PersianArchitecture Editor

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PersianArchitecture edited an entry in Switzerland.
"current 2 cantons with converision therapy bans"
Conversion therapy: Varies by Region from May 16, 2024 to (none).
On May 2, 2023 Neuchâtel banned conversion therapy. Valais Canton banned conversion therapy through the Cantonal parliament on the 16th of May 2024. Neuchâtel and Valais are cantons of…
PersianArchitecture edited an entry in Switzerland.
"changing date since another canton added conversion therapy ban"
Conversion therapy: Varies by Region from May 2, 2023 to May 16, 2024.
On this date, Neuchâtel banned conversion therapy. Neuchâtel is a canton of Switzerland, of which there are 26. In the other 25 member states of the Swiss Confederation, conversion therapy remains…
PersianArchitecture created an entry in Switzerland.
Conversion therapy: Varies by Region from Apr 6, 2023 to May 1, 2023.
On May 2, 2023 Neuchâtel banned conversion therapy. Valais Canton banned conversion therapy through the Cantonal parliament on the 16th of May 2024. Neuchâtel and Valais are cantons of…
PersianArchitecture edited an entry in region.
"Still unequal in Namibia at this time"
Equal age of consent: Unequal from May 17, 2024 to (none).
Windhoek High Court judges Nate Ndauendapo, Shafimana Ueitele and Claudia Claasen will decide whether or not to keep the country's anti-sodomy law in place on May 17, 2024.
PersianArchitecture edited an entry in region.
"Still illegal in Namibia at this time"
Homosexual activity: Male illegal, female legal from May 17, 2024 to (none).
On November 1, 2023, Windhoek High Court judges Nate Ndauendapo, Shafimana Ueitele and Claudia Claasen announced that they will reserve the judgement on May 17, 2024.
PersianArchitecture edited an entry in Namibia.
"making this edit and adding sources so current entry can be deleted until the judgement is actually posted"
Homosexual activity: Male illegal, female legal from Mar 21, 1990 to May 17, 2024.
When Namibia gained independence from South Africa in 1990, they inherited the Roman-Dutch common law. The law criminalizes sodomy and unnatural sexual offences. This law is only applied toward…
PersianArchitecture created an entry in Belize.
Equal age of consent: Unequal from Jan 1, 2003 to Aug 10, 2016.
Section 53 of the Belizean Penal Code criminalized sodomy until being striked down in 2016, coincidely with this illegality the age of consent was unequal.
PersianArchitecture edited an entry in Belize.
"adding penal code pdf"
Homosexual activity: Illegal (imprisonment as punishment) from Jan 1, 2003 to Aug 10, 2016.
The Section 53 of the Belize Criminal Code states that all kinds of sexual acts, except for the natural sex, are illegal. People found guilty are liable for a 10-year imprisonment. "Every person…
PersianArchitecture edited an entry in Belize.
"adding penal code PDF "
Homosexual activity: Legal from Aug 10, 2016 to (none).
On August 10th 2016, after 6 years of pending the Belizean Supreme Court ruled in favor of Caleb Orosco in the landmark Orozco v Attorney General case. The court struck down Section 53 of the Belize…
PersianArchitecture edited an entry in Belize.
"adding sources and more information"
Equal age of consent: Equal from Aug 10, 2016 to (none).
The age of consent was equalized when the Supreme Court struck down the sodomy law and granted non-discrimination rights in the constituion under grounds of sexual orientation for LGBT individuals.
PersianArchitecture edited an entry in Belize.
"changing information to current laws and removing ilga source"
LGBT housing discrimination: Sexual orientation only from (unknown) to (none).
The constitution of Belize grants fundamental rights to all Belizeans, forbiding discrimination based on race, place of origin, political opinions, colour, creed or sex and emphasizing all Belizeans…
PersianArchitecture edited an entry in Belize.
"changing information to current laws"
LGBT employment discrimination: Sexual orientation only from (unknown) to (none).
The constitution of Belize grants fundamental rights to all Belizeans, forbiding discrimination based on race, place of origin, political opinions, colour, creed or sex and emphasizing all Belizeans…
PersianArchitecture edited an entry in Belize.
"adding judgement pdf and constitution"
Homosexual activity: Legal from Aug 10, 2016 to (none).
On August 10th 2016, after 6 years of pending the Belizean Supreme Court ruled in favor of Caleb Orosco in the landmark Orozco v Attorney General case. The court struck down Section 53 of the Belize…
PersianArchitecture edited an entry in Belize.
"expanding information with current laws"
LGBT discrimination: Illegal in some contexts from (unknown) to (none).
The constitution of Belize grants fundamental rights to all Belizeans, forbiding discrimination based on race, place of origin, political opinions, colour, creed or sex and emphasizing all Belizeans…
PersianArchitecture edited an entry in Belize.
"adding more information"
Homosexual activity: Legal from Aug 10, 2016 to (none).
On August 10th 2016, after 6 years of pending the Belizean Supreme Court ruled in favor of Caleb Orosco in the landmark Orozco v Attorney General case. The court struck down Section 53 of the Belize…
PersianArchitecture edited an entry in Belize.
"adding more information"
Homosexual activity: Legal from Aug 10, 2016 to (none).
On August 10th 2016, after 6 years of pending the Belizean Supreme Court ruled in favor of Caleb Orosco in the landmark Orozco v Attorney General case. The court struck down Section 53 of the Belize…
PersianArchitecture edited an entry in Venezuela.
"adding more information and removing ilga source"
Right to change legal gender: Illegal from (unknown) to (none).
In Venezuela, the law currently does not allow gender marker change in identification documents. Article 146 of the Civil Registry Law nominally allows the change of name based on gender but…
PersianArchitecture edited an entry in Venezuela.
"updating entry a bit more"
LGBT discrimination: Illegal in some contexts from Apr 30, 2012 to (none).
Sexual orientation is protected in various realms in Venezuela, including employment, banking, prohibition of incitement and housing. Comprehensive LGBT protections have been proposed in…
PersianArchitecture edited an entry in Venezuela.
"fixing dead sources and adding more info"
LGBT employment discrimination: Sexual orientation only from Apr 30, 2012 to (none).
Labour law protects sexual minority individuals from discrimination and protections were granted based on sexual option in 1996. Gender identity is not explicitly stated however.
PersianArchitecture edited an entry in Venezuela.
"Discrimination protection situation in the country, and changing dead links"
LGBT discrimination: Illegal in some contexts from Apr 30, 2012 to (none).
Sexual orientation is protected in various realms in Venezuela, including employment, banking, and housing. Comprehensive LGBT protections have been proposed in constitutional reforms or legislation…
PersianArchitecture edited an entry in Venezuela.
"Adding history on failed attempts to legislate on civil unions or marriage."
Same-sex marriage: Banned from Dec 30, 1999 to (none).
Article 77 of the constitution states that marriage is a union between a man and a woman. It also limits de facto unions to opposite-sex couples only. Article 77 of the Constitution reads as…
PersianArchitecture edited an entry in Venezuela.
"History of legality of homosexuality in Venezuela"
Homosexual activity: Legal from (unknown) to (none).
Venezuela is one of only two South American countries to never punish homosexuality since their formation as a sovereign state. (The other being Bolivia) The only cases of homosexuals being…
PersianArchitecture edited an entry in Haiti.
"Haiti does have a military"
Serving openly in military: Ambiguous from (unknown) to (none).
Haiti does have a small armed forces. There is nothing to suggest LGBT individuals can't enlist in the military but there are also no known cases of LGBT individuals in the Haitian Armed Forces.
PersianArchitecture edited an entry in Haiti.
"Replacing dead source with information that may be of more value"
Same-sex adoption: Single only from (unknown) to (none).
Same-sex adoption is banned, however nothing in Haitian law suggests LGBT singles are incapable of adoption.
PersianArchitecture edited an entry in Haiti.
"removing unneccesary ilga source"
Right to change legal gender: Illegal from (unknown) to (none).
Legal gender change is illegal in Haiti. Activists have campaigned for legislation in recent years.
PersianArchitecture edited an entry in Haiti.
"Some history on the campaign for marriage equality in Haiti"
Same-sex marriage: Banned from (unknown) to (none).
Same sex marriage is not legal in Haiti, and upon announcement of plans to lobby for the right in 2013, advocates were met with a stream of religious backlash. In 2017, the Haitian Senate approved a…
PersianArchitecture edited an entry in Haiti.
"more information on censorship status"
Censorship of LGBT issues: No censorship from (unknown) to (none).
In Haiti, there are no laws restricting the discussion or promotion of LGBTQ+ topics. Despite this, authorities have cracked down on some LGBT activities in the past. In 2016, a Haitian LGBT…
PersianArchitecture edited an entry in Haiti.
"Changing back to legal"
Blood donations by MSMs: Legal from (unknown) to (none).
There are no known policies barring homosexuals from donating blood, but blood donations themselves seem tedious to provide, the nation has found itself in constant shortage in recent decades.
PersianArchitecture edited an entry in Haiti.
"Adding some information on a vague category"
Blood donations by MSMs: Ambiguous from (unknown) to (none).
There are no known policies barring homosexuals from donating blood, but blood donations themselves seem tedious to provide, the nation has found itself in constant shortage in recent decades.
PersianArchitecture edited an entry in Haiti.
"constitutional guarantees"
LGBT discrimination: No protections from Jan 1, 1791 to (none).
There are currently no discrimination protections for LGBT folks under Haiti's current constitution or penal code. It is worth nothing the the constitution does make certain guarantees to all…