guilfredomexsal7 Alpha Tester

Born in Mexico DF, College in Loyola University New Orleans, USA, masters at INCAE, Costa Rica. Works for GBLTI Human Rights NGO since 2007.
Location: El SalvadorJoined
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guilfredomexsal7 created an entry in El Salvador.
Conversion therapy: Not banned from (unknown) to (none).
guilfredomexsal7 created an entry in El Salvador.
Blood donations by MSMs: Legal with restrictions from (unknown) to (none).
Gay and bisexual men are allowed to donate blood. Blood donation policy prohibits those who "engage in risky behaviours" from donating (people with multiple sex partners, for instance).
guilfredomexsal7 created an entry in El Salvador.
LGBT employment discrimination: Sexual orientation and gender identity from (unknown) to (none).
Illegal to discriminate on govt. offices, by presidential decree, but not punishable
Sources: Fraternidad Gay sin Fronteras (NGO)
guilfredomexsal7 created an entry in El Salvador.
Right to change legal gender: Ambiguous from (unknown) to Jan 1, 2017.
Human Rights activists are still fighting for this, but there are no laws applied
Sources: Fraternidad Gay sin Fronteras (NG)
guilfredomexsal7 created an entry in El Salvador.
LGBT housing discrimination: Sexual orientation and gender identity from (unknown) to (none).
LGBT housing discrimination is illegal
guilfredomexsal7 created an entry in El Salvador.
Serving openly in military: Lesbians, gays, bisexuals permitted, transgender people banned from Sep 1, 2018 to (none).
Legal for LGB but not for transgender
Sources: Fraternidad Gay sin Fronteras (NGO)
guilfredomexsal7 created an entry in El Salvador.
Same-sex adoption: Single only from (unknown) to (none).
Legal for single only
Sources: Fraternidad Gay sin Fronteras (NGO)
guilfredomexsal7 created an entry in El Salvador.
Same-sex marriage: Unrecognized from (unknown) to (none).
Unrecognized. Recognition of same-sex couples pending
Sources: Fraternidad Gay sin Fronteras (NGO)