropriate clinical treatment for gender transition. Information about specific treatment is not required, but it can include counseling related to gender identity or living in accordance with their gender identity.
  • August 1
    Right to change legal gender becomes legal, but requires medical diagnosis.
    On 25 November 2015, a law was proposed that would allow transgender people to change their legal name and sex. On 19 May 2016, the Chamber of Deputies passed the Gender Identity Law (Spanish: Ley de Identidad de Género). One day later, the Chamber of Senators passed the measure by simple majority votes. On 21 May 2016, the legislation was signed into law by Vice President Álvaro García Linera, and it took effect on 1 August 2016. In October 2016, the Bolivian Congress debated whether to repeal it. The law allows individuals over 18 to legally change their name, sex and photography on legal documents. A psychological test proving that the person knows and voluntarily assumes the change of identity is required, but sex reassignment surgery is not. The process is confidential and must be carried out before the Civil Registry Service. The processing of the new documentation will take 15 days. The change of name and sex will be reversible once, after which they cannot modify these data again.
  • July 31
    Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    it is one of the many states that have banned conversion therapy.
  • July 30
    LGBT discrimination becomes illegal in some contexts.
    Discrimination protection for state employees. as well complete city protections in 4 cities. As well in 1 county. Federal sex discrimination protection under section VII. Sexual orientation and gender identity under federal hate crime law.
  • July 25
    LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    BC Legislature passed a bill adding gender identity to protected class in the BC Human Rights Code
  • LGBT housing discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    BC Legislature passed a bill to include gender identity in the protected class for BC Human Rights Code
  • July 24
    Same-sex adoption becomes legal.
    Under the LGBT Adoption Laws Hawaii
  • July 23
    LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Some discrimination protection through sex discrimination protection.
  • Same-sex adoption becomes legal.
    Under supreme court ruling.
  • July 22
    Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    Legalised by the Marriage and Civil Partnership Act 2016.
  • July 15
    LGBT housing discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    under the new Brunswick human rights code.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Under the New Brunswick Human Right Code
  • July 10
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (1-year deferral).
    Proposed in 2015, the indefinite deferral was replaced by a 1 year deferral in 2016.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (1-year deferral).
    Legalization pending.
  • July 1
    Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    Under Norway rules.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    Under Norway rules.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    Surgery is no longer required as of July 1st, 2016.
  • Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    On March 17, 2016, the Vermont Senate unanimously approved S.132.
  • June 22
    Same-sex adoption becomes second parent adoption only.
    On June 22, 2016 the Supreme Court of Cassation stated that same sex couples in a civil union should be able to adopt their partner’s child for the child’s best interest. Same-sex couples can also apply for foster care since no law prohibits it.
  • Same-sex adoption becomes second parent adoption only.
    On June 22, 2016 the Court of Cassation stated that same sex couples in a civil union should be able to adopt their partner’s child for the child’s best interest. Same-sex couples can also apply for foster care since no law prohibits it.
  • June 20
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (1-year deferral).
    Following Canadian Blood Services guidelines.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (1-year deferral).
    Following Canadian Blood Services guidelines.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (1-year deferral).
    Following Canadian Blood Services guidelines.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (1-year deferral).
    Following the Canadian Blood Services guidelines.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (1-year deferral).
    Following the Canadian Blood Services guidelines.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (1-year deferral).
    Health Canada approved Canadian Blood Services’ proposal to reduce the blood donation ineligibility period for men who have sex with men from five years to one year.
  • June 17
    Right to change legal gender becomes varies by region.
    Many U.S. jurisdictions require gender-affirming surgery before the person's legal sex can be changed It is important to note that surgery is not universally required to change legal sex under federal law or in some states. However, a health professional's certification may be necessary. It is essential to consult the specific laws and guidelines of your state for accurate information on the legal requirements for changing gender markers and identity documents. There is no federal law on right to change gender, varies by region
  • June 16
    Right to change legal gender becomes legal, but requires medical diagnosis.
    Surgery is not required to legally change your gender in Sri Lanka, however expert testimony/diagnoses is required.
  • June 10
    LGBT discrimination becomes illegal in some contexts.
    The Leadership Code Act 2016, which was passed in June 2016, states that a "leader" must not "discriminate between persons participating in or seeking to participate in Government on account of their age, race, ethnicity, gender, disability, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, place of origin or political beliefs or opinions". The term "leader" includes the office of president, speaker and deputy speaker of parliament, cabinet minister, member of parliament, judicial officers, ambassadors, electoral commissioners, commissioner of police, chief justice, etc.
  • June 3
    Homosexual activity becomes legal.
    In May 2016, the parliament enacted the "Crimes Act 2016" which does not contain provisions criminalizing same-sex sexual activity
  • May 27
    LGBT housing discrimination becomes no protections.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes no protections.
  • May 24
    LGBT discrimination becomes illegal.
    Article 1 of the Protection Against Discrimination Act adopted on April 21, 2016, prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity and expression in public and private spheres concerning all activities in the political, economic, social, cultural, civil and other fields.
  • LGBT housing discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Article 2 of the Protection against Discrimination Act from 2016 bans discrimination in Housing. Discrimination is prohibited on basis of sexual orientation, gender identity and expression among others.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Article 2 of the Protection against Discrimination Act from 2016 bans labour discrimination. Discrimination is prohibited on basis of sexual orientation, gender identity and expression among others.
  • May 20
    Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    Same-Sex Marriage became legal in Campeche on May 20,2016 after a vote of 34-1
  • May 18
    Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    Approved by the Congress of the State of Michoacán, with 26 votes in favor, no opposition and 7 abstentions on May 18, 2016.
  • Homosexual activity becomes legal.
    The parliament was expected to consider the measure within few months. The Attorney General Ronny Govinden ruled out a referendum on the issue. The bill was approved on 18 May 2016.
  • May 17
    Censorship of LGBT issues becomes state-enforced.
    The Law on the Protection of Children from Information Harmful to their Health and Development (2016) which came into effect in July 2017, prohibits the dissemination of information that “discredits the institution of family and marriage”. In 2020, the Ministry of Health endorsed a proposal to introduce administrative and criminal liability for the dissemination of information that "discredits the institution of family and marriage".
  • Equal age of consent becomes unequal.
    Age of consent is not equal, at 13 for heterosexuals and 21 for homosexuals.
  • May 14
    LGBT discrimination becomes illegal.
  • May 12
    Conversion therapy becomes sexual orientation only.
    Under Nauru's Mentally Disordered Persons Act (2016), a person cannot be deemed mentally disordered for expressing or failing to express a sexual preference or orientation, which means that health professionals cannot practice conversion therapy.
  • Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    Same-Sex Marriage was legal in Sonora for 6 days before the governor announced to keep the policy before which was to get a court order.
  • Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    Same-Sex Marriage became legal in Jalisco on May 12,2016 after The Mexican Supreme Court legalized it in the state
  • May 11
    Same-sex marriage becomes civil unions (marriage rights).
    The law on same sex civil partnerships was adopted nationwide on May 11 2016. The law recognizes same-sex couples as a family and they became equal to married couples in everything except in the adoption of children. However a court can still allow second parent adoption.
  • Same-sex marriage becomes civil unions (marriage rights).
    Italy's parliament has backed same-sex civil unions. MPs in the lower house voted 369-193 for the government, ensuring that the civil unions bill will become law. Civil unions gave gay couples all the rights and duties of marriage except joint adoption. Trentino Alto Adige will experience the same situation
  • Same-sex marriage becomes civil unions (marriage rights).
    civil unions with all the rights of marriage exept adoption
  • Same-sex marriage becomes civil unions (marriage rights).
    The law on same sex civil partnerships was adopted on May 11 2016. The law recognizes same-sex couples as a family and they became equal to married couples in everything except in the adoption of children. However a court can still allow second parent adoption.
  • May 9
    Conversion therapy becomes not banned.
    Condemned by the American Psychiatrical society under new policies passed in June 2018.
  • April 28
    Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    "The judges affirmed by a majority that marriage between people of the same sex does not violate the constitutional order," judge Maria Victoria Calle said.
  • April 22
    Same-sex marriage becomes unrecognized.
    from a ruling in the supreme Botswana Court. legalization rejected.
  • April 20
    Conversion therapy becomes not banned.
    Conversion therapy ban pending.
  • April 13
    Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    Since April 13th 2016, it is no longer necessary to have undergone surgeries to be able to change one's gender marker in PEI.
  • April 12
    Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    Since April 12th 2016, it is no longer required in Newfoundland and Labrador to undergo surgeries to change one's gender marker.
  • April 1
    Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    On April 1st, 2016, the Marriage Act came into effect after being unanimously voted in favor of the previous year.
  • March 31
    Same-sex adoption becomes legal.
    Federal Judge ruled that the ban on same sex couple adopting was unconstitutional
  • March 23
    LGBT housing discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    illegal under regional law
  • LGBT discrimination becomes illegal.
    illegal under regional law
  • March 17
    Conversion therapy becomes not banned.
    Botswana Court of Appeal Denied Ban.
  • March 6
    LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation only.
    Only sexual orientation
  • LGBT discrimination becomes illegal.
  • March
    Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes not legally recognized.
    French Law Applies.
  • Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes not legally recognized.
    French Law Applies.
  • Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes not legally recognized.
    French Law Applies.
  • Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes not legally recognized.
    Non-binary gender is not available. In 2023, the European Court of Human Rights decided in the judgment "Y. v. France" (2023) on the legal recognition of the gender of an intersex person. Specifically, on the case of a person who had been refused by French authorities the possibility to modify their gender marker to reflect the term "neutral" or "intersex". The ECHR rejected that such a decision was in breach of the European Convention on Human Rights, stating that, given the relevance of such a change to the otherwise binary French legal system, it was for the French state itself to reform its legislation beforehand. However, it acknowledged that future developments in Council of Europe member states could change its interpretation. A court ruled in August 2015 that an intersex plaintiff who was designated male at birth, could use the term “neutral gender” on personal official documents. This decision was overturned by a French appeals court.
  • March 1
    Same-sex adoption becomes legal.
    Now same sex adoption is possible for not only individuals but same sex couples.
  • February 25
    Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    Since February 25th 2016, the requirements for legally changing one's gender marker no longer includes surgeries in Saskatchewan.
  • February 24
    Conversion therapy becomes not banned.
    Not criminalized anywhere in central Midwest.
  • February 16
    Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes recognized.
    Individuals in Australian Capital Territory can request an X gender marker on their birth certificate.
  • February 4
    Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    Since 2016, transgender persons are allowed to change their birth name and gender identity (instead of the sex assigned at birth) on legal documents.
  • February 1
    Conversion therapy becomes not banned.
    Not criminalized in Georgia.
  • LGBT housing discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Under the Revised Peru Criminal Code.
  • January 1
    LGBT housing discrimination becomes no protections.
    Russia has no protections for housing discrimination, President Putin has supported laws to censor Russian LGBTQ media and laws.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (indefinite deferral).
    Homosexual activity is punishable by death in Mauritania, blood donations from MSM cannot be possible.
  • Gender-affirming care becomes legal.
    In Western Sahara, medical gender transitions are framed by a circular issued by the Ministry of Health in 2016. This circular allows transgender people to access medical treatments such as hormone therapy and sex reassignment surgery, under certain conditions and after obtaining the advice of several specialists. The ICD-10 classification, containing codes for diagnosing transsexualism in adulthood and childhood, governs medical gender transitions in Western Sahara.
  • (date unknown)
    Gender-affirming care becomes legal.
    In 2016, Tajikistan adopted the ICD-10 classification, which contains codes for diagnosing transsexualism in adulthood and childhood, which authorize the initiation of medical transition.
  • Gender-affirming care becomes legal.
    In 2016, Mongolia adopted the ICD-10 classification, which contains codes for diagnosing transsexualism in adulthood and childhood, which authorize the initiation of medical transition.
  • LGBT discrimination becomes illegal in some contexts.
    Some specific laws and decrees contemplate in their articles the prohibition of discrimination or protection based on sexual orientation or gender identity, such as: Decree 6973 regulating Law 577/2016 on "Comprehensive protection of women against all forms of violence", in its article 3 on "Protected persons" establishes that the protection of women in situations of violence without any kind of discrimination based on sexual orientation; Law 6149/2018 on Protection and Facilities for the Naturalization of Stateless Persons, in its article 9 on "Non-discrimination" establishes that: "The authorities will guarantee the free and full exercise of all the rights recognized in this law to the stateless person or applicant for recognition of such a condition that is subject to the jurisdiction of the country, without any discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity."; Law 6534/2020 on the Protection of Personal Credit Data, in its article 3(b) defines as sensitive personal data "Those that refer to the intimate sphere of its owner, or whose improper use may give rise to discrimination or entail a serious risk personal data that may reveal aspects such as <...> data related to health, life, preference or sexual orientation, <...>."
  • January
    Same-sex adoption becomes legal.
    According to the advocacy organizations, the Family Equality Council and Equality Texas and the non-profit legal services provider Texas Legal Services Center, same-sex couples are able to adopt as a couple if they are legally married.
  • (date unknown)
    Censorship of LGBT issues becomes state-enforced.
    Section 264 of the Penal Code (2016) criminalises the public utterance of any “immoral speech” and the drawing of the public’s attention to any “occasion of immorality”. In light of the criminalisation of same-sex intimacy, a legal scholar has suggested that a publicly uttered speech advocating “unnatural sexual indulgence” would be considered “immoral”.
  • January
    Right to change legal gender becomes legal, but requires surgery.
    As well as requiring gender reassignment surgery, they must also be unmarried and not have children.
  • January 1
    Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    As of Oct 2016.
  • Equal age of consent becomes equal.
    Since 2016.
  • Equal age of consent becomes equal.
    Equal age of consent since 2016.
  • January
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (1-year deferral).
    Following the Canadian Blood Services guidelines.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (1-year deferral).
    Following Canadian Blood Services guidelines.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (1-year deferral).
    All across Canada.
  • (date unknown)
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (1-year deferral).
    Following Canadian Blood Services guidelines.
  • January 1
    LGBT discrimination becomes illegal.
    Full discrimination protections.
  • Same-sex adoption becomes legal.
    As a Joint Adoption.
  • Same-sex adoption becomes legal.
    Joint adoption here.
  • (date unknown)
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (1-year deferral).
    Following the Canadian Blood Services guidelines.
  • January
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (1-year deferral).
    Following the Canadian Blood Services guidelines.
  • January 1
    LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Under the Chilean Labor code.
  • (date unknown)
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (1-year deferral).
    Following Canadian Blood Services guidelines.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (1-year deferral).
    Following Canadian Blood Services guidelines.
  • January 1
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    As part of Indonesia.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation only.
    Article 2 of the Law on Labour Procedural Reform (Law No. 9,343) (2016) amended Article 404 of the Labour Code to include sexual orientation among prohibited grounds for discrimination in employment.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    just recently lifted the ban
  • Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    No deferral.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes legal, but requires medical diagnosis.
    Since December 2016, new identity documents are issued before surgery is conducted. This followed an August 2016 ruling which ordered changes requested by two transgender people to their passports and all other documents without requiring them to undergo surgery. Transgender individuals who are married or have an underage child can also apply for transition. Previously, all applicants needed permission from a special commission of the Ministry of Healthcare, had to spend 30 days in a psychiatric hospital (usually placed in the same wards with patients considered "mentally ill"), and needed to be "diagnosed with transsexuality"; this is no longer required.
  • LGBT discrimination becomes illegal in some contexts.
    Article 283(1)(6) of the Penal Code (1987), as amended by Law No. 14 (2016), bans acts of discrimination based on sexual orientation in in the provision of goods and services. Article 283 criminalises public incitement to hatred or discrimination based on sexual orientation.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes ambiguous.
    In Malaysia, there have been different court decisions about legal gender recognition applications, with inconsistent results. In addition, fatwas (religious edicts or opinions) on transgender persons issued by either state Fatwa Committees or the Fatwa Committee of the National Council for Islamic Religious Affairs of Malaysia carry weight in public opinion and government policies, influencing the outcomes of these cases. Fatwas can even become law if published in the State Gazette. The most progressive case on the matter was JG v Pengarah Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara (“JG”) (2005). The court followed the Australian case of "Re Kevin" and rejected the "Corbett" view of sex as immutably fixed at birth. In the absence of legislative guidance, the court held that medical experts should determine gender, and with both physical and psychological aspects examined by doctors, the court found that the applicant was female and allowed to change the last number on her Identity Card (marking her as female). However, the reasoning in "Re JG" is not always found instructive in other courts hearing legal gender recognition cases. In 2013, in Kristie Chan v. Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara (2013), the Court of Appeals rejected a gender recognition application by a transgender woman who had undergone gender affirming surgeries overseas. The court did so on the ground that there was no medical evidence from Malaysian experts on whether gender affirming surgery “changes a person’s gender”. In 2016, another High Court level case, Tan Pooi Yee v. Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara (2016) allowed a transgender man to obtain legal gender recognition after evidence of surgeries, finding the court’s standard of proof in "Re Kristie Chan", which insisted on chromosomal requirements, to be “impossible” and “unjust”. However, in 2017, the Court of Appeal found in favour of the National Registration Department (the government body that issues national identity documents) when it appealed that High Court decision. In 2021, several ministries including the Prime Minister's Department rejected SUHAKAM's (the Human Rights Commision of Malaysia) proposal to conduct a study on the feasibility of specific laws in Malaysia to recognise transgender people. They said that "recognition of the third gender should not be allowed" and that such a campaign is "inappropriate" in the Malaysian context.
  • Same-sex marriage becomes civil unions (limited rights).
    A civil partnership law was passed and took effect on January 1, 2016, however the laws for the implementation of civil unions were never passed, leaving same sex couples with limited rights.
  • (date unknown)
    Same-sex marriage becomes banned.
    Same-sex marriage is not legal in the Central African Republic.

LGBT Organizations Founded in 2016

  • Planet Ally FaviconPlanet Ally
    Founded in Hong Kong in 2016, and now based in Australia, our mission is to live on a planet of allies. We are a queer feminist-led international nonprofit dedicated to…
  • LGBTI Sey FaviconLGBTI Sey
    Our vision for Seychelles is to be a country where all people are accepted and affirmed, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity
  • Planet Ally  FaviconPlanet Ally
    Planet Ally, is a mobile website (in development), that focuses on travel and the LGBTIQ community, with a particular focus on allyship and solidarity. Planet Ally is a…
  • Victorian Pride Centre FaviconVictorian Pride Centre
    The Victorian Pride Centre will showcase Victoria
  • Metro Manila Pride FaviconMetro Manila Pride
    Metro Manila Pride's aim is to create safe, informative, educational, affirming, intersectional, and empowering spaces for LGBTQIA+ Filipinos. We work towards a future that…
  • Body and data FaviconBody and data
    Body & Data is focused on issues of women and queer in internet; creating a free, open and just Internet that respects autonomy of individuals that upholds their dignity.
  • The Philippine LGBT Chamber of Commerce FaviconThe Philippine LGBT Chamber of Commerce
    Our goal is to champion the LGBT Contribution in Philippine Business. The Philippine LGBT Chamber of Commerce is an industry organization of businesses of, by, and for the…
  • ΛΟΑΤ ΑμεΑ FaviconΛΟΑΤ ΑμεΑ
    Focuses on the rights and visibility of LGBT PwD.
  • Da se zna! FaviconDa se zna!
    Dasezna provides support for LGBT+ people through improving the efficiency of the protection system and advocating for an appropriate response from the competent authorities.
  • Genç LGBTİ+ Derneği FaviconGenç LGBTİ+ Derneği
    Young Lesbian Gay Bisexual Trans Intersex Youth Studies and Solidarity Association (short name Young LGBTI+ Association) was established in İzmir in 2016 with the aim of…