Entry #541: LGBT discrimination in Cuba

Current Version

IssueLGBT discrimination
Start Date2019
End Datenow
DescriptionConstitutional protections based on sexual orientation and gender identity have been instituted.
Sourceshttps://www.granma.cu/file/pdf/gaceta/Nueva%20Constituci%C3%B3n%20240%20KB-1.pdf http://www.cubadebate.cu/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/codigo-del-trabajo-de-la-republica-de-cuba.pdf

Revision History (3)

Revision by DuffdeNecker

Old Value New Value (Current)
DescriptionConstitutional protections based on sexual orientation and gender identity have been instituted since 2019.Constitutional protections based on sexual orientation and gender identity have been instituted.
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Constitutional protections based on sexual orientation and gender identity have been instituted since 2019. instituted.

Revision by DuffdeNecker

Old Value New Value
DescriptionConstitutional protections based on sexual orientation and gender identity since 2019.Constitutional protections based on sexual orientation and gender identity have been instituted since 2019.
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Constitutional protections based on sexual orientation and gender identity since 2019. have been instituted since 2019.

Revision by DuffdeNecker

Old Value (Original) New Value
ValueIllegal in some contextsIllegal
Start DateDec 21, 20132019
DescriptionNew non-discrimination law protects LGBT persons from discriminations in the workplace. Language does not strictly protects people of other gender identities however.Constitutional protections based on sexual orientation and gender identity since 2019.
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New non-discrimination law protects LGBT persons from discriminations in the workplace. Language does not strictly protects people of other gender identities however. Constitutional protections based on sexual orientation and gender identity since 2019.
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http://blabbeando.blogspot.se/2013/12/historic-cuba-protects-workers-from.html#.UrwDbmRDvR8 https://www.granma.cu/file/pdf/gaceta/Nueva%20Constituci%C3%B3n%20240%20KB-1.pdf http://www.cubadebate.cu/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/codigo-del-trabajo-de-la-republica-de-cuba.pdf

vviet93 created this entry.