Entry #1307: Blood donations by MSMs in El Salvador

Current Version

RegionEl Salvador
IssueBlood donations by MSMs
StatusLegal with restrictions
Start Datepast
End Datenow
DescriptionGay and bisexual men are allowed to donate blood. Blood donation policy prohibits those who "engage in risky behaviours" from donating (people with multiple sex partners, for instance).

Revision History (2)

Revision by e_seurat. Fixing status

Old Value New Value (Current)
ValueBanned (indefinite deferral)Legal with restrictions
DescriptionQuestion 27 of Annex No. 3 of the Manual for the promotion, training and selection of blood donors (2010) establishes as risky sexual behavior men who have same-sex sexual relations and men or women who have had sex with bisexual partners.Gay and bisexual men are allowed to donate blood. Blood donation policy prohibits those who "engage in risky behaviours" from donating (people with multiple sex partners, for instance).
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Question 27 of Annex No. 3 of the Manual for the promotion, training and selection of blood donors (2010) establishes as risky sexual behavior men who have same-sex sexual relations and men or women who have had sex with bisexual partners. Gay and bisexual men are allowed to donate blood. Blood donation policy prohibits those who "engage in risky behaviours" from donating (people with multiple sex partners, for instance).

Revision by Nathan. Improvement

Old Value (Original) New Value
ValueLegalBanned (indefinite deferral)
Start DateJan 1, 2000(NONE)
DescriptionMSM can donate acording to law, but still exists discrimination in health system against themQuestion 27 of Annex No. 3 of the Manual for the promotion, training and selection of blood donors (2010) establishes as risky sexual behavior men who have same-sex sexual relations and men or women who have had sex with bisexual partners.
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MSM can donate acording to law, but still exists discrimination in health system against them Question 27 of Annex No. 3 of the Manual for the promotion, training and selection of blood donors (2010) establishes as risky sexual behavior men who have same-sex sexual relations and men or women who have had sex with bisexual partners.
SourcesFraternidad Gay sin Fronteras (NGO)https://www.transparencia.gob.sv/institutions/minsal/documents/13265/download
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Fraternidad Gay sin Fronteras (NGO) https://www.transparencia.gob.sv/institutions/minsal/documents/13265/download

guilfredomexsal7 created this entry.