1977 in LGBT Rights

In 1977, there were 40 recorded legal changes made affecting LGBT people. In the previous year, there were 15 changes made and 13 in the following year. A total of 216 legal changes were made in the 1970s.

  • December 1
    LGBT discrimination becomes illegal.
    Sexual orientation is protected under the Quebec Charter of Human Rights since December 1977, making it the first province to protect it. Gender identity and expression is protected federally under Bill C-16.
  • November 4
    Serving openly in military becomes legal.
    As of 2009, the courts also ruled that transgender individuals are also permitted to serve in the military.
  • October 1
    Homosexual activity becomes male illegal, female legal.
    The Penal Code adopted on June 15, 1977 criminalised 'pederasty' under Article 137 with deprivation of liberty for up to ten years.
  • July 1
    Homosexual activity becomes male illegal, female legal.
    The Criminal Code of the Socialist Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (as part of the SFRY) adopted in 1977 criminalized unnatural fornication between men. Article 93 (2): for unnatural fornication between persons of the male sex, the perpetrator shall be punished by imprisonment for up to one year.
  • Homosexual activity becomes male illegal, female legal.
    On June 28, 1977, the Socialist autonomous province of Kosovo (as part of SR Serbia in then SFRY) passed Criminal Law that criminalized consentual male homosexuality. "Unnatural fornication" between persons of the male sex was punishable by imprisonment for up to one year (Article 81 (3)). The same sentence remained after reintegration into the legal system of Serbia in 1989.
  • Homosexual activity becomes male illegal, female legal.
    The Criminal Code of the Socialist Republic of Macedonia (as part of the SFRY) adopted on June 16, 1977 criminalized unnatural fornication between men. Article 101, paragraph (2): for unnatural fornication between persons of the male sex, the perpetrator will be punished by imprisonment for up to one year.
  • Homosexual activity becomes varies by region.
    On June 28, 1977, the Socialist Republic of Serbia and its two socialist autonomous provinces—Vojvodina and Kosovo—passed separate Criminal Laws that treated the issue of male homosexuality differently. In (Central) Serbia (Article 110, Paragraph 3) and Kosovo (Article 81, Paragraph 3) "unnatural fornication" between persons of the male sex was punishable by imprisonment for up to one year. In Vojvodina (Article 75, paragraph 3 is missing) there was no criminalization of consensual sex between men.
  • Equal age of consent becomes equal.
    The age of consent in Slovenia has been the same for everyone since 1977. The age limit of 14 was raised to 15 in 1999.
  • Equal age of consent becomes equal.
    The age of consent of 14 has been the same for everyone since 1977.
  • Homosexual activity becomes legal.
    The Criminal Code of the Socialist Republic of Montenegro adopted on June 17, 1977 decriminalized consensual male homosexuality on the territory of Montenegro in the then SFRY.
  • Equal age of consent becomes unequal.
    The age of sexual consent was 18 years old for anal intercourse between men and 14 years for other sexual practices.
  • Homosexual activity becomes legal.
    Legislative repeal, effective 1977.
  • Homosexual activity becomes legal.
    The Criminal Code of the Socialist Republic of Croatia adopted on June 16, 1977 decriminalized consensual male homosexuality on the territory of Croatia in the then SFRY.
  • Homosexual activity becomes legal.
    The Criminal Code of the Socialist Republic of Slovenia adopted on May 26, 1977, decriminalized consensual male homosexuality on the territory of Slovenia in the then SFRY.
  • June 9
    Same-sex marriage becomes banned.
    They also do not recognize same-sex marriages performed outside of the state.
  • June 2
    Same-sex marriage becomes banned.
    Minnesota laws are changed to explicitly outlaw same-sex marriage through adding the words "between one man and a woman".
  • April 26
    LGBT housing discrimination becomes no protections.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes no protections.
  • LGBT discrimination becomes no protections.
    Homosexuality is illegal hence by default there are no discrimination protection extended to LGBTQ+ community.
  • (date unknown)
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (indefinite deferral).
    Following Canadian Blood Services guidelines.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (indefinite deferral).
    Following Canadian Blood Services guidelines.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (indefinite deferral).
    Following Canadian Blood Services guidelines.
  • Gender-affirming care becomes restricted.
    In 1977, Montenegro legalized sterilization, which de facto meant legalizing sex reassignment surgery, however, medical records regarding transsexualism had to be obtained abroad.
  • Gender-affirming care becomes restricted.
    In 1977, Croatia legalized sterilization, which de facto meant legalizing sex reassignment surgery, however, medical records regarding transsexualism had to be obtained abroad.
  • Gender-affirming care becomes restricted.
    In 1977, Bosnia and Herzegovina legalized sterilization, which de facto meant legalizing sex reassignment surgery, however, medical records regarding transsexualism had to be obtained abroad.
  • Gender-affirming care becomes restricted.
    In 1991, Australia legalized sterilization, which de facto meant legalizing sex reassignment surgery, however, medical records regarding transsexualism had to be obtained abroad.
  • Homosexual activity becomes illegal (other penalty).
    In 1977 Sodomy was illegal in all 50 states, Arkansas had laws against sodomy. Sodomy was defined as homosexual acts, laws where repelled when the supreme court took on a case from 2002, Lawrence v. Texas. Supreme court ruled that all forms of punishment by sodomy was illegal, and homosexual acts are legal.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (indefinite deferral).
    Following Canadian Blood Services guidelines.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (indefinite deferral).
    Following Canadian Blood Services guidelines.
  • Equal age of consent becomes equal.
    Age of consent is equal
  • Homosexual activity becomes legal.
    As part of Yugoslavia
  • January 1
    Homosexual activity becomes legal.
    as part of Montenegro.
  • LGBT housing discrimination becomes ambiguous.
    Protection under the BC Human Rights Code.
  • (date unknown)
    LGBT housing discrimination becomes sexual orientation only.
    Canadian Human Rights Act (1977, cited 1985) Gender identity is not spelled out in the BC Human Rights Code. However, there are a set of strict guidelines of exempt cases for housing protections on the basis of sexual orientation.
  • Homosexual activity becomes male illegal, female legal.
    Sexual activity between two males is illegal in Kiribati, with up to 14 years in prison as punishment. Sexual activity between two females is legal.
  • January 1
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (indefinite deferral).
    Federal policy as per Food & Drug Administration
  • (date unknown)
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (indefinite deferral).
    Date shown is when US banned gay male blood donations.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (indefinite deferral).
    MSMs were not eligible to donate blood.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (indefinite deferral).
    United States federal law bans the donation of blood by men who have sex with men.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (indefinite deferral).
    Men who had sex with men, even just once, were banned indefinitely from donating blood in Canada from 1977 to 2013.

LGBT Organizations Founded in 1977