1990 in LGBT Rights

In 1990, there were 20 recorded legal changes made affecting LGBT people. In the previous year, there were 10 changes made and 37 in the following year. A total of 406 legal changes were made in the 1990s.

  • December 24
    Same-sex adoption becomes ambiguous.
    The Lao family law states in article 38 that people who have "inappropriate behaviours" or those who have had their parental rights withdrawn may not adopt children. However, LGBT is not explicitly covered in the way this law is written so the result is ambiguous.
  • December 8
    Homosexual activity becomes illegal (imprisonment as punishment).
    There are no known instances of imposition of the death penalty, or sentences to life in prison, according to the US Department of State, Amnesty and the ILGA. Prison sentences, fines, floggings, and deportation for foreign nationals, are known to have been consequences of suspected or established same-sex sexual conduct.
  • November 29
    Same-sex marriage becomes unrecognized.
    Article 1 of the marriage law defines marriage to be a union between a man and a woman. Laos has not introduced any specific legislation around marriage equality for same-sex couples.
  • September 13
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (indefinite deferral).
    Costa Rica banned gays from donating blood with Executive Decree 19933-S. The Degree was published in the Sept. 13, 1990 edition of the official government newspaper, La Gaceta. The order specifically identified gay men, sex workers, intravenous drug users and others as “high risk” for blood donation, citing concerns about HIV-AIDS.
  • July 24
    Equal age of consent becomes unequal.
    When homosexuality was decriminalized, the age of consent for homosexual sex was 21. The age of consent was lowered from 21 to 18 in 1995.
  • Homosexual activity becomes legal.
    In 1990, Jersey legalized homosexual sex with The Sexual Offences Law (1990). The age of consent for homosexual sex and heterosexual sex wasn’t equalized until more than 16 years later.
  • July 1
    Equal age of consent becomes equal.
    The age of consent in Czech Republic is 15 years for both heterosexual and homosexual individuals.
  • March 21
    Equal age of consent becomes female equal, male n/a.
    The age of consent in Namibia is 16 years of age. However, sexual acts performed by males are illegal so the age of consent is irrelevant for them.
  • Homosexual activity becomes male illegal, female legal.
    When Namibia gained independence from South Africa in 1990, they inherited the Roman-Dutch common law. The law criminalizes sodomy and unnatural sexual offences. This law is only applied toward sodomy performed by men. The High Court was expected to rule on the matter of the legality of homosexuality in Namibia on May 17, 2024, but decided to postpone this matter until June.
  • March 12
    LGBT discrimination becomes no protections.
    Discrimination is legal (as there are no provisions) and the date provided is the date that the constitution of the country is written. Discrimination protection is only granted for sex, race, social and economic conditions.
  • January 9
    Homosexual activity becomes legal.
    Homosexual activity has never been illegal in Laos. The penal code for the current political system was not drafted until the 1990 (37 years after the country gained independence).
  • (date unknown)
    Gender-affirming care becomes legal, but restricted for minors.
    In 1990, Zimbabwe adopted the ICD-9 classification, which included codes allowing for the diagnosis of transsexualism in adults.
  • Gender-affirming care becomes restricted.
    In 1990, Sudan legalized sterilization, which de facto meant legalizing sex reassignment surgery, however, medical records regarding transsexualism had to be obtained abroad.
  • Gender-affirming care becomes restricted.
    In 1990, Sudan legalized sterilization, which de facto meant legalizing sex reassignment surgery, however, medical records regarding transsexualism had to be obtained abroad.
  • Homosexual activity becomes legal.
    Christmas Island follows the law of West Australia, as the island belongs to Australia. West Australia decriminalized homosexual activity with the Decriminalisation of Sodomy Act. However, the age of consent for homosexuals stood at 21, while the heterosexual age of consent was 16. This was equalized in 2002.
  • Equal age of consent becomes unequal.
    Female same-gender sexual activity always legal. Male same-gender sexual activity legalised in 1990. This does not include 'sodomy' (anal intercourse)- it is illegal for anyone regardless of orientation or gender under 18 to partake in.
  • Homosexual activity becomes legal.
    Female always legal, male legal as of 1990.
  • Equal age of consent becomes equal.
  • Homosexual activity becomes illegal (imprisonment as punishment).
    Prison up to 10 years. (Decriminalization pending)
  • Same-sex marriage becomes civil unions (marriage rights).
    Before April 1st 2001, gay people could not marry, but had access to civil unions.

LGBT Organizations Founded in 1990