Entry #1419: Same-sex marriage in Nevada

Current Version

IssueSame-sex marriage
Start DateOct 9, 2014
End Date(none)
DescriptionThe 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in Sevcik v. Sandoval that Nevada laws violated the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment after the US Supreme Court declined to take up other cases related to anti-marriage laws and amendments.

Reports (1)
  • Newer law has been passed "Domestic partnerships are no longer recognized or necessary, given that Marriage is awarded homosexual couples nationally, and Nevada fully accepts marriages between the same sex even from other states. "

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Revision History (2)

edited by vviet93

Old Value (Original) New Value (Current)
Start DateOct 7, 2014Oct 9, 2014
End Date-0001(none)

Show Difference
http://www.freedomtomarry.org/page/-/files/pdfs/9thCircuitRuling.pdf http://www.freedomtomarry.org/page/-/files/pdfs/9thCircuitRuling.pdf http://www.rgj.com/story/news/2014/10/09/nevada-group-withdraws-request-for-stay-of-gay-marriage-ban/16975791/

created by elvo86

Original entry
Start DateOct 7, 2014
End Date-0001
DescriptionThe 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in Sevcik v. Sandoval that Nevada laws violated the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment after the US Supreme Court declined to take up other cases related to anti-marriage laws and amendments.