Entry #1044: Blood donations by MSMs in Serbia

Current Version

IssueBlood donations by MSMs
StatusBanned (6-month deferral)
Start DateJan 1, 2007
End Date(none)
DescriptionIndividuals who have engaged in anal sex (regardless of gender) have a 6 months deferral.

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Revision History (5)

edited by Aleksandar. Changed starting date to date when 6 month deferral started in first place

Old Value New Value (Current)
Start DateFeb 9, 2019Jan 1, 2007

edited by Aleksandar. Starting date added

Old Value New Value
Start Date(unknown)Feb 9, 2019
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https://itks.rs/upitnik-za-davaoce.html https://itks.rs/upitnik-za-davaoce.html https://www.pravno-informacioni-sistem.rs/SlGlasnikPortal/eli/rep/sgrs/ministarstva/pravilnik/2019/6/11

edited by Aleksandar. Adding valid source, previous was dead link, one typo correction

Old Value New Value
DescriptionIndividuals who have engaged in Anal Sex (regardless of gender) has a 6 months deferral.Individuals who have engaged in anal sex (regardless of gender) have a 6 months deferral.
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Individuals who have engaged in Anal Sex (regardless of gender) has a 6 months deferral. anal sex (regardless of gender) have a 6 months deferral.

edited by vviet93

Old Value (Original) New Value
ValueBanned (indefinite deferral)Banned (6-month deferral)
DescriptionIndividuals who have engaged in Anal Sex (regardless of gender) has a 6 months deferral.
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http://www.nadlanu.com/pocetna/Diskriminacija-prilikom-dobrovoljnog-davanja-krvi.a-31043.43.html http://www.nbti.org.rs/upload/document/eng_2.pdf
Reports (2)
  • Sources are invalid or broken "the new source is http://itks.rs/kada-se-ne-moze-dati-krv.html it does not list anal sex anywhere as a basis for not being allowed to give blood"
  • Sources are invalid or broken

created by matkoglibota

Original entry
StatusBanned (indefinite deferral)
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
Reports (3)
  • Status is not correct "It isn't stated anywhere in either laws, or on the official site of the Blood Transfusion Institute that a homosexual isn't eligible for blood donations. See for yourself http://www.nbti.org.rs/Institut-za-transfuziju-krvi-Srbije/117/Ko-sve-moze-dati-krv.shtml"
  • Status is not correct "Since January 01, 2007 there is no question about same-sex sexual intercourse on the questionnaire. Instead of that, donors ( both males and females ) are asked if they have had anal sex in the last six months. Although this applies not only on MSM but also on heterosexual people, there is no such a restriction on those who have vaginal or oral sex. Hence, you can say that there is a six month deferral on MSM. MSM who have oral sex only can give blood without any restriction, provided they meet all the other criteria. However, the majority of sexually-active gay men are deferred for six months since the majority of them have anal sex. http://www.nbti.org.rs/upload/document/upitnik_ii_strana.pdf http://www.telegraf.rs/vesti/1594941-on-je-gej-i-hteo-da-donira-krv-u-srbiji-evo-zasto-mu-nisu-dozvolili-foto http://blog.b92.rs/text/391/Diskriminacija%3A-Kad-promenis-opredeljenje---postaces-dobrovoljni-davalac-krvi-updated/ "
  • Status is not correct "The indefinite deferral on MSM is not in effect in Serbia anymore. The policy is to exclude everyone who has had anal sex in the last six months or who has had sex with someone who had had engaged in anal sex in the last six months. The ban applies even if the potentiall donor has used condoms. The policy applies on heterosexuals as well. However, there are no restrictions for those who have had vaginal or oral sex only."