Entry #2587: Serving openly in military in Ukraine

Current Version

IssueServing openly in military
Start Date2022
End Date(none)
DescriptionAll able-bodied male citizens from ages 20–27, must serve either 18 months in the navy or one year in all other services. After serving out the term of service Ukraine's conscripts become part of the inactive reserve and are eligible to be recalled for mobilization until they reach age 55 or age 60 for officers.

According to law, homosexuality is not a reason for exemption from the army. However, many young gay men try to avoid call-up to military service, as they are afraid to face unauthorized relations and other difficulties. In 2018, Viktor Pylypenko, who had served in the Donbass area for two years during the Russia–Ukraine war, became the first Ukrainian soldier to come out publicly. In 2019, several gay soldiers in the Ukrainian army participated in a photo exhibition called "We are here". In 2021, Pylypenko was trying to organize a special unit in the Ukrainian army for LGBT soldiers.[42] In July 2021, Pylypenko stated there were 16 open LGBT soldiers in the Ukrainian army.

The 2022 Russian invasion resulted in an increased influx of openness and acceptance regarding LGBTQ soldiers in the Ukrainian military. A growing number of soldiers disclosed their identity, believing that they could fight not just for their home country but also against existing stereotypes. The invasion also saw the spread of "unicorn insignia" which Ukrainian LGBTQ soldiers sew onto their uniforms. The unicorn was chosen due to its nature as "fantastic 'non-existent' creature", sarcastically countering claims about there being no LGBT+ individuals in the Ukrainian military.

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Revision History (10)

edited by theo_paris. change statut

Old Value New Value (Current)
ValueLesbians, gays, bisexuals permitted, transgender people bannedLegal
Start DateDec 17, 20212022
DescriptionUnder the looming threat from Russia, on Friday December 17, 2021 new legislation was enacted that requires women to register for military service, if they are deemed medically fit for military service, are between the ages of 18 and 60, and work in specific professions. In the event of a major war, this expanded reserve of women would be mobilized as part of the national reserve to serve in a broad range of military specialties. According to earlier legislation, women in certain professions were already required to register for military conscription. However, the recent revision of the law regulating Ukraine's military reserves dramatically expanded the number of professions that qualify for mandatory registration with the armed forces. Now women who are librarians, journalists, musicians, veterinarians, and psychologists, among many other professions, are required to register for military service. Oleksandra Ustinova a member of Ukraine's national parliament stated, "...in [the] current situation, the decision to educate as many people as possible to hold arms and to be ready to serve seems a good one.

All able-bodied male citizens from ages 20–27, must serve either 18 months in the navy or one year in all other services. After serving out the term of service Ukraine's conscripts become part of the inactive reserve and are eligible to be recalled for mobilization until they reach age 55 or age 60 for officers.

Only 23 countries allow Trans Military service, Ukraine is not one of them
All able-bodied male citizens from ages 20–27, must serve either 18 months in the navy or one year in all other services. After serving out the term of service Ukraine's conscripts become part of the inactive reserve and are eligible to be recalled for mobilization until they reach age 55 or age 60 for officers.

According to law, homosexuality is not a reason for exemption from the army. However, many young gay men try to avoid call-up to military service, as they are afraid to face unauthorized relations and other difficulties. In 2018, Viktor Pylypenko, who had served in the Donbass area for two years during the Russia–Ukraine war, became the first Ukrainian soldier to come out publicly. In 2019, several gay soldiers in the Ukrainian army participated in a photo exhibition called "We are here". In 2021, Pylypenko was trying to organize a special unit in the Ukrainian army for LGBT soldiers.[42] In July 2021, Pylypenko stated there were 16 open LGBT soldiers in the Ukrainian army.

The 2022 Russian invasion resulted in an increased influx of openness and acceptance regarding LGBTQ soldiers in the Ukrainian military. A growing number of soldiers disclosed their identity, believing that they could fight not just for their home country but also against existing stereotypes. The invasion also saw the spread of "unicorn insignia" which Ukrainian LGBTQ soldiers sew onto their uniforms. The unicorn was chosen due to its nature as "fantastic 'non-existent' creature", sarcastically countering claims about there being no LGBT+ individuals in the Ukrainian military.
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Under the looming threat from Russia, on Friday December 17, 2021 new legislation was enacted that requires women to register for military service, if they are deemed medically fit for military service, are between the ages of 18 and 60, and work in specific professions. In the event of a major war, this expanded reserve of women would be mobilized as part of the national reserve to serve in a broad range of military specialties. According to earlier legislation, women in certain professions were already required to register for military conscription. However, the recent revision of the law regulating Ukraine's military reserves dramatically expanded the number of professions that qualify for mandatory registration with the armed forces. Now women who are librarians, journalists, musicians, veterinarians, and psychologists, among many other professions, are required to register for military service. Oleksandra Ustinova a member of Ukraine's national parliament stated, "...in [the] current situation, the decision to educate as many people as possible to hold arms and to be ready to serve seems a good one. All able-bodied male citizens from ages 20–27, must serve either 18 months in the navy or one year in all other services. After serving out the term of service Ukraine's conscripts become part of the inactive reserve and are eligible to be recalled for mobilization until they reach age 55 or age 60 for officers. Only 23 countries allow Trans Military service, Ukraine is not one of them All able-bodied male citizens from ages 20–27, must serve either 18 months in the navy or one year in all other services. After serving out the term of service Ukraine's conscripts become part of the inactive reserve and are eligible to be recalled for mobilization until they reach age 55 or age 60 for officers. According to law, homosexuality is not a reason for exemption from the army. However, many young gay men try to avoid call-up to military service, as they are afraid to face unauthorized relations and other difficulties. In 2018, Viktor Pylypenko, who had served in the Donbass area for two years during the Russia–Ukraine war, became the first Ukrainian soldier to come out publicly. In 2019, several gay soldiers in the Ukrainian army participated in a photo exhibition called "We are here". In 2021, Pylypenko was trying to organize a special unit in the Ukrainian army for LGBT soldiers.[42] In July 2021, Pylypenko stated there were 16 open LGBT soldiers in the Ukrainian army. The 2022 Russian invasion resulted in an increased influx of openness and acceptance regarding LGBTQ soldiers in the Ukrainian military. A growing number of soldiers disclosed their identity, believing that they could fight not just for their home country but also against existing stereotypes. The invasion also saw the spread of "unicorn insignia" which Ukrainian LGBTQ soldiers sew onto their uniforms. The unicorn was chosen due to its nature as "fantastic 'non-existent' creature", sarcastically countering claims about there being no LGBT+ individuals in the Ukrainian military.
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https://www.insider.com/countries-that-let-transgender-soldiers-serve-2019-2 https://www.insider.com/countries-that-let-transgender-soldiers-serve-2019-2

edited by Canadianstudent03. The previous status is incorrect.

Old Value New Value
ValueLegalLesbians, gays, bisexuals permitted, transgender people banned
DescriptionUnder the looming threat from Russia, on Friday December 17, 2021 new legislation was enacted that requires women to register for military service, if they are deemed medically fit for military service, are between the ages of 18 and 60, and work in specific professions. In the event of a major war, this expanded reserve of women would be mobilized as part of the national reserve to serve in a broad range of military specialties. According to earlier legislation, women in certain professions were already required to register for military conscription. However, the recent revision of the law regulating Ukraine's military reserves dramatically expanded the number of professions that qualify for mandatory registration with the armed forces. Now women who are librarians, journalists, musicians, veterinarians, and psychologists, among many other professions, are required to register for military service. Oleksandra Ustinova a member of Ukraine's national parliament stated, "...in [the] current situation, the decision to educate as many people as possible to hold arms and to be ready to serve seems a good one.

All able-bodied male citizens from ages 20–27, must serve either 18 months in the navy or one year in all other services. After serving out the term of service Ukraine's conscripts become part of the inactive reserve and are eligible to be recalled for mobilization until they reach age 55 or age 60 for officers.
Under the looming threat from Russia, on Friday December 17, 2021 new legislation was enacted that requires women to register for military service, if they are deemed medically fit for military service, are between the ages of 18 and 60, and work in specific professions. In the event of a major war, this expanded reserve of women would be mobilized as part of the national reserve to serve in a broad range of military specialties. According to earlier legislation, women in certain professions were already required to register for military conscription. However, the recent revision of the law regulating Ukraine's military reserves dramatically expanded the number of professions that qualify for mandatory registration with the armed forces. Now women who are librarians, journalists, musicians, veterinarians, and psychologists, among many other professions, are required to register for military service. Oleksandra Ustinova a member of Ukraine's national parliament stated, "...in [the] current situation, the decision to educate as many people as possible to hold arms and to be ready to serve seems a good one.

All able-bodied male citizens from ages 20–27, must serve either 18 months in the navy or one year in all other services. After serving out the term of service Ukraine's conscripts become part of the inactive reserve and are eligible to be recalled for mobilization until they reach age 55 or age 60 for officers.

Only 23 countries allow Trans Military service, Ukraine is not one of them
Show Difference
Under the looming threat from Russia, on Friday December 17, 2021 new legislation was enacted that requires women to register for military service, if they are deemed medically fit for military service, are between the ages of 18 and 60, and work in specific professions. In the event of a major war, this expanded reserve of women would be mobilized as part of the national reserve to serve in a broad range of military specialties. According to earlier legislation, women in certain professions were already required to register for military conscription. However, the recent revision of the law regulating Ukraine's military reserves dramatically expanded the number of professions that qualify for mandatory registration with the armed forces. Now women who are librarians, journalists, musicians, veterinarians, and psychologists, among many other professions, are required to register for military service. Oleksandra Ustinova a member of Ukraine's national parliament stated, "...in [the] current situation, the decision to educate as many people as possible to hold arms and to be ready to serve seems a good one. All able-bodied male citizens from ages 20–27, must serve either 18 months in the navy or one year in all other services. After serving out the term of service Ukraine's conscripts become part of the inactive reserve and are eligible to be recalled for mobilization until they reach age 55 or age 60 for officers. officers. Only 23 countries allow Trans Military service, Ukraine is not one of them
Show Difference
https://www.lemonde.fr https://www.insider.com/countries-that-let-transgender-soldiers-serve-2019-2
Reports (2)
  • Status is not correct "There is a whole LGBTQ+ movement in ukrainian army (literally called LGBTQ Military), there is no ban on being homosexual in ukrainian army on legislative level either"
  • Note field is incorrect

edited by l_hrz. legal

Old Value New Value
Special StatusAmbiguous(REMOVED)
Start Date(unknown)Dec 17, 2021
DescriptionOnly 22 Countries allow Trans Military Service, Ukraine is not one of them. However, Ukraine’s armed forces do not have rules preventing the LGTBQ community from serving. There are many openly LGBTQ members fighting in the current war against Russian aggression. Of course, they may face discrimination, but they're definitely not banned from serving.Under the looming threat from Russia, on Friday December 17, 2021 new legislation was enacted that requires women to register for military service, if they are deemed medically fit for military service, are between the ages of 18 and 60, and work in specific professions. In the event of a major war, this expanded reserve of women would be mobilized as part of the national reserve to serve in a broad range of military specialties. According to earlier legislation, women in certain professions were already required to register for military conscription. However, the recent revision of the law regulating Ukraine's military reserves dramatically expanded the number of professions that qualify for mandatory registration with the armed forces. Now women who are librarians, journalists, musicians, veterinarians, and psychologists, among many other professions, are required to register for military service. Oleksandra Ustinova a member of Ukraine's national parliament stated, "...in [the] current situation, the decision to educate as many people as possible to hold arms and to be ready to serve seems a good one.

All able-bodied male citizens from ages 20–27, must serve either 18 months in the navy or one year in all other services. After serving out the term of service Ukraine's conscripts become part of the inactive reserve and are eligible to be recalled for mobilization until they reach age 55 or age 60 for officers.
Show Difference
Only 22 Countries allow Trans Military Service, Ukraine is not one of them. However, Ukraine’s armed forces do not have rules preventing the LGTBQ community from serving. There are many openly LGBTQ members fighting in the current war against Russian aggression. Of course, they may face discrimination, but they're definitely not banned from serving. Under the looming threat from Russia, on Friday December 17, 2021 new legislation was enacted that requires women to register for military service, if they are deemed medically fit for military service, are between the ages of 18 and 60, and work in specific professions. In the event of a major war, this expanded reserve of women would be mobilized as part of the national reserve to serve in a broad range of military specialties. According to earlier legislation, women in certain professions were already required to register for military conscription. However, the recent revision of the law regulating Ukraine's military reserves dramatically expanded the number of professions that qualify for mandatory registration with the armed forces. Now women who are librarians, journalists, musicians, veterinarians, and psychologists, among many other professions, are required to register for military service. Oleksandra Ustinova a member of Ukraine's national parliament stated, "...in [the] current situation, the decision to educate as many people as possible to hold arms and to be ready to serve seems a good one. All able-bodied male citizens from ages 20–27, must serve either 18 months in the navy or one year in all other services. After serving out the term of service Ukraine's conscripts become part of the inactive reserve and are eligible to be recalled for mobilization until they reach age 55 or age 60 for officers.
Show Difference
https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/countries-that-allow-transgender-members-in-the-military-1.4222205 https://www.lemonde.fr

edited by Vito12. Making this change because it is not correct.

Old Value New Value
ValueLesbians, gays, bisexuals permitted, transgender people banned(REMOVED)
Special Status(REMOVED)Ambiguous
DescriptionOnly 22 Countries allow Trans Military Service, Ukraine is not one of them.Only 22 Countries allow Trans Military Service, Ukraine is not one of them. However, Ukraine’s armed forces do not have rules preventing the LGTBQ community from serving. There are many openly LGBTQ members fighting in the current war against Russian aggression. Of course, they may face discrimination, but they're definitely not banned from serving.
Show Difference
Only 22 Countries allow Trans Military Service, Ukraine is not one of them. However, Ukraine’s armed forces do not have rules preventing the LGTBQ community from serving. There are many openly LGBTQ members fighting in the current war against Russian aggression. Of course, they may face discrimination, but they're definitely not banned from serving.

edited by Canadianstudent03. Only 22 Countries allow Trans Military Service, Ukraine is not one of them.

Old Value New Value
ValueLegalLesbians, gays, bisexuals permitted, transgender people banned
DescriptionNo restrictions.Only 22 Countries allow Trans Military Service, Ukraine is not one of them.
Show Difference
No restrictions. Only 22 Countries allow Trans Military Service, Ukraine is not one of them.
Reports (4)
  • Other "There is an open transgender woman Sarah Ashton Cerillo, who serves in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Might be an acception, because she is of American nationality."
  • Newer law has been passed
  • Status is not correct "Ukraine’s armed forces do not have rules preventing the LGTBQ community from serving. There are many openly LGBTQ members fighting in the current war against Russian aggression. Of course, they may face discrimination, but they're definitely not banned from serving. Check your sources. "
  • Status is not correct "ambiguous question "

edited by Ausyk

Old Value New Value
ValueLesbians, gays, bisexuals permitted, transgender people bannedLegal
Descriptionbecause transgender and transvestites are considered a mental disorder.No restrictions.
Show Difference
because transgender and transvestites are considered a mental disorder. No restrictions.

edited by Ausyk

Old Value New Value
ValueLegalLesbians, gays, bisexuals permitted, transgender people banned
DescriptionNobecause transgender and transvestites are considered a mental disorder.

edited by Ausyk

Old Value New Value
ValueLesbians, gays, bisexuals permitted, transgender people bannedLegal

edited by Ausyk

Old Value (Original) New Value
ValueLegalLesbians, gays, bisexuals permitted, transgender people banned

created by Ausyk

Original entry
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)