    ✖ Male illegal, female legal
    Gay Marriage
    ✖ Banned
    ✖ State-enforced
    Changing Gender
    ✖ Legal, but requires medical diagnosis
    Gender-Affirming Care
    ✔ Legal
    Non-Binary Gender Recognition
    ✖ Not legally recognized
    ✖ No protections
    Employment Discrimination
    ✖ No protections
    Housing Discrimination
    ✖ No protections
    ✖ Illegal
    Intersex Infant Surgery
    ✖ Illegal
    Donating Blood
    ✖ Banned (indefinite deferral)
    Conversion Therapy
    ✖ Not banned
    Age of Consent
    Female equal, male N/A
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Homosexual activity in Uzbekistan


Homosexual activity in Uzbekistan is male illegal, female legal.

Current status
Since Sep 22, 1994
Male illegal, female legal
Article 120 states male homosexuality is punishable by 3 years in prison. Female homosexuality is not illegal, but lesbians still face heavy social persecution.
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Same-sex marriage in Uzbekistan


Same-sex marriage in Uzbekistan is banned.

Current status
Since Sep 22, 1994
As homosexuality is illegal, same sex union is also illegal by default.
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Censorship of LGBT issues in Uzbekistan


Censorship of LGBT issues in Uzbekistan is state-enforced.

Current status
banned not allowed
no sources
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Right to change legal gender in Uzbekistan


Right to change legal gender in Uzbekistan is legal, but requires medical diagnosis.

Current status
Since Sep 1, 1998
Legal, but requires medical diagnosis
The Family Code states that "correction of civil status records when changing gender is allowed only upon the conclusion of the health authorities".
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Apr 5, 1972–Sep 1, 1998
Legal, but requires surgery
Under Soviet law, after the fall of the Soviet Union, the regulations were not changed.
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Until Apr 5, 1972
Legal gender change is impossible
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Gender-affirming care in Uzbekistan


Gender-affirming care in Uzbekistan is legal.

Current status
Since 2004
In 2004, Uzbekistan adopted the ICD-10 classification, which contains codes for diagnosing transsexualism in adulthood and childhood, which authorize the initiation of medical transition.
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Legal, but restricted for minors
In 1983, transsexualism began to be professionally diagnosed in the Soviet Union, which allowed the prescription of hormone therapy.
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In 1926, the Soviet Union's Ministry of Internal Affairs legalized sex reassignment surgery
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Legal recognition of non-binary gender in Uzbekistan


Legal recognition of non-binary gender in Uzbekistan is not legally recognized.

Current status
Not legally recognized
According to the ILGA's Trans Legal Mapping Report, no non-binary options are available.
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LGBT discrimination in Uzbekistan


LGBT discrimination in Uzbekistan is no protections.

Current status
Since Dec 8, 1992
No protections
The anti-discrimination provision in the constitution does not even mention "and all other reasons", allowing discrimination based on sexual orientations and gender identities altogether.
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Dec 8, 1992–Jan 6, 1993
No protections
Discrimination is systemic. As well homosexuality is currently illegal.
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LGBT employment discrimination in Uzbekistan


LGBT employment discrimination in Uzbekistan is no protections.

Current status
Since Dec 8, 1992
No protections
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LGBT housing discrimination in Uzbekistan


LGBT housing discrimination in Uzbekistan is no protections.

Current status
Since Dec 8, 1992
No protections
no sources
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Same-sex adoption in Uzbekistan


Same-sex adoption in Uzbekistan is illegal.

Current status
No laws in place for same sex couples.
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Intersex infant surgery in Uzbekistan


Intersex infant surgery in Uzbekistan is unknown.

Current status

Serving openly in military in Uzbekistan


Serving openly in military in Uzbekistan is illegal.

Current status
No discrimination protection. As well homosexuality is currently illegal.
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Blood donations by MSMs in Uzbekistan


Blood donations by MSMs in Uzbekistan is banned (indefinite deferral).

Current status
Banned (indefinite deferral)
not allowed
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Conversion therapy in Uzbekistan


Conversion therapy in Uzbekistan is not banned.

Current status
Not banned
According to the ILGA World, there's no ban on conversion therapy in Uzbekistan.
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Equal age of consent in Uzbekistan


Equal age of consent in Uzbekistan is female equal, male n/a.

Current status
Female equal, male N/A
Age of consent is 16 however male anal sex is illegal.
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LGBT Rights by Region

View the LGBT laws in each individual region of Uzbekistan.