Jackninja5 Editor

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Jackninja5 edited an entry in Gambia.
Homosexual activity: Illegal (imprisonment as punishment) from 1888 to Sep 9, 2014.
Imprisonment of up to 7 years
Jackninja5 added an entry in Cape Verde.
Homosexual activity: Illegal (imprisonment as punishment) from 1886 to Mar 1, 2004.
Homosexuality was illegal under the 1886 Penal Code.
Sources: web.archive.org/web/2013071…//old.ilga.org/Statehomophobia/ILGA_State_Sponsored_Homophobia_2013.pdf
Jackninja5 edited an entry in Burkina Faso.
Homosexual activity: Legal from past to now.
Homosexuality has always been legal in Burkina Faso. December 13, 1996 is the date of publication of the current penal code.
Jackninja5 edited an entry in Benin.
Homosexual activity: Legal from past to now.
Benin does not have a law on the books criminalizing homosexuality.
Sources: ilga.org/downloads/2017/ILG… web.archive.org/web/2014070…//ilga.org/ilga/en/countries/BENIN/Law
Jackninja5 added an entry in Sudan.
Homosexual activity: Illegal (death penalty as punishment) from 1991 to Jul 2020.
Homosexuality under the third conviction can result in the death penalty. This was later removed in 2020 following the revolution.
Jackninja5 edited an entry in Sudan.
Homosexual activity: Illegal (up to life in prison as punishment) from Jul 2020 to now.
5 years in prison for the first offense. Third time offenders are punishable by life in prison.
Jackninja5 edited an entry in Sudan.
Homosexual activity: Illegal (up to life in prison as punishment) from Jul 2020 to now.
5 years in prison for the first offense. Third time offenders are punishable by life in prison.
Jackninja5 edited an entry in Egypt.
Homosexual activity: Ambiguous from 2000 to now.
While homosexuality itself is not technically illegal in Egypt, Equaldex characterizes it as illegal in practice. Courts have convicted people for homosexual acts using "breaching laws on public…
Jackninja5 added an entry in South Carolina.
Homosexual activity: Illegal (death penalty as punishment) from past to 1873.
South Carolina was the last state to repeal the usage of capital punishment for homosexuality.
Jackninja5 added an entry in United Kingdom.
Homosexual activity: Illegal (death penalty as punishment) from 1534 to Oct 31, 1861.
Under the Buggery Act 1533, which recieved Royal Assent from King Henry VIII in 1534, homosexuality in what is now the United Kingdom was punishible by death. It was replaced in whole by the…
Jackninja5 edited an entry in Germany.
Homosexual activity: Legal from 1969 to 1994.
Paragraph 175 was relaxed in East Germany in 1968, with West Germany following suit in 1969. However, although this meant that homosexual activity between men was decriminilized, it was not made…
Jackninja5 edited an entry in region.
: from 1993 to Aug 9, 2001.
Legal Nationwide (The age of consent in Indonesia for a Homosexual Activity is 18 years old since 1993), except in Aceh : Aceh's law on criminalizing "Anal Sex" for Muslim men came into effect on…
Jackninja5 edited an entry in Ayeyarwady.
Homosexual activity: Illegal (imprisonment as punishment) from Jan 1, 1861 to now.
Under colonial era statutes, homosexuality is illegal in Myanmar with up to 20 years in prison. Torture and vigilante executions are also common.