Entry #1980: Right to change legal gender in Italy

Current Version

IssueRight to change legal gender
StatusLegal, but requires medical diagnosis
Start DateJul 23, 2015
End Date(none)
DescriptionA Supreme Court decision overruled the surgery requirement to change one's legal gender.

On 15 February 2023, a Court in Trento ruled transgender minors could have their legal gender changed on documents as long as their parents consent and a psychologist has been consulted on the matter.



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Revision History (3)

edited by Notdog1996. Adding new info in the description + source

Old Value New Value (Current)
DescriptionA Supreme Court decision overruled the surgery requirement to change one's legal gender.A Supreme Court decision overruled the surgery requirement to change one's legal gender.

On 15 February 2023, a Court in Trento ruled transgender minors could have their legal gender changed on documents as long as their parents consent and a psychologist has been consulted on the matter.
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A Supreme Court decision overruled the surgery requirement to change one's legal gender. one's legal gender. On 15 February 2023, a Court in Trento ruled transgender minors could have their legal gender changed on documents as long as their parents consent and a psychologist has been consulted on the matter.



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http://www.gaystarnews.com/article/italy-becomes-fifth-country-in-the-world-to-allow-trans-people-to-change-gender-without-a-doctor/#gs.8VAl=DE http://www.west-info.eu/it/si-della-cassazione-al-cambio-di-sesso-allanagrafe-anche-senza-operazione/corte-di-cassazione-sentenza-n-15138-2015-2/ http://www.gaystarnews.com/article/italy-becomes-fifth-country-in-the-world-to-allow-trans-people-to-change-gender-without-a-doctor/#gs.8VAl=DE http://www.west-info.eu/it/si-della-cassazione-al-cambio-di-sesso-allanagrafe-anche-senza-operazione/corte-di-cassazione-sentenza-n-15138-2015-2/ https://www.orizzontescuola.it/via-libera-al-cambio-di-genere-sui-documenti-a-16-anni-storica-sentenza-del-tribunale-di-trento/?amp

edited by Samuel_NOT_Samuele. added

Old Value (Original) New Value
ValueLegal, no restrictionsLegal, but requires medical diagnosis

created by vviet93

Original entry
StatusLegal, no restrictions
Start DateJul 23, 2015
End Date(none)
DescriptionA Supreme Court decision overruled the surgery requirement to change one's legal gender.
Sourceshttp://www.gaystarnews.com/article/italy-becomes-fifth-country-in-the-world-to-allow-trans-people-to-change-gender-without-a-doctor/#gs.8VAl=DE http://www.west-info.eu/it/si-della-cassazione-al-cambio-di-sesso-allanagrafe-anche-senza-operazione/corte-di-cassazione-sentenza-n-15138-2015-2/
Reports (2)
  • Newer law has been passed
  • Status is not correct "Italy is not a common law country and the supreme court cannot overrule anything"