Entry #10190: Censorship of LGBT issues in Syria

Current Version

IssueCensorship of LGBT issues
Start Date1949
End Date(none)
DescriptionArticle 208 of the Penal Code (1949) prohibits "offensive public utterances" in writing, graphics, images, and other forms of expression.
Before the civil war, it was reported that films with LGBT content were censored. In June 2022, it was reported that Syria's Directorate of Internal Trade and Consumer Protection confiscated around 600 rainbow kites as their designs were similar to the pride flag and therefore "indicating homosexuality".
Various articles of Law No. 93 (1958) allow the Ministry to appoint or remove board members, disallow political participation, foreign funding, and allow the registration to be rescinded at will. Further, Article 35 allows any Board decision to be suspended “if it deems it to be against the law, the public order or morals”.
This legal framework appears to pose severe barriers to the formal registration and the operation of an organisation working on sexual and gender diversity issues.

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Revision History (13)

edited by Nathan. Correction

Old Value New Value (Current)
ValueNo censorshipState-enforced
Start Date(unknown)1949
DescriptionNo Official censorship Article 208 of the Penal Code (1949) prohibits "offensive public utterances" in writing, graphics, images, and other forms of expression.
Before the civil war, it was reported that films with LGBT content were censored. In June 2022, it was reported that Syria's Directorate of Internal Trade and Consumer Protection confiscated around 600 rainbow kites as their designs were similar to the pride flag and therefore "indicating homosexuality".
Various articles of Law No. 93 (1958) allow the Ministry to appoint or remove board members, disallow political participation, foreign funding, and allow the registration to be rescinded at will. Further, Article 35 allows any Board decision to be suspended “if it deems it to be against the law, the public order or morals”.
This legal framework appears to pose severe barriers to the formal registration and the operation of an organisation working on sexual and gender diversity issues.
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No Official censorship Article 208 of the Penal Code (1949) prohibits "offensive public utterances" in writing, graphics, images, and other forms of expression. Before the civil war, it was reported that films with LGBT content were censored. In June 2022, it was reported that Syria's Directorate of Internal Trade and Consumer Protection confiscated around 600 rainbow kites as their designs were similar to the pride flag and therefore "indicating homosexuality". Various articles of Law No. 93 (1958) allow the Ministry to appoint or remove board members, disallow political participation, foreign funding, and allow the registration to be rescinded at will. Further, Article 35 allows any Board decision to be suspended “if it deems it to be against the law, the public order or morals”. This legal framework appears to pose severe barriers to the formal registration and the operation of an organisation working on sexual and gender diversity issues.
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https://coar-global.org/2021/06/22/lgbtq-syria-experiences-challenges-and-priorities-for-the-aid-sector/ https://database.ilga.org/syria-lgbti https://coar-global.org/2021/06/22/lgbtq-syria-experiences-challenges-and-priorities-for-the-aid-sector/

edited by Canadianstudent03. Previous status highly incorrect

Old Value New Value

edited by Canadianstudent03. Previous status highly incorrect

Old Value New Value
Value(REMOVED)No censorship
Censorship of LGBT-related content is common, and there are limited spaces for public discussion or advocacy for LGBT rights. LGBT individuals often kept their identities hidden to avoid persecution or harm.
No Official censorship
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Censorship of LGBT-related content is common, and there are limited spaces for public discussion or advocacy for LGBT rights. LGBT individuals often kept their identities hidden to avoid persecution or harm. No Official censorship

edited by GeorgieTheOrgie. Update

Old Value New Value

Censorship of LGBT-related content is common, and there are limited spaces for public discussion or advocacy for LGBT rights. LGBT individuals often kept their identities hidden to avoid persecution or harm.

Censorship of LGBT-related content is common, and there are limited spaces for public discussion or advocacy for LGBT rights. LGBT individuals often kept their identities hidden to avoid persecution or harm.
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Censorship of LGBT-related content is common, and there are limited spaces for public discussion or advocacy for LGBT rights. LGBT individuals often kept their identities hidden to avoid persecution or harm. Censorship of LGBT-related content is common, and there are limited spaces for public discussion or advocacy for LGBT rights. LGBT individuals often kept their identities hidden to avoid persecution or harm.

edited by Canadianstudent03. As according to the current information

Old Value New Value
ValueNo censorshipState-enforced
DescriptionNo laws prohibiting LGBTQ issues

Censorship of LGBT-related content is common, and there are limited spaces for public discussion or advocacy for LGBT rights. LGBT individuals often kept their identities hidden to avoid persecution or harm.
Show Difference
No laws prohibiting LGBTQ issues Censorship of LGBT-related content is common, and there are limited spaces for public discussion or advocacy for LGBT rights. LGBT individuals often kept their identities hidden to avoid persecution or harm.

edited by GeorgieTheOrgie. Inaccurate Status

Old Value New Value
ValueImprisonment as punishmentNo censorship
DescriptionAssad’s authoritarian regime is one of the most restrictive globally
No laws prohibiting LGBTQ issues
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Assad’s authoritarian regime is one of the most restrictive globally No laws prohibiting LGBTQ issues

edited by JohnQuebec98. Unfortunately, over 90% of Syria is now under Assad’s control

Old Value New Value
Value(REMOVED)Imprisonment as punishment
DescriptionThere are no laws restricting the discussion or promotion of LGBTQ+ topics in Turkish and Kurdish held territories.
There are laws restricting the discussion or promotion of LGBTQ+ topics in Regime, ISIS, Nusra and FSA territories.
Assad’s authoritarian regime is one of the most restrictive globally
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There are no laws restricting the discussion or promotion of LGBTQ+ topics in Turkish and Kurdish held territories. There are laws restricting the discussion or promotion of LGBTQ+ topics in Regime, ISIS, Nusra and FSA territories. Assad’s authoritarian regime is one of the most restrictive globally

edited by GeorgieTheOrgie. Inaccurate Status

Old Value New Value
ValueNo censorship(REMOVED)
DescriptionThere are no laws restricting the discussion or promotion of LGBTQ+ topics.There are no laws restricting the discussion or promotion of LGBTQ+ topics in Turkish and Kurdish held territories.
There are laws restricting the discussion or promotion of LGBTQ+ topics in Regime, ISIS, Nusra and FSA territories.
Show Difference
There are no laws restricting the discussion or promotion of LGBTQ+ topics. topics in Turkish and Kurdish held territories. There are laws restricting the discussion or promotion of LGBTQ+ topics in Regime, ISIS, Nusra and FSA territories.

edited by GeorgieTheOrgie. Inaccurate Status

Old Value New Value
ValueImprisonment as punishmentNo censorship
DescriptionThere are laws restricting the discussion or promotion of LGBTQ+ topics.There are no laws restricting the discussion or promotion of LGBTQ+ topics.
Show Difference
There are laws restricting the discussion or promotion of LGBTQ+ topics. no laws restricting the discussion or promotion of LGBTQ+ topics.

edited by Pizzaslices412653. Punishable by imprisonment

Old Value New Value
Value(REMOVED)Imprisonment as punishment

edited by GeorgieTheOrgie. Data only applies to certain territories

Old Value New Value
ValueImprisonment as punishment(REMOVED)

edited by JordanB3047

Old Value (Original) New Value
ValueNo censorshipImprisonment as punishment
DescriptionIn Syria, there are no laws restricting the discussion or promotion of LGBTQ+ topics.There are laws restricting the discussion or promotion of LGBTQ+ topics.
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In Syria, there are no laws restricting the discussion or promotion of LGBTQ+ topics. There are laws restricting the discussion or promotion of LGBTQ+ topics.
Reports (1)
  • Other "Syrian Police will not bother to make an arrest due to corruption"

created by equaldex

Original entry
StatusNo censorship
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
DescriptionIn Syria, there are no laws restricting the discussion or promotion of LGBTQ+ topics.
Reports (1)
  • Status is not correct