_it4_ Editor

Just a Brazilian existing and breathing.
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_it4_ created an entry in Peru.
LGBT discrimination: Illegal from May 2017 to (none).
According to Articles 46 and 323 of the Penal Code, the decree issued in 2017 outlawing discrimination, incitement to discrimination, and hate crimes based on sexual orientation and gender identity…
_it4_ edited an entry in Peru.
"Newer Law."
LGBT discrimination: No protections from Oct 31, 1993 to (none).
Even though the constitution states that people should not be discriminated due to "any reasons", there are no specific provision for sexual orientations or gender identities.
_it4_ edited an entry in Serbia.
"Is illegal both for Gender Identity and Sexuality."
LGBT employment discrimination: Sexual orientation and gender identity from Mar 26, 2009 to (none).
On 26 March 2009, Parliament approved a unified anti-discrimination law, known as the Anti-Discrimination Act of 2009, which prohibits, among other categories, discrimination on the basis of sexual…
_it4_ created an entry in Barbados.
Homosexual activity: Legal from Dec 12, 2022 to (none).
In December 2022, the courts ruled Barbados' laws against buggery and "gross indecency" were unconstitutional and struck them from the Sexual Offences Act.
Sources: en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGB…~:text=Lesbian%2C%20gay%2C%20bisexual%20and%20transgender,from%20the%20Sexual%20Offences%20Act.
_it4_ edited an entry in Barbados.
"Homossexuality is now legal in Barbados."
Homosexual activity: Illegal (up to life in prison as punishment) from (unknown) to (none).
The law is rarely, if ever enforced.
_it4_ edited an entry in Sonora.
"Is Equal Nationwide."
Equal age of consent: Unequal from (unknown) to (none).
_it4_ created an entry in Sonora.
Conversion therapy: Banned from Dec 6, 2022 to (none).
The State Congress approved the prohibition of the Efforts to Correct Sexual and Gender Orientation (Ecosig) in Sonora, for which the entity became the 12th entity to legislate against this type of…
_it4_ edited an entry in Sonora.
"Sonora banned Conversion Therapy "
Conversion therapy: Not banned from (unknown) to (none).
mexico doesnt have law conversion therapy
Sources: ..
_it4_ created an entry in Estonia.
Right to change legal gender: Legal, no restrictions from May 7, 1999 to (none).
The current law concerning legal gender recognition dates from 7 May 1999, the Common Requirements for Medical Operations for Gender Reassignment. Transgender people are not required to undergo…
Sources: Kalevi alt välja. LGBT+ inimeste lugusid 19. ja 20. sajandi Eestist (in Estonian). Tallinn: Eesti LGBT Ühing. ISBN 978-9916-4-1434-7.news.err.ee/1608422681/mini… riigiteataja.ee/akt/91001 lgbt.ee/soo-tunnustamine
_it4_ edited an entry in Estonia.
Right to change legal gender: Legal, but requires surgery from May 7, 1999 to Jun 2002.
The main legislation on gender change is the “General Requirements on Medical Procedures for the Change of Gender” issued by the Minister for Social Affairs (Soovahetuse arstlike toimingute…
Sources: official law : riigiteataja.ee/akt/91001
_it4_ created an entry in Ireland.
Blood donations by MSMs: Legal from Nov 28, 2022 to (none).
Men who have sex with men will no longer have to wait four months before giving blood, as changes to who can donate blood come into effect today. Instead, individual assessments will now be made.
_it4_ edited an entry in Ireland.
Blood donations by MSMs: Banned (less than 6-month deferral) from Mar 28, 2022 to (none).
On March 28, 2022, the deferral period has been reduced to four months.
_it4_ created an entry in Azerbaijan.
Legal recognition of non-binary gender: Not legally recognized from (unknown) to (none).
A Third gender is not legally recognized in Azerbaijan.
_it4_ edited an entry in India.
Blood donations by MSMs: Banned (indefinite deferral) from (unknown) to (none).
Court decision pending.
_it4_ edited an entry in Poland.
Serving openly in military: Legal from Jan 1, 1991 to (none).
Since the 1990s, lesbian, gay and bisexual people are not banned from military service and discrimination against them is officially forbidden. However, openly gay personnel would face social…
_it4_ edited an entry in region.
: from Oct 22, 2024 to Oct 22, 2024.
_it4_ edited an entry in region.
: Ambiguous from (unknown) to (none).
Although LGBTQ+ individuals are not barred, an "unwritten" Don't Ask Don't Tell is supposedly in their code.
_it4_ created an entry in Ohio.
Same-sex adoption: Legal from Jun 26, 2015 to (none).
There are no laws prohibiting Ohio same-sex adoption. Both single LGBT individuals and gay and lesbian couples are permitted to petition to adopt in the state of Ohio. Prior to the Supreme Court…
Sources: americanadoptionsofohio.com…~:text=There%20are%20no%20laws%20prohibiting,single%20LGBT%20individuals%20could%20adopt.
_it4_ edited an entry in Ohio.
Same-sex adoption: Single only from 1998 to (none).
Single LGBT individuals may adopt children, but same-sex couples may not adopt jointly or by way of second parent adoption.
_it4_ created an entry in Texas.
Same-sex adoption: Legal from Jan 2016 to Jun 26, 2017.
According to the advocacy organizations, the Family Equality Council and Equality Texas and the non-profit legal services provider Texas Legal Services Center, same-sex couples are able to adopt as…
_it4_ edited an entry in Texas.
Same-sex adoption: Single only from (unknown) to Nov 2016.
*Mostly single only. Any adult may adopt per statute, but second-parent adoptions have varied by judge and county.
Sources: www.lambdalegal.org/states-region/texas Tex. Fam. Code §162.001
_it4_ edited an entry in Tamaulipas.
Same-sex marriage: Unrecognized from (unknown) to (none).
Sources: No
_it4_ created an entry in Mexico.
Same-sex marriage: Legal from Oct 26, 2022 to (none).
The congress of Mexico’s northeastern border state Tamaulipas has voted to recognise same-sex marriage, making it legal across the country. Becoming the last of the country’s states to do so…
_it4_ edited an entry in region.
: from Oct 22, 2024 to Oct 22, 2024.
_it4_ edited an entry in Mexico.
Same-sex marriage: Varies by Region from 2009 to (none).
Recognized in 31/31 states; performed only in the Federal District of Mexico
Sources: Grillo, Ioan. "Mexico City's Revolutionary First: Gay Marriage." Time 24 Dec. 2009: n. pag. Web. 20 Aug. 2013.
_it4_ edited an entry in Northern Ireland.
Right to change legal gender: Legal, no restrictions from Apr 4, 2005 to (none).
As in United Kingdom
_it4_ edited an entry in Wales.
Right to change legal gender: Legal, no restrictions from Apr 4, 2005 to (none).
As in United Kingdom
_it4_ edited an entry in France.
Same-sex adoption: Legal from Apr 17, 2013 to (none).
Sources: legifrance.gouv.fr/affichTexte.do;jsessionid=?cidTexte=JORFTEXT000027414540&dateTexte=&oldAction=rechJO&categorieLien=id
_it4_ edited an entry in France.
Same-sex adoption: Legal from Jan 17, 2013 to (none).
Same-sex couples have been legally able to adopt children since May 2013, when the same-sex marriage law took effect. The first joint adoption by a same-sex couple was announced on 18 October 2013.
Sources: legifrance.gouv.fr/affichTexte.do;jsessionid=?cidTexte=JORFTEXT000027414540&dateTexte=&oldAction=rechJO&categorieLien=id
_it4_ edited an entry in France.
Same-sex adoption: Legal from May 2013 to (none).
Same-sex couples have been legally able to adopt children since May 2013, when the same-sex marriage law took effect. The first joint adoption by a same-sex couple was announced on 18 October 2013.
Sources: legifrance.gouv.fr/affichTexte.do;jsessionid=?cidTexte=JORFTEXT000027414540&dateTexte=&oldAction=rechJO&categorieLien=id