Entry #170: Blood donations by MSMs in Chile

Current Version

IssueBlood donations by MSMs
Start DateApr 24, 2013
End Date(none)
DescriptionThe Chilean Health Ministry repeals the blood ban after a year of lobbying by the country's leading LGBT organization, Chilean Homosexual Integration and Liberation Movement (MOVILH).

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Revision History (4)

edited by danlev

Old Value New Value (Current)
DescriptionThe Chilean Homosexual Integration and Liberation Movement (MOVILH) lobbied to repeal the ban.The Chilean Health Ministry repeals the blood ban after a year of lobbying by the country's leading LGBT organization, Chilean Homosexual Integration and Liberation Movement (MOVILH).
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The Chilean Homosexual Integration and Liberation Movement (MOVILH) lobbied to repeal the ban. Health Ministry repeals the blood ban after a year of lobbying by the country's leading LGBT organization, Chilean Homosexual Integration and Liberation Movement (MOVILH).

edited by danlev

Old Value New Value
DescriptionThe Chilean Homosexual Integration and Liberation Movement (MOVILH) lobbied to repeal the ban.

edited by danlev

Old Value (Original) New Value
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http://www.santiagotimes.cl/chile/health-and-environment/26066-gays-and-lesbians-in-chile-now-allowed-to-donate-blood http://santiagotimes.cl/gays-and-lesbians-in-chile-now-allowed-to-donate-blood/ http://www.santiagotimes.cl/chile/health-and-environment/26066-gays-and-lesbians-in-chile-now-allowed-to-donate-blood

created by yangosplat

Original entry
Start DateApr 24, 2013
End Date(none)