LGBTsoutheastasian Editor

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LGBTsoutheastasian edited an entry in Indonesia.
"same-sex marriage aren’t banned in Indonesia, but unrecognized, there are a lot of SSM couples going back inside the country but their marriage will not be recognized"
Same-sex marriage: Unrecognized from (unknown) to (none).
There is no legal recognition of same-sex unions in Indonesia. Article 1 of the Law No. 1 of the Year 1974 on Marriage states unequivocally that marriage is "a physical and spiritual bond…
LGBTsoutheastasian edited an entry in Indonesia.
"updated the law only says Gays and Lesbians in ST2009 and 2019, not LGBT specifically"
Serving openly in military: N/A from (unknown) to (none).
Under the ST/398/2009 telegram letter of the Indonesian Military, it is illegal for Gays and Lesbians to have same-sex acts with the same gender. The Indonesian Military aggressively hunts, cracks…
LGBTsoutheastasian edited an entry in Indonesia.
"added Andika Perkasa opinion and statement"
Serving openly in military: N/A from (unknown) to (none).
Under the ST/398/2009 telegram letter of the Indonesian Military, it is illegal for LGBTQIA+ identifying people to serve in the military openly. The Indonesian Military aggressively hunts, cracks…
LGBTsoutheastasian edited an entry in Indonesia.
"the law on this is ambiguous, the military general recently stated that LGB people are allowed to serve in the military, but it is unknown if the men are allowed to do same-sex sexual acts. "
Serving openly in military: Illegal from (unknown) to (none).
Under the ST/398/2009 telegram letter of the Indonesian Military, it is illegal for LGBTQIA+ identifying people to serve in the military, openly or secretly. The Indonesian Military aggressively…
LGBTsoutheastasian edited an entry in Indonesia.
"Updated, as ILGA World has updated the laws with Aceh province to be the only province where homosexuality is illegal. The 2014 references are already outdated."
Homosexual activity: Varies by Region from Jan 1, 2002 to (none).
Sex between consenting adults (18 years of age by the Law on Child Protection, No. 23/2002) of the same sex or gender is not criminalized in the Indonesian Penal Code. Same-sex sexual activity…
LGBTsoutheastasian edited an entry in Kābul.
". "
Homosexual activity: Illegal (imprisonment as punishment) from (unknown) to (none).
less than 10 years in prison. Not enforced.
Sources: No
LGBTsoutheastasian edited an entry in Brunei.
"grammar correction"
Homosexual activity: Illegal (death penalty as punishment) from Mar 28, 2019 to (none).
Starting April 3rd, 2019, new penal code instituted by the Sultan will include death by stoning to those caught and convicted of homosexual offenses
LGBTsoutheastasian edited an entry in Brunei.
Homosexual activity: Illegal (death penalty as punishment) from Mar 28, 2019 to (none).
Death penalty for married men caught in having homosexual offenses (unenforced, under moratorium); 100 lashes for unmarried men. 40 strokes of the cane or maximum 10 years of imprisonment for women.
LGBTsoutheastasian edited an entry in Egypt.
"Wikipedia can’t be classified as a reliable source, please read Equaldex policies again. This will also be categorized as imprisonment as punishment aswell."
Homosexual activity: Ambiguous from 2000 to (none).
Three months to 3 years in prison. May be placed in "special reformatory" upon completion of prison sentence. Fine between 25 LE and 300 LE (US$3 and $40).
LGBTsoutheastasian edited an entry in region.
: from Jun 2, 1960 to (none).
fine and up to 6 years in prison. Not enforced. Decimalization pending. There is no law protecting either genders from discrimination. It truly depends on which police officer or individuals you…
LGBTsoutheastasian edited an entry in region.
"I will say this count as imprisonment in general since there are no possibility of death penalty or corporal punishment being applied in Kuwait for homosexuality"
: from Jun 2, 1960 to (none).
fine and up to 6 years in prison. Not enforced. Decimalization pending. There is no law protecting either genders from discrimination. It truly depends on which police officer or individuals you…
LGBTsoutheastasian edited an entry in Yemen.
"punctuation errors"
Homosexual activity: Illegal (imprisonment as punishment) from 1994 to (none).
imprisonment plus physical violence
LGBTsoutheastasian edited an entry in Yemen.
"Death penalty for sodomy offenses with married men still means the death penalty"
Homosexual activity: Illegal (death penalty as punishment) from 2014 to (none).
Even though the Yemeni Law says that only married Muslim man can be punished with the death penalty if the man is caught having a homosexual activity. Executions can occur in the country in the time…
LGBTsoutheastasian edited an entry in Somalia.
Homosexual activity: Illegal (imprisonment as punishment) from Dec 16, 1962 to (none).
Act 409 states that Homosexual behaviours are punishable by imprisonment from 3 months to 3 years. In case of non serious offence, this reduces by one third.
LGBTsoutheastasian edited an entry in Malaysia.
Homosexual activity: Illegal (imprisonment as punishment) from 1826 to (none).
Unsure of date. Date shown reflects the British colonial territory of the Straits Settlements. Malaysia's anti-sodomy laws are relics of the colonial era and rarely enforced.
LGBTsoutheastasian edited an entry in Malaysia.
"Punctuations "
Homosexual activity: Illegal (imprisonment as punishment) from 1826 to (none).
Unsure of date. Date shown reflects the British colonial territory of the Straits Settlements. Malaysia's anti-sodomy laws are relics of the colonial era and rarely enforced. Under the federal…
LGBTsoutheastasian edited an entry in Malaysia.
Homosexual activity: Illegal (imprisonment as punishment) from 1826 to (none).
Unsure of date. Date shown reflects the British colonial territory of the Straits Settlements. Malaysia's anti-sodomy laws are relics of the colonial era and rarely enforced. Under the federal…
LGBTsoutheastasian edited an entry in Malaysia.
"added some grammar and punctuation corrections"
Homosexual activity: Illegal (imprisonment as punishment) from 1826 to (none).
Unsure of date. Date shown reflects the British colonial territory of the Straits Settlements. Malaysia's anti-sodomy laws are relics of the colonial era and rarely enforced. Under the federal…
LGBTsoutheastasian edited an entry in North Korea.
"This means ambiguous, it does not mean homosexuality is illegal either"
Homosexual activity: N/A from Sep 14, 1948 to (none).
Contrary to popular belief, homosexuality is technically not against the law in North Korea, however, North Korea is a sexually conservative country, and this applies to sexuality anywhere on the…
LGBTsoutheastasian edited an entry in Uganda.
"Grammar correction"
Homosexual activity: Illegal (death penalty as punishment) from May 29, 2023 to (none).
President Yoweri Museveni signed an "Anti-Homosexuality" bill into law. This still punishes homosexuality with imprisonment up to life, but the bill allows "aggravated homosexuality" to be punished…
LGBTsoutheastasian edited an entry in Uganda.
"This also equals death penalty for “Aggravated homosexuality”"
Homosexual activity: Illegal (death penalty as punishment) from May 29, 2023 to (none).
President Yoweri Museveni signed an "Anti-Homosexuality" bill into law. This still punishes homosexuality with imprisonment up to life, but the bill allows "aggravated homosexuality" to be punished…
LGBTsoutheastasian edited an entry in region.
"Homosexuality is not legal in Iraq, it is de facto illegal by execution"
: from Feb 15, 2025 to Feb 15, 2025.
LGBTsoutheastasian edited an entry in region.
"Homosexuality is not legal in Iraq, it is de facto illegal by execution"
: from 1969 to (none).
In Iraq, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) individuals are subject to widespread discrimination. Openly gay men are not permitted to serve in the military and same-sex marriage or civil…
LGBTsoutheastasian edited an entry in Indonesia.
Same-sex adoption: Ambiguous from (unknown) to (none).
Same-sex couples are legally prohibited from adopting children in Indonesia. Prospective parents must be in a marriage recognized by Indonesia.
LGBTsoutheastasian edited an entry in region.
: Ambiguous from Aug 18, 1945 to (none).
None exist currently.
LGBTsoutheastasian edited an entry in Indonesia.
"updated, there was a case of a police officer who filed a case against employment discrimination in 2022, he got his job back. However this hasn’t been publicized by the media and there was no records of money compensation either."
LGBT employment discrimination: No protections from (unknown) to (none).
There is no anti-discrimination law on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. Theoretically there is a guarantee of protection against discriminatory practices based on any ground in…
Sources: Being LGBT in Asia: Indonesia Country Report 2014…
LGBTsoutheastasian edited an entry in Malaysia.
"updated the law haven’t yet allow transgender individuals to legally change their gender in Malaysia"
Right to change legal gender: Illegal from 1965 to (none).
A trans individual does not currently have the right to change their legal gender. A recent court ruling in favour of allowing trans women to wear female clothing was overturned by a federal…
LGBTsoutheastasian edited an entry in Malaysia.
Right to change legal gender: Legal, but requires surgery from May 25, 2005 to (none).
If medical opinion states that the individual is their desired gender, cour ts should comply and legally recognise the desired gender. (High Court in Re JG)
LGBTsoutheastasian edited an entry in Malaysia.
"This isn’t true til now Malaysia haven’t allowed sex reassignment surgery yet, only that crossdressing are not a crime for non-Muslims."
Right to change legal gender: Illegal from 1965 to May 2019.
A trans individual does not currently have the right to change their legal gender. A recent court ruling in favour of allowing trans women to wear female clothing was overturned by a federal…
LGBTsoutheastasian edited an entry in Indonesia.
"This can be interpreted as just ambiguous since there are no law prohibiting non-binary identities either."
Legal recognition of non-binary gender: Ambiguous from (unknown) to (none).
Indonesia does not legally recognize non-binary identities, despite genderless identities being part of its culture and history.