Entry #339: Same-sex adoption in Philippines

Current Version

IssueSame-sex adoption
StatusSingle only
Start Datepast
End Datenow
DescriptionIf you are part of the LGBTQ in the Philippines, you can only adopt if you are single.

Revision History (2)

Revision by Unknownmiles. Changing description and changing source from a broken one

Old Value New Value (Current)
DescriptionUnsure of dateIf you are part of the LGBTQ in the Philippines, you can only adopt if you are single.
Show Difference
Unsure of date If you are part of the LGBTQ in the Philippines, you can only adopt if you are single.
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http://www.thedurian.org/2011/04/no-longer-in-bottle-lgbt-rights-in.html https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/Intercountry-Adoption/Intercountry-Adoption-Country-Information/Philippines.html#:~:text=Philippine%20law%20does%20not%20recognize,from%20applying%20to%20adopt%20individually.

Revision by vviet93

Old Value (Original) New Value
ValueLegalSingle only
Reports (3)
  • Note field is incorrect "They are no laws preventing from members of the LGBT community to adopt a child, although by the virtue of the Family Code, gay couples are barred from legally having a joint adoption. Only married couples are allowed to have joint adoption and marriage is defined as a marriage between a man and a woman only. Same-sex marriage is unrecognized in the country. Although it is possible for a homosexual individual to adopt a child, there are sensitive issues present. It is possible to bar a homosexual individual from adopting a child through the "good moral character" criteria as some sectors of the Philippine society view that homosexuality is immoral."
  • Status is not correct
  • Other information is incorrect "Gay couples cannot adopt jointly; but single LGBT people can"

bradcoffey106 created this entry.