Entry #2618: Right to change legal gender in Greece

Current Version

IssueRight to change legal gender
StatusLegal, no restrictions
Start DateOct 10, 2017
End Datenow
DescriptionTo change one's legal gender in Greece, the legal requirement is only a court order. Non-binary people are to choose male or female. Forced divorce was also required if the person was married, before same-sex marriage was legal in Greece.

Revision History (5)

Revision by br0okklyn. Because the laws changed.

Old Value New Value (Current)
DescriptionTo change one's legal gender in Greece, the legal requirements are a forced divorce (if married, due to the inability of performing same-sex marriage) and a court order. Non-binary people are to choose male or female.To change one's legal gender in Greece, the legal requirement is only a court order. Non-binary people are to choose male or female. Forced divorce was also required if the person was married, before same-sex marriage was legal in Greece.
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To change one's legal gender in Greece, the legal requirements are a forced divorce (if married, due to the inability of performing same-sex marriage) and a court order. Non-binary people are to choose male or female. requirement is only a court order. Non-binary people are to choose male or female. Forced divorce was also required if the person was married, before same-sex marriage was legal in Greece.

Revision by hreestos

Old Value New Value
DescriptionSince October 2017, to change one's legal gender in Greece, the legal requirements are a forced divorce (if married, due to the inability of performing same-sex marriage) and a court order. Non-binary people are to choose male or female.To change one's legal gender in Greece, the legal requirements are a forced divorce (if married, due to the inability of performing same-sex marriage) and a court order. Non-binary people are to choose male or female.
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Since October 2017, to change one's legal gender in Greece, the legal requirements are a forced divorce (if married, due to the inability of performing same-sex marriage) and a court order. Non-binary people are to choose male or female. To change one's legal gender in Greece, the legal requirements are a forced divorce (if married, due to the inability of performing same-sex marriage) and a court order. Non-binary people are to choose male or female.
Reports (1)
  • Status is not correct "There has been a court decision allowing the removal of gender from legal documents. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.news247.gr/ellada/tzeison-antigoni-anoigei-to-zitima-nomikis-anagnorisis-ton-trans-mi-diikon-atomon-stin-ellada/%3famp"

Revision by hreestos

Old Value New Value
DescriptionNo requirements since 2017. Missing non binary options on drivers licenses.Since October 2017, to change one's legal gender in Greece, the legal requirements are a forced divorce (if married, due to the inability of performing same-sex marriage) and a court order. Non-binary people are to choose male or female.
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No requirements since 2017. Missing non binary options on drivers licenses. Since October 2017, to change one's legal gender in Greece, the legal requirements are a forced divorce (if married, due to the inability of performing same-sex marriage) and a court order. Non-binary people are to choose male or female.
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Revision by Ausyk

Old Value New Value
DescriptionNo requirements since 2017.No requirements since 2017. Missing non binary options on drivers licenses.
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No requirements since 2017. Missing non binary options on drivers licenses.
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Revision by Ausyk

Old Value (Original) New Value
Start DateJan 1, 2016Oct 10, 2017
DescriptionSince 2016No requirements since 2017.
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Since 2016 No requirements since 2017.

Ausyk created this entry.