Entry #1846: Same-sex marriage in Armenia

Current Version

IssueSame-sex marriage
Start DateNov 9, 2004
End Date(none)
DescriptionThe Constitution of Armenia was amended in 2015 to define marriage in heterosexual terms only.

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Revision History (7)

edited by Doomdorm64. Adding sources

Old Value New Value (Current)
DescriptionMarriage is recognized by law only between a man and a womanThe Constitution of Armenia was amended in 2015 to define marriage in heterosexual terms only.
Show Difference
Marriage is recognized by law only between a man and a woman The Constitution of Armenia was amended in 2015 to define marriage in heterosexual terms only.
SourcesArmenian source of the law http://www.arlis.am/documentview.aspx?docid=66138http://www.arlis.am/documentview.aspx?docid=66138
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Armenian source of the law http://www.arlis.am/documentview.aspx?docid=66138 http://www.arlis.am/documentview.aspx?docid=66138 https://president.am/en/constitution-2015 https://www.azatutyun.am/a/27227289.html

edited by Vito12. If this is wrong please change it

Old Value New Value

edited by Vito12. If this is wrong please change it

Old Value New Value
ValueForeign same-sex marriages recognized onlyLegal
DescriptionMarriage is recognized by law only between a man and a woman but foreign same-sex marriages are recognized Marriage is recognized by law only between a man and a woman
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Marriage is recognized by law only between a man and a woman but foreign same-sex marriages are recognized

edited by cihalcoc. Foreign same-sex marriages recognized only

Old Value New Value
ValueUnrecognizedForeign same-sex marriages recognized only
DescriptionMarriage is recognized by law only between a man and a womanMarriage is recognized by law only between a man and a woman but foreign same-sex marriages are recognized
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Marriage is recognized by law only between a man and a woman but foreign same-sex marriages are recognized
Reports (1)
  • All information is correct, just adding sources "the constitution of armenia states that a marriage is only consisting of a man and a woman"

edited by danlev. User broke entry, fixing.

Old Value New Value
End Date-0001(none)

edited by Guy

Old Value (Original) New Value
End Date(none)-0001

created by mmk

Original entry
Start DateNov 9, 2004
End Date(none)
DescriptionMarriage is recognized by law only between a man and a woman
SourcesArmenian source of the law http://www.arlis.am/documentview.aspx?docid=66138
Reports (4)
  • Status is not correct "Armenia is not an Asian country. It's in Europe."
  • Status is not correct "It was changed in 2017"
  • Newer law has been passed "While the constitution of Armenia limits marriage to opposite-sex couples, marriages performed abroad are recognized as of 2017 Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Armenia"
  • Status is not correct "Marriage certificates registering the union between two people of the same sex abroad are valid in Armenia, the justice ministry told PanARMENIAN.Net in an emailed statement on Monday, July 3."