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christierroberts added an entry in Ethiopia.
Equal age of consent: N/A from past to now.
Homosexuality is illegal.
christierroberts added an entry in Ethiopia.
LGBT housing discrimination: No protections from past to now.
christierroberts added an entry in Ethiopia.
LGBT employment discrimination: No protections from past to now.
christierroberts added an entry in Ethiopia.
Right to change legal gender: Illegal from past to now.
Unsafe to be LGBT
christierroberts added an entry in Ethiopia.
LGBT discrimination: No protections from past to now.
christierroberts added an entry in Ethiopia.
Serving openly in military: Illegal from past to now.
christierroberts added an entry in Morocco.
Equal age of consent: N/A from past to now.
Homosexuality is illegal.
christierroberts added an entry in Morocco.
LGBT employment discrimination: No protections from past to now.
christierroberts added an entry in Morocco.
LGBT housing discrimination: No protections from past to now.
christierroberts added an entry in Morocco.
Right to change legal gender: Illegal from past to now.
There is no legal framework to change one's gender marker.
christierroberts added an entry in Morocco.
LGBT discrimination: No protections from past to now.
christierroberts added an entry in Morocco.
Serving openly in military: Illegal from past to now.
christierroberts added an entry in Morocco.
Same-sex adoption: Illegal from past to now.
christierroberts added an entry in Morocco.
Same-sex marriage: Banned from past to now.
christierroberts added an entry in Norway.
LGBT housing discrimination: Sexual orientation and gender identity from past to now.
christierroberts added an entry in Norway.
Conversion therapy: Not banned from past to Dec 12, 2023.
Conversion therapy is not banned in Norway. In 2022, the government introduced a proposal to ban the practice, but the adoption of a new law according to this proposal has been delayed over concerns…
christierroberts added an entry in Norway.
LGBT employment discrimination: Sexual orientation and gender identity from 1981 to now.
As of 1981, Employment discrimination was outlawed as well as LGBTQ discrimination.
christierroberts added an entry in Australia.
Right to change legal gender: Legal, but requires surgery from past to Jul 1, 2017.
Legal, but requires hormone treatment
christierroberts added an entry in New South Wales.
Same-sex marriage: Banned from past to Jul 1, 2010.
christierroberts added an entry in New South Wales.
Same-sex adoption: Legal from Sep 2, 2010 to now.
christierroberts added an entry in New South Wales.
Same-sex adoption: Legal from past to Sep 2, 2010.