vviet93 Trusted Editor

An undergrad studying Economics in Canada. Especially interested in Queer Economics
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vviet93 created an entry in region.
LGBT discrimination: Illegal in some contexts from Jan 2021 to (none).
LGBTQ Discrimination is illegal in all 50 states as of 2021, however states have different laws. Equality Act was passed in 2021-2022 season of House and Senate
vviet93 edited an entry in United States.
LGBT discrimination: Illegal from Jul 2011 to (none).
In all Federal positions, discrimination based on sexual orientation is against the law. In non-federal government jobs, it is based on the state's laws.
vviet93 created an entry in Canada.
Blood donations by MSMs: Banned (less than 6-month deferral) from Jun 3, 2019 to Sep 30, 2022.
vviet93 edited an entry in Canada.
Blood donations by MSMs: Banned (1-year deferral) from Jan 2016 to May 9, 2019.
Health Canada approved Canadian Blood Services’ proposal to reduce the blood donation ineligibility period for men who have sex with men from five years to one year.
vviet93 edited an entry in region.
: from Feb 11, 2025 to Feb 11, 2025.
vviet93 edited an entry in Chad.
Homosexual activity: Illegal (imprisonment as punishment) from Jan 1, 2017 to (none).
Imprisonment of 8 to 15 years as penalty.
vviet93 created an entry in Chad.
Homosexual activity: Illegal (imprisonment as punishment) from Aug 1, 2017 to (none).
Imprisonment of 8 to 15 years as penalty.
vviet93 edited an entry in Chad.
Homosexual activity: Legal from Jun 9, 1967 to Dec 1, 2017.
Although homosexuality is legal, any homosexual act with any person under the age of 21 is illegal.
vviet93 created an entry in Luxembourg.
Same-sex adoption: Legal from Jan 1, 2015 to (none).
After same-sex marriage was legalized, same-sex adoption was also legalized on the same terms as adoption for heterosexual couples.
vviet93 edited an entry in Luxembourg.
Same-sex adoption: Illegal from (unknown) to (none).
vviet93 created an entry in Australia.
Right to change legal gender: Varies by Region from Jul 2017 to (none).
vviet93 edited an entry in region.
: from (unknown) to (none).
vviet93 edited an entry in Austria.
Same-sex marriage: Civil unions (marriage rights) from Jan 1, 2010 to (none).
vviet93 created an entry in Austria.
Same-sex marriage: Legal from Jan 1, 2019 to (none).
Gay and lesbian couples in Austria have been able to legally wed since 2019.
vviet93 edited an entry in Austria.
Same-sex marriage: Civil unions (marriage rights) from Jan 1, 2010 to Aug 8, 2018.
Civil Union was a recognized status
vviet93 created an entry in Brunei.
Homosexual activity: Illegal (death penalty as punishment) from Mar 28, 2019 to (none).
Death penalty for married men caught in having homosexual offenses (under moratorium); 100 lashes for unmarried men. 40 strokes of the cane or maximum 10 years of imprisonment for women.
vviet93 edited an entry in Brunei.
Homosexual activity: Illegal (imprisonment as punishment) from 1951 to (none).
The Penal Code of Brunei (revised edition 2001), Chapter 22, Page 152 states: "Unnatural offences. 377. Whoever voluntarily has carnal intercourse against the order of nature with any man…
vviet93 created an entry in Angola.
Same-sex marriage: Unrecognized from Jan 24, 2019 to (none).
Angola does not recognize same-sex marriage.
vviet93 edited an entry in Angola.
Same-sex marriage: Banned from Sep 16, 1886 to (none).
As homosexuality is illegal, same sex union is by default illegal
vviet93 edited an entry in Angola.
Homosexual activity: Legal from Jan 24, 2019 to Jan 24, 2019.
Legalized after an act of parliament
vviet93 edited an entry in Angola.
Homosexual activity: Illegal (other penalty) from Sep 16, 1886 to (none).
Penalty unknown
vviet93 created an entry in Angola.
Homosexual activity: Legal from Jan 24, 2019 to (none).
Legalized after an act of parliament
vviet93 created an entry in region.
Serving openly in military: Legal from Jul 1, 2016 to Jan 1, 2018.
The US Army repealed the ban to serve for openly transgender individuals
vviet93 edited an entry in region.
: from Sep 20, 2011 to (none).
vviet93 created an entry in British Columbia.
LGBT employment discrimination: Sexual orientation and gender identity from Jul 25, 2016 to (none).
BC Legislature passed a bill adding gender identity to protected class in the BC Human Rights Code
vviet93 edited an entry in British Columbia.
LGBT employment discrimination: Sexual orientation and gender identity from 1992 to (none).
vviet93 created an entry in British Columbia.
LGBT housing discrimination: Sexual orientation and gender identity from Jul 25, 2016 to (none).
BC Legislature passed a bill to include gender identity in the protected class for BC Human Rights Code
vviet93 edited an entry in British Columbia.
LGBT housing discrimination: Sexual orientation and gender identity from 1977 to (none).
Canadian Human Rights Act (1977, cited 1985)
vviet93 edited an entry in Nauru.
Homosexual activity: Legal from May 27, 2016 to Dec 14, 0002.
In May 2016, the parliament enacted the "Crimes Act 2016" which does not contain provisions criminalizing same-sex sexual activity
vviet93 edited an entry in Nauru.
Homosexual activity: Male illegal, female legal from Jul 1, 1921 to (none).
Up to 14 years in prison with hard labour