Entry #1202: LGBT discrimination in Haiti

Current Version

IssueLGBT discrimination
StatusNo protections
Start DateJan 1, 1791
End Date(none)
DescriptionThere are currently no discrimination protections for LGBT folks under Haiti's current constitution or penal code. It is worth nothing the the constitution does make certain guarantees to all citizens, including a right to health care, housing, education, food and social security. A penal code granting these protections and the legalization of abortion was decreed in 2020 by the President of Haiti in 2020 and was initially delayed for 24 months, but was further delayed after outrage from politicians and citizens. Legalization may finally occur in June 2024 if allowed to take effect

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Revision History (3)

edited by PersianArchitecture. constitutional guarantees

Old Value New Value (Current)
DescriptionThere are currently no discrimination protections for LGBT folks under Haiti's current constitution or penal code. A penal code granting these protections and the legalization of abortion was decreed in 2020 by the President of Haiti in 2020 and was initially delayed for 24 months, but was further delayed after outrage from politicians and citizens. Legalization may finally occur in June 2024 if allowed to take effectThere are currently no discrimination protections for LGBT folks under Haiti's current constitution or penal code. It is worth nothing the the constitution does make certain guarantees to all citizens, including a right to health care, housing, education, food and social security. A penal code granting these protections and the legalization of abortion was decreed in 2020 by the President of Haiti in 2020 and was initially delayed for 24 months, but was further delayed after outrage from politicians and citizens. Legalization may finally occur in June 2024 if allowed to take effect
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There are currently no discrimination protections for LGBT folks under Haiti's current constitution or penal code. A penal code granting these protections and the legalization of abortion was decreed in 2020 by the President of Haiti in 2020 and was initially delayed for 24 months, but was further delayed after outrage from politicians and citizens. Legalization may finally occur in June 2024 if allowed to take effect It is worth nothing the the constitution does make certain guarantees to all citizens, including a right to health care, housing, education, food and social security. A penal code granting these protections and the legalization of abortion was decreed in 2020 by the President of Haiti in 2020 and was initially delayed for 24 months, but was further delayed after outrage from politicians and citizens. Legalization may finally occur in June 2024 if allowed to take effect

edited by PersianArchitecture. Adding information regarding pending penal code

Old Value (Original) New Value
Start DateMar 8, 1987Jan 1, 1791
DescriptionThere are currently no discrimination protections for LGBT folks under Haiti's current constitution or penal code. A penal code granting these protections and the legalization of abortion was decreed in 2020 by the President of Haiti in 2020 and was initially delayed for 24 months, but was further delayed after outrage from politicians and citizens. Legalization may finally occur in June 2024 if allowed to take effect
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http://pdba.georgetown.edu/constitutions/haiti/haiti1987.html http://pdba.georgetown.edu/constitutions/haiti/haiti1987.html https://www.voanews.com/a/americas_haitis-new-penal-code-under-fire/6192165.html https://www.thenation.com/article/world/abortion-in-haiti-challenges/

created by vviet93

Original entry
StatusNo protections
Start DateMar 8, 1987
End Date(none)
Reports (1)
  • Newer law has been passed "In June 2020, law has been passed to prosecute violence against LGBTQIA+ persons."