Entry #10045: Same-sex adoption in Estonia

Current Version

IssueSame-sex adoption
StatusSecond parent adoption only
Start DateJan 2017
End DateJan 1, 2024
DescriptionIn February of 2017, a lesbian woman successfully adopted her partner’s child. Since then, many other same-sex couples adopted their partners child.

In 2020 a same-sex couple adopted a child.

Theoretically, infertile couples may be able to jointly adopt non-biological but it is unclear if this applies to same-sex couples.

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Revision History (5)

edited by Gradient1058. Fixed source link

Old Value New Value (Current)
Show Difference
https://loc.gov/item/global-legal-monitor/2016-01-14/estonia-legalization-of-civil-partnerships/#:~:text=(Registered%20Partnership%20Act%2C%20%C2%A7%C2%A7,before%20entering%20into%20a%20partnership. https://loc.gov/item/global-legal-monitor/2016-01-14/estonia-legalization-of-civil-partnerships/

edited by Markissik. Adding the ending date due to the new entry

Old Value New Value
End Date(none)Jan 1, 2024

edited by PersianArchitecture. Edited adoption status.

Old Value New Value
ValueLegalSecond parent adoption only
DescriptionIn February of 2017, a lesbian woman successfully adopted her partner’s child. Since then, many other same-sex couples adopted their partners child.

In 2020 a same-sex couple adopted a child.
In February of 2017, a lesbian woman successfully adopted her partner’s child. Since then, many other same-sex couples adopted their partners child.

In 2020 a same-sex couple adopted a child.

Theoretically, infertile couples may be able to jointly adopt non-biological but it is unclear if this applies to same-sex couples.
Show Difference
In February of 2017, a lesbian woman successfully adopted her partner’s child. Since then, many other same-sex couples adopted their partners child. In 2020 a same-sex couple adopted a child. child. Theoretically, infertile couples may be able to jointly adopt non-biological but it is unclear if this applies to same-sex couples.
Show Difference
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Estonia https://loc.gov/item/global-legal-monitor/2016-01-14/estonia-legalization-of-civil-partnerships/#:~:text=(Registered%20Partnership%20Act%2C%20%C2%A7%C2%A7,before%20entering%20into%20a%20partnership.
Reports (1)
  • Newer law has been passed "https://news.err.ee/1609012469/historic-decision-estonia-legalizes-same-sex-marriage"

edited by Meelis

Old Value (Original) New Value
ValueSecond parent adoption onlyLegal
Start DateFeb 2017Jan 2017
DescriptionIn February of 2017, a lesbian woman successfully adopted her partner’s child. Since then, many other same-sex couples adopted their partners child.In February of 2017, a lesbian woman successfully adopted her partner’s child. Since then, many other same-sex couples adopted their partners child.

In 2020 a same-sex couple adopted a child.
Show Difference
In February of 2017, a lesbian woman successfully adopted her partner’s child. Since then, many other same-sex couples adopted their partners child. child. In 2020 a same-sex couple adopted a child.

created by Guy

Original entry
StatusSecond parent adoption only
Start DateFeb 2017
End Date(none)
DescriptionIn February of 2017, a lesbian woman successfully adopted her partner’s child. Since then, many other same-sex couples adopted their partners child.