Entry #1791: Blood donations by MSMs in Russia

Current Version

IssueBlood donations by MSMs
StatusBanned (indefinite deferral)
Start DateSep 14, 2001
End DateApr 16, 2008
DescriptionOn September 14, 2001, the Russian Ministry of Health announced that men who have sex with men would be considered part of the "HIV high-risk groups," along with prostitutes and drug addicts.

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Revision History (1)

created by danlev

Original entry
StatusBanned (indefinite deferral)
Start DateSep 14, 2001
End DateApr 16, 2008
DescriptionOn September 14, 2001, the Russian Ministry of Health announced that men who have sex with men would be considered part of the "HIV high-risk groups," along with prostitutes and drug addicts.
Sourceshttp://www.gayrussia.eu/m/en/campaigns/1273/ http://www.advocate.com/news/2006/07/20/moving-ahead-us-russia-removes-gay-blood-ban http://www.pinknews.co.uk/2008/05/23/russian-health-ministry-ends-ban-on-gay-blood/