LGBT Rights in Est Province

Est is governed by federal Rwanda law. Learn more
    ✔ Legal
    Gay Marriage
    ✖ Banned
    ✔ No censorship
    Changing Gender
    ✖ Illegal
    Gender-Affirming Care
    ✖ Restricted
    Non-Binary Gender Recognition
    ✖ Not legally recognized
    ✖ Illegal in some contexts
    Employment Discrimination
    ✖ No protections
    Housing Discrimination
    ✔ Sexual orientation and gender identity
    ✖ Illegal
    Intersex Infant Surgery
    ✖ Lesbians, gays, bisexuals permitted, transgender people banned
    Donating Blood
    ✖ Banned (indefinite deferral)
    Conversion Therapy
    ✖ Not banned
    Age of Consent
    ✔ Equal
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Homosexual activity in Est


Homosexual activity in Est is legal.

Current status
Rwanda does not criminalise gay sex, but homophobic attitudes are common throughout the nation.
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Same-sex marriage in Est


Same-sex marriage in Est is banned.

Current status
Since May 26, 2003
The Constitution of Rwanda, adopted in May 2003, defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman. Article 26 states: "Only civil monogamous marriage between a man and a woman is recognized."
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Until May 26, 2003
No constitutional ban or statue making gay marriage illegal.
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Censorship of LGBT issues in Est


Censorship of LGBT issues in Est is no censorship.

Current status
No censorship
In Rwanda, there are no laws restricting the discussion or promotion of LGBTQ+ topics.
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Right to change legal gender in Est


Right to change legal gender in Est is illegal.

Current status
Changing your legal gender in Rwanda is impossible.
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Gender-affirming care in Est


Gender-affirming care in Est is restricted.

Current status
Since 1986
In 1986, Rwanda legalized sterilization, which de facto meant legalizing sex reassignment surgery, however, medical records regarding transsexualism had to be obtained abroad.
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Legal recognition of non-binary gender in Est


Legal recognition of non-binary gender in Est is not legally recognized.

Current status
Not legally recognized
There is no legal recognition in Rwanda.
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LGBT discrimination in Est


LGBT discrimination in Est is illegal in some contexts.

Current status
Illegal in some contexts
Sexual orientation under the human rights institute.
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LGBT employment discrimination in Est


LGBT employment discrimination in Est is no protections.

Current status
No protections
According to the ILGA World, discrimination on basis of sexual orientation or gender identity in employment is not explicitly banned.
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LGBT housing discrimination in Est


LGBT housing discrimination in Est is sexual orientation and gender identity.

Current status
Since Jan 1, 1980
Sexual orientation and gender identity
"All Rwandans are born and remain equal in rights and freedoms. General guarantee of equality
Discrimination of any kind or its propaganda based on, inter alia, ethnic origin, family
or ancestry, clan, skin colour or race, sex, region, economic categories, religion or
faith, opinion, fortune, cultural differences, language, economic status, physical or
mental disability or any other form of discrimination are prohibited and punishable
by law."
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Same-sex adoption in Est


Same-sex adoption in Est is illegal.

Current status
Homosexuality is legal. No laws in place for same sex couples.
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Intersex infant surgery in Est


Intersex infant surgery in Est is unknown.

Current status

Serving openly in military in Est


Serving openly in military in Est is lesbians, gays, bisexuals permitted, transgender people banned.

Current status
Lesbians, gays, bisexuals permitted, transgender people banned
Rwanda, like all other African countries have yet to allow trans service
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Blood donations by MSMs in Est


Blood donations by MSMs in Est is banned (indefinite deferral).

Current status
Banned (indefinite deferral)
MSMs are not eligible to donate blood, due to the Rwandan Blood Transfusion Service having concerns over HIV infection rates.
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Conversion therapy in Est


Conversion therapy in Est is not banned.

Current status
Not banned
According to the ILGA World, there's no ban on conversion therapy in Rwanda.
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Equal age of consent in Est


Equal age of consent in Est is equal.

Current status
Age of consent is set at 18 years of age, regardless of gender or orientation.
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