Subversive Front

Subversive Front

Promotion of a critical, creative, queer, non-patriarchal approach to gender and sexuality through a variety of public, educational, institutional actions and debates that will aim to offer the individual a bigger space for identification or non-identification in terms of gender and sexuality.

Opening a productive, non-homophobic debate on the rights of people who do not identify with the dominant heteronormative values and on the rights of LGBT people.

Working on policies and strategies to create a favourable social and political climate for recognition of the rights and status of people who do not identify with the patriarchal and heteronormative approaches to gender and sexuality, and of the LGBT people.

Motivation and cooperation with relevant stakeholders and institutions to join in the campaign for equal rights and freedoms of people with a different approach to gender and sexuality.

Creating an organic and organised queer and LGBT community that would be motivated to actively participate in the campaign and the fight for equal rights and that would work towards a favourable and freer climate for approach to gender and sexuality.

Education for critical approach to gender and sexuality, as well as education on the rights of LGBT and queer people.
Conducting public campaigns to reduce the dominance of heteronormative, patriarchal views of gender and sexuality, as well as campaigns to develop awareness that would fight against homophobia and heterosexism.

Location: North Macedonia

Founded: 2013

Official Website:  Favicon

@SubversiveFront on Twitter