Entry #12159: Legal recognition of non-binary gender in Spain

Current Version

IssueLegal recognition of non-binary gender
StatusNot legally recognized
Start Datepast
End Datenow
DescriptionLaw 4/2023 modifies article 49 of Law 20/2011 of the Civil Registry to provide that, in the event that the birth report indicates the intersex condition of the person born, the parents, by common agreement, may request that the mention of sex appear blank for a maximum period of one year. After the maximum period of one year, the mention of the. Sex will be mandatory and registration will have to be requested by the parents. There is no third sex option available in national documents.
Sourceshttps://www.boe.es/buscar/pdf/2023/BOE-A-2023-5366-consolidado.pdf https://www.huffingtonpost.es/politica/personas-binarias-tercera-casilla-quedan-fuera-ley-trans.html https://www.huffingtonpost.es/entry/asi-queda-la-ley-trans-autodeterminacion-del-genero-y-fin-de-las-terapias-de-conversion_es_63a41002e4b0d2fe764fe7ee

Revision History (2)

Revision by Nathan. Improvement

Old Value New Value (Current)
ValueIntersex onlyNot legally recognized
Start DateDec 22, 2022(NONE)
DescriptionThe trans law mentions that when registering the birth of the intersex newborn, the mention of the sex can be blank for a maximum period of one year (it also prohibits surgeries for intersex people up to 12 years of age).
This recognizes the rights of Intersex people, but there is still no recognition of any non-binary identity in official documents.
Law 4/2023 modifies article 49 of Law 20/2011 of the Civil Registry to provide that, in the event that the birth report
indicates the intersex condition of the person born, the parents, by common agreement, may request that the mention of sex appear blank for a maximum period of one year. After the maximum period of one year, the mention of the. Sex will be mandatory and registration will have to be requested by the parents. There is no third sex option available in national documents.
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The trans law mentions that when registering the birth of the intersex newborn, the mention of the sex can be blank for a maximum period of one year (it also prohibits surgeries for intersex people up to 12 years of age). This recognizes the rights of Intersex people, but there is still no recognition of any non-binary identity in official documents. Law 4/2023 modifies article 49 of Law 20/2011 of the Civil Registry to provide that, in the event that the birth report indicates the intersex condition of the person born, the parents, by common agreement, may request that the mention of sex appear blank for a maximum period of one year. After the maximum period of one year, the mention of the. Sex will be mandatory and registration will have to be requested by the parents. There is no third sex option available in national documents.
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https://www.huffingtonpost.es/entry/asi-queda-la-ley-trans-autodeterminacion-del-genero-y-fin-de-las-terapias-de-conversion_es_63a41002e4b0d2fe764fe7ee https://www.boe.es/buscar/pdf/2023/BOE-A-2023-5366-consolidado.pdf https://www.huffingtonpost.es/politica/personas-binarias-tercera-casilla-quedan-fuera-ley-trans.html https://www.huffingtonpost.es/entry/asi-queda-la-ley-trans-autodeterminacion-del-genero-y-fin-de-las-terapias-de-conversion_es_63a41002e4b0d2fe764fe7ee

Revision by Humarezft. There is no recognition of other genders in official documents, but intersex people are already officially recognized and protected by law.

Old Value (Original) New Value
ValueNot legally recognizedIntersex only

Humarezft created this entry.