Entry #10010: LGBT discrimination in United States

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Last Version

RegionUnited States
IssueLGBT discrimination
StatusIllegal in some contexts
Start DateJan 2021
End Date(none)
DescriptionLGBTQ Discrimination is illegal in all 50 states as of 2021, however states have different laws. Equality Act was passed in 2021-2022 season of House and Senate

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Revision History (5)

deleted by qcksws. Law was never passed

Old Value New Value (Current)

edited by qcksws. added more information

Old Value New Value
DescriptionLGBTQ Discrimination is illegal in all 50 states as of 2021, however states have different laws. LGBTQ Discrimination is illegal in all 50 states as of 2021, however states have different laws. Equality Act was passed in 2021-2022 season of House and Senate
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LGBTQ Discrimination is illegal in all 50 states as of 2021, however states have different laws. Equality Act was passed in 2021-2022 season of House and Senate

edited by qcksws. Source was not US based, Added the a bill and added resource

Old Value New Value
Value(REMOVED)Illegal in some contexts
Start DateJun 15, 2020Jan 2021
DescriptionEach state has different laws.LGBTQ Discrimination is illegal in all 50 states as of 2021, however states have different laws.
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Each state has different laws. LGBTQ Discrimination is illegal in all 50 states as of 2021, however states have different laws.
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https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/us-supreme-court-lgbtq-1.5612327 https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/5 https://www.hrc.org/resources/equality

edited by tsusamu

Old Value (Original) New Value
ValueIllegal in some contexts(REMOVED)
DescriptionEmployment distribution protection for sexual orientation and gender identity is now included in "sex" in Title VII. Other forms of protection (housing for example) are not yet present.Each state has different laws.
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Employment distribution protection for sexual orientation and gender identity is now included in "sex" in Title VII. Other forms of protection (housing for example) are not yet present. Each state has different laws.
Reports (3)
  • Status is not correct "Since October 28, 2009: Sexual orientation and Gender Identity covered in the hate crime laws (Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act) Proposed new status: illegal nationwide OR illegal in some contexts nationwide"
  • Status is not correct "Its completely legal in k-12 school zones across the country"
  • Status is not correct "Michigan ruled in late July 2022 that discrimination against LGBT people is barred by the Elliot-Larsen Civil Rights Act"

created by vviet93

Original entry
StatusIllegal in some contexts
Start DateJun 15, 2020
End Date(none)
DescriptionEmployment distribution protection for sexual orientation and gender identity is now included in "sex" in Title VII. Other forms of protection (housing for example) are not yet present.
Reports (3)
  • Status is not correct "there's so many false claims on this page"
  • Status is not correct "Supreme Court Desicion in 2020 made sexual orientation protected against any form of discrimination"
  • Status is not correct "Supreme Court ruling June 2020 applies anti-discrimination to LGBT persons."