Entry #1254: Same-sex marriage in North Macedonia

Current Version

RegionNorth Macedonia
IssueSame-sex marriage
Start DateNov 1, 1996
End Datenow
DescriptionThere is no definition of marriage in the 1991 Constitution. Article 40: "Legal relations in marriage, family and cohabitation are regulated by law." Family Law from 1992, article 6: "Marriage is a legally regulated union of life between a husband and wife in which the interests of the spouses, the family and society are realized."
Sourceshttps://www.sobranie.mk/ustav-na-rm.nspx https://www.mtsp.gov.mk/wbstorage/files/zakon_semejstvo_osnoven.pdf

Revision History (4)

Revision by Aleksandar. Corections. Starting date is when homsx became legal. Links

Old Value New Value (Current)
Start DateJan 20, 2015Nov 1, 1996
DescriptionThe law defines marriage as "a union between a man and a woman".There is no definition of marriage in the 1991 Constitution.
Article 40: "Legal relations in marriage, family and cohabitation are regulated by law."

Family Law from 1992, article 6: "Marriage is a legally regulated union of life between a husband and wife in which the interests of the spouses, the family and society are realized."
Show Difference
The law defines marriage as "a union between a man and a woman". There is no definition of marriage in the 1991 Constitution. Article 40: "Legal relations in marriage, family and cohabitation are regulated by law." Family Law from 1992, article 6: "Marriage is a legally regulated union of life between a husband and wife in which the interests of the spouses, the family and society are realized."
Sourceshttp://www.uvmk.gov.mk/files/zakoni/zakon%20za%20semejstvo.pdf https://www.sobranie.mk/ustav-na-rm.nspx
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http://www.uvmk.gov.mk/files/zakoni/zakon%20za%20semejstvo.pdf https://www.sobranie.mk/ustav-na-rm.nspx https://www.mtsp.gov.mk/wbstorage/files/zakon_semejstvo_osnoven.pdf

Revision by Vito12. If this is wrong please change it

Old Value New Value
Reports (1)
  • Status is not correct "Should read "Unrecognized, only opposite-sex marriage official""

Revision by Pizzaslices412653

Old Value New Value
Start Date(NONE)Jan 20, 2015
End DateJan 20, 2015(NONE)

Revision by vviet93

Old Value (Original) New Value
End Date(NONE)Jan 20, 2015
DescriptionThe law defines marriage as "a union between a man and a woman".The law defines marriage as "a union between a man and a woman".
Show Difference
The law defines marriage as \"a union between a man and a woman\". "a union between a man and a woman".

matkoglibota created this entry.