Entry #2596: Same-sex marriage in Lithuania

Current Version

IssueSame-sex marriage
Start DateOct 25, 1992
End Date(none)
DescriptionConstitutionally banned since 1992. A bill that would have allowed civil unions with limited rights for same-sex couples would have been discussed soon in the Parliament but that was taken off the schedule.
A court in 2023 stated that a same-sex couple who married abroad cannot register their marriage.


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Revision History (12)

edited by danlev. Migrating all "Unrecognized, banned" statuses to "Banned"

Old Value New Value (Current)

edited by Unknownmiles. Changing/ fixing status

Old Value New Value
Start Date(unknown)Oct 25, 1992
DescriptionConstitutionally banned since 1992. A bill that will allow civil unions with limited rights for same-sex couples will be discussed soon in the Parliament. A court in 2023 stated that a same-sex couple who married abroad cannot register their marriage.Constitutionally banned since 1992. A bill that would have allowed civil unions with limited rights for same-sex couples would have been discussed soon in the Parliament but that was taken off the schedule.
A court in 2023 stated that a same-sex couple who married abroad cannot register their marriage.
Show Difference
Constitutionally banned since 1992. A bill that will allow civil unions with limited rights for same-sex couples will be discussed soon in the Parliament. A court in 2023 stated that a same-sex couple who married abroad cannot register their marriage. would have allowed civil unions with limited rights for same-sex couples would have been discussed soon in the Parliament but that was taken off the schedule. A court in 2023 stated that a same-sex couple who married abroad cannot register their marriage.



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http://www.lgl.lt/en/?p=17403 https://t.co/m1oCNOg5WL https://www.quora.com/How-many-countries-will-legalize-same-sex-marriage-by-2030 https://e-seimas.lrs.lt/portal/legalActPrint/lt?jfwid=rivwzvpvg&documentId=TAIS.211295&category=TAD https://www.delfi.lt/news/daily/lithuania/civilines-sajungos-pataisos-isbrauktos-is-seimo-darbu-programos-uz-balsavo-ir-valdantieji-96121589

edited by Doomdorm64. Adding constitutional ban

Old Value New Value
DescriptionA bill that will allow civil unions with limited rights for same sex couples will be discussed soon in the Parliament. A court in 2023 stated that a same-sex couple who married abroad cannot register their marriage.Constitutionally banned since 1992. A bill that will allow civil unions with limited rights for same-sex couples will be discussed soon in the Parliament. A court in 2023 stated that a same-sex couple who married abroad cannot register their marriage.
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A bill that will allow civil unions with limited rights for same sex couples will be discussed soon in the Parliament. A court in 2023 stated that a same-sex couple who married abroad cannot register their marriage. Constitutionally banned since 1992. A bill that will allow civil unions with limited rights for same-sex couples will be discussed soon in the Parliament. A court in 2023 stated that a same-sex couple who married abroad cannot register their marriage.

edited by Samuel_NOT_Samuele. added

Old Value New Value
ValueForeign same-sex marriages recognized onlyUnrecognized
DescriptionCohabitation agreement pending. Gay marriage pending. Foreign same sex marriage recognized under EU law.A bill that will allow civil unions with limited rights for same sex couples will be discussed soon in the Parliament. A court in 2023 stated that a same-sex couple who married abroad cannot register their marriage.
Show Difference
Cohabitation agreement pending. Gay marriage pending. Foreign same sex marriage recognized under EU law. A bill that will allow civil unions with limited rights for same sex couples will be discussed soon in the Parliament. A court in 2023 stated that a same-sex couple who married abroad cannot register their marriage.
Reports (1)
  • Sources are invalid or broken "The second link leads to an article about Romania, not Lithuania."

edited by Ausyk

Old Value New Value
ValueUnrecognizedForeign same-sex marriages recognized only
DescriptionCohabitation agreement pending. Gay marriage pending.Cohabitation agreement pending. Gay marriage pending. Foreign same sex marriage recognized under EU law.
Show Difference
Cohabitation agreement pending. Gay marriage pending. Foreign same sex marriage recognized under EU law.
Reports (3)
  • Other "Same-sex marriage constitutionally banned."
  • Newer law has been passed "Lithuania has no laws regarding this"
  • Status is not correct "Same sex marriage is not recognised from other countries of the EU https://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/family/couple/registered-partners/index_pt.htm"

edited by Ausyk

Old Value New Value



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http://www.lgl.lt/en/?p=17403 https://t.co/m1oCNOg5WL http://www.lgl.lt/en/?p=17403 https://t.co/m1oCNOg5WL https://www.quora.com/How-many-countries-will-legalize-same-sex-marriage-by-2030

edited by Ausyk

Old Value New Value
DescriptionCohabitation agreement pending.Cohabitation agreement pending. Gay marriage pending.


edited by Ausyk

Old Value New Value
Start DateFeb 1, 2018(unknown)

edited by Ausyk

Old Value New Value
Start DateJan 1, 1992Feb 1, 2018

edited by Ausyk

Old Value New Value
Start Date(unknown)Jan 1, 1992

edited by Ausyk

Old Value (Original) New Value
DescriptionNoCohabitation agreement pending.

created by Ausyk

Original entry
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)