Putumayo is governed by federal Colombia law. Learn more
    ✔ Legal
    Gay Marriage
    ✔ Legal
    ✔ No censorship
    Changing Gender
    ✔ Legal, no restrictions
    Gender-Affirming Care
    ✔ Legal
    Non-Binary Gender Recognition
    ✔ Recognized
    ✔ Illegal
    Employment Discrimination
    ✔ Sexual orientation and gender identity
    Housing Discrimination
    ✔ Sexual orientation and gender identity
    ✔ Legal
    Intersex Infant Surgery
    ✖ Parental approval required
    ✔ Legal
    Donating Blood
    ✔ Legal
    Conversion Therapy
    ✖ Not banned
    Age of Consent
    ✔ Equal
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Homosexual activity in Putumayo


Homosexual activity in Putumayo is legal.

Current status
Since Jun 24, 2000
It has been legal since 1988 but the current criminal code was enacted in 2000.
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Same-sex marriage in Putumayo


Same-sex marriage in Putumayo is legal.

Current status
Since Apr 28, 2016
"The judges affirmed by a majority that marriage between people of the same sex does not violate the constitutional order," judge Maria Victoria Calle said.
Jan 29, 2009–Apr 28, 2016
Other type of partnership
A Colombia court ruling implies that even though there are no specific legal provisions, same sex couples can now file for the same right and protection like a different-sex marriage using the provision of a "de facto union" in the 1991 constitution

Censorship of LGBT issues in Putumayo


Censorship of LGBT issues in Putumayo is no censorship.

Current status
No censorship
In Colombia, there are no laws restricting the discussion or promotion of LGBTQ+ topics.
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Right to change legal gender in Putumayo


Right to change legal gender in Putumayo is legal, no restrictions.

Current status
Since Jun 4, 2015
Legal, no restrictions
In response to two rulings of the Constitutional Court in 2015, the Colombian Government issued a decree on 4 June 2015 to simplify the process by which adults over 18 can legally change their gender. The decree, signed by the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of the Interior, says the gender change is justified by a person's individual choice; it eliminates the requirement for psychiatric or physical examinations.
2013–Jun 4, 2015
Legal, but requires surgery
The Constitutional Court rules on the right to sexual identity, its relationship with the right to health in the case of transgender people and the change of the marital status of persons on the grounds on gender reassignment. The Chamber rules that it is the duty of the Health Promotion Agency to which the plaintiff is registered, to apply the procedures needed for the gender reassignment surgery, since these are covered by the Compulsory Health Plan (POS).
Additionally, in the action for protection it is requested the application of all the procedures required for the normalization of the process of feminization and changing registration of gender from MALE to FEMALE, without leaving in this document any record of the biological condition.

DECREE 1227 OF 2015
On June 5, the Colombian President signed Decree 1227, which authorizes citizens to change their sex on identification documents through a Notary Public and without having to prove their sexual identity through psychiatric or physical evaluations.
DECISION T-918-12: corteconstitucional.gov.co/…

DECREE 1227 OF 2015:
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Gender-affirming care in Putumayo


Gender-affirming care in Putumayo is legal.

Current status
Since 1997
In 1997, Colombia adopted the ICD-10 classification, which contains codes for diagnosing transsexualism in adulthood and childhood, which authorize the initiation of medical transition.
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Legal recognition of non-binary gender in Putumayo


Legal recognition of non-binary gender in Putumayo is recognized.

Current status
Since Mar 1, 2022
The Constitutional Court of Colombia ruled that non-binary people should be able to choose an X instead of having to put male or female on their official documentation. Also, in August 2023 Colombia began allowing an X to be put on passports

LGBT discrimination in Putumayo


LGBT discrimination in Putumayo is illegal.

Current status
Since Nov 30, 2011
Sexual orientation is explicitly covered in the law. Gender Identity on the other hand, is not mentioned explicitly but is implied.
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LGBT employment discrimination in Putumayo


LGBT employment discrimination in Putumayo is sexual orientation and gender identity.

Current status
Since May 7, 2018
Sexual orientation and gender identity
Article 134A of the Criminal Code (2000), as amended by Law No. 1,482 (2011), criminalises discrimination based on "sexual orientation", while Article 136C (3) and (4) aggravate the penalty if such discrimination is committed by public servants or while providing public services.
These provisions ban "sexual orientation" discrimination in broad terms and therefore apply to employment. Article 136C (6) also includes the motive of denying or restricting labour rights as an aggravating factor.

Added to the previous factor we have ruling SU440-21 from the Constitutional Court of Colombia. The Colombian Supreme Court "Corte Constitucional de Colombia" decided on December 9, 2021 based on ruling SU440-21 that transgender people in Colombia cannot be discriminated against due to their gender identity when receiving state financial pensions, despite the decision to have as its object the receipt of state financial pensions, the sentence in its paragraph 55, section III makes it clear that the principle by which this decision was taken is that gender identity is protected by the general constitutional clause of article 13 of the Constitution of Colombia making it clear that discrimination based on gender identity is prohibited in other areas, which includes housing and employment discrimination.
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Nov 30, 2011–May 6, 2018
Sexual orientation only
Article 134A of the Criminal Code (2000), as amended by Law No. 1,482 (2011), criminalises discrimination based on "sexual orientation", while Article 136C (3) and (4) aggravate the penalty if such discrimination is committed by public servants or while providing public services.
These provisions ban "sexual orientation" discrimination in broad terms and therefore apply to employment. Article 136C (6) also includes the motive of denying or restricting labour rights as an aggravating factor.

LGBT housing discrimination in Putumayo


LGBT housing discrimination in Putumayo is sexual orientation and gender identity.

Current status
Since Dec 9, 2021
Sexual orientation and gender identity
Article 134A of the Penal Code (2000), amended by Law No. 1,482 (2011), criminalizes discrimination based on "sexual orientation", while Article 136C (3) and (4) increases the penalty if such discrimination is committed by public servants or during the provision of public services.
These provisions prohibit discrimination based on “sexual orientation” in general terms and therefore apply to employment. Article 136C (6) also includes the reason for denial or restriction of employment rights as an aggravating circumstance.

Added to the previous factor we have the SU440-21 decision of the Colombian Constitutional Court. The Colombian Supreme Court "Corte Constitucional de Colombia" ruled on December 9, 2021 based on decision SU440-21 that trans people in Colombia cannot be discriminated against due to their gender identity when receiving financial pensions from the State, despite the ruling of having as its object the receipt of financial pensions from the State, the sentence in its paragraph 55, section III makes it clear that the principle by which this decision was taken is that gender identity is protected by the general constitutional clause of article 13 of the Constitution of Colombia, making clear that discrimination based on gender identity is prohibited in other areas, which includes discrimination in housing and employment.

The Colombian Ministry of the Interior released a presidential decree in spring 2016 that provides a broad policy of procedural obligations for government institutions and territorial entities in relation to LGBTI rights. The document calls for the creation of an Intersectoral Commission to Guarantee the Rights of the LGBTI Community (Spanish: Comisión Intersectorial para la Garantía de los Derechos de la comunidad LGBTI). The decree specifically addresses the rights of LGBTI Colombians in public education, health care, prisons and as victims of armed conflicts. The text clarifies that “national entities cannot refuse to recognize that a same-sex couple can form a family and, consequently, enjoy the constitutional protections and equal opportunities provided to other families”. [26]

In May 2018, President Juan Manuel Santos issued an executive decree ordering the Ministry of the Interior to continue guaranteeing the rights of LGBT people in the social sector, namely in health, education, work, housing, recreation, sport and culture, as well as establish support programs. Therefore, this decree serves as a prohibition of housing and employment discrimination at the state level, reinforcing previous jurisdiction and legislation.
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Nov 30, 2011–Dec 8, 2021
Sexual orientation only
Article 134A of the Criminal Code (2000), as amended by Article 3 of the Law No. 1,482 (2011) criminalises acts of discrimination based on "sexual orientation". This provision is formulated in broad terms and its scope of application necessarily applies to housing.
Articles 136C(3) and 136C(4) aggravate the penalty if such acts are committed by public servants or while providing public services.

Same-sex adoption in Putumayo


Same-sex adoption in Putumayo is legal.

Current status
Since Nov 4, 2015
Previously couples could only adopt a child if it was from one of the partners, but the same-sex adoption law allows homosexual couples the same rights as heterosexual couples.
Sep 8, 2014–Nov 4, 2015
Second parent adoption only
Only singles can adopt
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Intersex infant surgery in Putumayo


Intersex infant surgery in Putumayo is parental approval required.

Current status
Since Oct 25, 1999
Parental approval required
In 1999, in Judgment SU-337/99 (1999), the Constitutional Court ruled that surgery on a child's genitals can only be authorized with the consent of the intersex child and that the recommendations of doctors and the consent of parents are not enough for authorization to take place. In addition, the Court suggested that less invasive medical interventions could be carried out gradually if the child is not considered sufficiently autonomous to make the decision.
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Serving openly in military in Putumayo


Serving openly in military in Putumayo is legal.

Current status
Sentence T-099 of the Colombian Supreme Court exempted trans women from mandatory military conscription, but did not deprive them of serving in the military if they wish, this option is also valid for trans men. It is also worth highlighting that there has never been any impediment to the military service of homosexual and bisexual men and women.

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Blood donations by MSMs in Putumayo


Blood donations by MSMs in Putumayo is legal.

Conversion therapy in Putumayo


Conversion therapy in Putumayo is not banned.

Current status
Since Aug 15, 2015
Not banned
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Equal age of consent in Putumayo


Equal age of consent in Putumayo is equal.

Current status
The age of consent in Colombia is 14 for people of all sexual orientations.
The No-Nonsense Guide to Sexual Diversity by Vanessa Baird
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