Entry #1328: Same-sex marriage in Luxembourg

Current Version

IssueSame-sex marriage
Start DateJan 1, 2015
End Date(none)
DescriptionSame-sex marriage has been legal in Luxembourg since 2015, making it the last Benelux country to recognise marriage equality.

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Revision History (3)

edited by Doomdorm64. Extending description

Old Value New Value (Current)
DescriptionSame-sex marriage has been legal in Luxembourg since 2015.Same-sex marriage has been legal in Luxembourg since 2015, making it the last Benelux country to recognise marriage equality.
Show Difference
Same-sex marriage has been legal in Luxembourg since 2015. 2015, making it the last Benelux country to recognise marriage equality.

edited by Doomdorm64. updating

Old Value (Original) New Value
Start DateJun 18, 2014Jan 1, 2015
DescriptionSame-sex marriage has been legal in Luxembourg since 2015.
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http://www.hrc.org/blog/entry/luxembourg-passes-marriage-equality-legislation http://www.hrc.org/blog/entry/luxembourg-passes-marriage-equality-legislation https://luxtimes.lu/archives/16281-same-sex-marriages-from-january-1

created by robertshippey

Original entry
Start DateJun 18, 2014
End Date(none)
Reports (3)
  • Date is incorrect "since 1st January 2015 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Same-sex_marriage_in_Luxembourg"
  • Sources are invalid or broken "the page no longer exists "
  • Date is incorrect "In 2009, the Government of Luxembourg announced its intention to legalise same-sex marriage. However, after much delay, a final vote was not held until June 2014, when it passed by 56 votes to 4 and took effect on 1 January 2015."