LGBT Rights in Sfax Governorate

Sfax is governed by federal Tunisia law. Learn more
    ✖ Illegal (imprisonment as punishment)
    Gay Marriage
    ✖ Unrecognized
    ✖ Imprisonment as punishment
    Changing Gender
    ✖ Legal, but requires surgery
    Gender-Affirming Care
    ✔ Legal
    Non-Binary Gender Recognition
    ✖ Not legally recognized
    ✖ No protections
    Employment Discrimination
    ✖ No protections
    Housing Discrimination
    ✖ No protections
    ✖ Single only
    Intersex Infant Surgery
    ✖ Not banned
    Donating Blood
    ✔ Legal
    Conversion Therapy
    ✖ Not banned
    Age of Consent
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Homosexual activity in Sfax


Homosexual activity in Sfax is illegal (imprisonment as punishment).

Current status
Since Jan 1, 1913
Illegal (imprisonment as punishment)
Penal Code of 1913: Article 230: “The masculine homosexuality and feminine homosexuality that is not covered by any of the other previous articles, is punished with imprisonment for three years” (unofficial translation)

Same-sex marriage in Sfax


Same-sex marriage in Sfax is unrecognized.

Current status
The personal status code does not explicitly define marriage to be between a man and a woman, but it's implied according to its different article. Only that type of marriage is regulated. There is no law that regulates same-sex marriages or a civil unions. In 2020, Tunisian authorities approved the family reunification of a same-sex couple married abroad, a move initially reported as indirect recognition of the marriage,[27][28] but the government repeated that it does not recognize same-sex marriages and the approval may have been an administrative oversight.
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Censorship of LGBT issues in Sfax


Censorship of LGBT issues in Sfax is imprisonment as punishment.

Current status
Since Jan 1, 2004
Imprisonment as punishment
Article 226 of the Penal Code (1913) which was amended in 2004, criminalizes any act that publicly draws attention to the opportunity to “commit debauchery” through any form of writing, audio, or visual recording.
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Right to change legal gender in Sfax


Right to change legal gender in Sfax is legal, but requires surgery.

Current status
Since Jul 9, 2018
Legal, but requires surgery
Tunisian court granted legal gender recognition to a transgender man who received gender-affirming care in Germany, overruling a lower court’s verdict.
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Jul 25, 1957–Jul 9, 2018
Changing gender is illegal in Tunisia.
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Gender-affirming care in Sfax


Gender-affirming care in Sfax is legal.

Current status
Since 2013
In 2013, Tunisia adopted the ICD-10 classification, which contains codes for diagnosing transsexualism in adulthood and childhood, which authorize the initiation of medical transition.
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Legal recognition of non-binary gender in Sfax


Legal recognition of non-binary gender in Sfax is not legally recognized.

Current status
Not legally recognized
Non-binary identities are not legally recognized.
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LGBT discrimination in Sfax


LGBT discrimination in Sfax is no protections.

Current status
Since Jul 25, 1957
No protections
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LGBT employment discrimination in Sfax


LGBT employment discrimination in Sfax is no protections.

Current status
Since Jul 25, 1957
No protections
decriminalization pending for homosexuality. Discrimination protections might be included.
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LGBT housing discrimination in Sfax


LGBT housing discrimination in Sfax is no protections.

Current status
Since Jul 25, 1957
No protections
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Same-sex adoption in Sfax


Same-sex adoption in Sfax is single only.

Current status
Since Jul 25, 1957
Single only
No laws in place for same sex couples.
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Intersex infant surgery in Sfax


Intersex infant surgery in Sfax is not banned.

Current status
Not banned
There is no ban on surgeries performed on intersex infants in Tunisia.
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Serving openly in military in Sfax


Serving openly in military in Sfax is ambiguous.

Current status
Since Jul 25, 1957
there is no laws against LGBT people to serve Military
The constitution
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Blood donations by MSMs in Sfax


Blood donations by MSMs in Sfax is legal.

Current status
Since Jul 25, 1957
there is no laws banned gay people to donate blood
the Tunisian laws
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Conversion therapy in Sfax


Conversion therapy in Sfax is not banned.

Current status
Not banned
Human rights minister said gays should be medically treated. Decriminalization of Homosexuality is pending.

Equal age of consent in Sfax


Equal age of consent in Sfax is n/a.

Current status
Age of consent is not applicable because homosexuality is illegal in Tunisia.
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