Entry #11676: Legal recognition of non-binary gender in Spain

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Last Version

IssueLegal recognition of non-binary gender
StatusVaries by Region
Start DateJun 29, 2017
End DateJan 1, 2023
DescriptionSpain does not provide recognition for non-binary, and intersex people on a national level. However, three provinces have introduced such recognition: Canarias, La Rioja, Navarra and Andalusia. Navarra became the first on June 29th, 2017, when Law No. 8 (2017) went into effect. Article 44 (1) and (2) state 1. "The Public Administrations of Navarra, within the scope of their powers, must adopt all the necessary measures so that the administrative documentation, in all the areas contemplated in this provincial law, is appropriate to the diversity of sexual or gender identity of LGTBI+ people and the heterogeneity of the family situation."

2. "Likewise, it must be guaranteed, in access to public services and benefits, that transsexual, transgender and intersex people can be named and treated according to the sex or gender with which they identify (be it man, woman or another )."

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Revision History (9)

deleted by qcksws. it's been over lapping with other sub regions, I will fix it immediately

Old Value New Value (Current)

edited by qcksws. fixing for new entry

Old Value New Value
End Date(none)Jan 1, 2023

edited by dafnetsn. add information, legal in Andalusia

Old Value New Value
DescriptionSpain does not provide recognition for non-binary, and intersex people on a national level. However, three provinces have introduced such recognition: Canarias, La Rioja, and Navarra. Navarra became the first on June 29th, 2017, when Law No. 8 (2017) went into effect. Article 44 (1) and (2) state 1. "The Public Administrations of Navarra, within the scope of their powers, must adopt all the necessary measures so that the administrative documentation, in all the areas contemplated in this provincial law, is appropriate to the diversity of sexual or gender identity of LGTBI+ people and the heterogeneity of the family situation."

2. "Likewise, it must be guaranteed, in access to public services and benefits, that transsexual, transgender and intersex people can be named and treated according to the sex or gender with which they identify (be it man, woman or another )."
Spain does not provide recognition for non-binary, and intersex people on a national level. However, three provinces have introduced such recognition: Canarias, La Rioja, Navarra and Andalusia. Navarra became the first on June 29th, 2017, when Law No. 8 (2017) went into effect. Article 44 (1) and (2) state 1. "The Public Administrations of Navarra, within the scope of their powers, must adopt all the necessary measures so that the administrative documentation, in all the areas contemplated in this provincial law, is appropriate to the diversity of sexual or gender identity of LGTBI+ people and the heterogeneity of the family situation."

2. "Likewise, it must be guaranteed, in access to public services and benefits, that transsexual, transgender and intersex people can be named and treated according to the sex or gender with which they identify (be it man, woman or another )."
Show Difference
Spain does not provide recognition for non-binary, and intersex people on a national level. However, three provinces have introduced such recognition: Canarias, La Rioja, and Navarra. Navarra became the first on June 29th, 2017, when Law No. 8 (2017) went into effect. Article 44 (1) and (2) state 1. "The Public Administrations of Navarra, within the scope of their powers, must adopt all the necessary measures so that the administrative documentation, in all the areas contemplated in this provincial law, is appropriate to the diversity of sexual or gender identity of LGTBI+ people and the heterogeneity of the family situation." 2. "Likewise, it must be guaranteed, in access to public services and benefits, that transsexual, transgender and intersex people can be named and treated according to the sex or gender with which they identify (be it man, woman or another )." Andalusia. Navarra became the first on June 29th, 2017, when Law No. 8 (2017) went into effect. Article 44 (1) and (2) state 1. "The Public Administrations of Navarra, within the scope of their powers, must adopt all the necessary measures so that the administrative documentation, in all the areas contemplated in this provincial law, is appropriate to the diversity of sexual or gender identity of LGTBI+ people and the heterogeneity of the family situation." 2. "Likewise, it must be guaranteed, in access to public services and benefits, that transsexual, transgender and intersex people can be named and treated according to the sex or gender with which they identify (be it man, woman or another )."

edited by Unknownmiles. Reverting to revision #39071: unsure why this was changed. A how come you changed this

Old Value New Value
Special StatusAmbiguousVaries by Region
End DateJan 1, 2021(none)

edited by qcksws. fixing date for new entry

Old Value New Value
Special StatusVaries by RegionAmbiguous
End Date(none)Jan 1, 2021
DescriptionSpain does not provide recognition for non-binary, and intersex people on a national level. However, three provinces have introduced such recognition: Canarias, La Rioja, and Navarra. Navarra became the first on June 29th, 2017, when Law No. 8 (2017) went into effect. Article 44 (1) and (2) state 1. "The Public Administrations of Navarra, within the scope of their powers, must adopt all the necessary measures so that the administrative documentation, in all the areas contemplated in this provincial law, is appropriate to the diversity of sexual or gender identity of LGTBI+ people and the heterogeneity of the family situation."

2. "Likewise, it must be guaranteed, in access to public services and benefits, that transsexual, transgender and intersex people can be named and treated according to the sex or gender with which they identify (be it man, woman or another )."
Spain does not provide recognition for non-binary, and intersex people on a national level. However, three provinces have introduced such recognition: Canarias, La Rioja, and Navarra. Navarra became the first on June 29th, 2017, when Law No. 8 (2017) went into effect. Article 44 (1) and (2) state 1. "The Public Administrations of Navarra, within the scope of their powers, must adopt all the necessary measures so that the administrative documentation, in all the areas contemplated in this provincial law, is appropriate to the diversity of sexual or gender identity of LGTBI+ people and the heterogeneity of the family situation."

2. "Likewise, it must be guaranteed, in access to public services and benefits, that transsexual, transgender and intersex people can be named and treated according to the sex or gender with which they identify (be it man, woman or another )."
Show Difference
Spain does not provide recognition for non-binary, and intersex people on a national level. However, three provinces have introduced such recognition: Canarias, La Rioja, and Navarra. Navarra became the first on June 29th, 2017, when Law No. 8 (2017) went into effect. Article 44 (1) and (2) state 1. "The Public Administrations of Navarra, within the scope of their powers, must adopt all the necessary measures so that the administrative documentation, in all the areas contemplated in this provincial law, is appropriate to the diversity of sexual or gender identity of LGTBI+ people and the heterogeneity of the family situation." 2. "Likewise, it must be guaranteed, in access to public services and benefits, that transsexual, transgender and intersex people can be named and treated according to the sex or gender with which they identify (be it man, woman or another )." "The Public Administrations of Navarra, within the scope of their powers, must adopt all the necessary measures so that the administrative documentation, in all the areas contemplated in this provincial law, is appropriate to the diversity of sexual or gender identity of LGTBI+ people and the heterogeneity of the family situation." 2. "Likewise, it must be guaranteed, in access to public services and benefits, that transsexual, transgender and intersex people can be named and treated according to the sex or gender with which they identify (be it man, woman or another )."

edited by Unknownmiles. I forgot to change the status in my previous edit

Old Value New Value
ValueNot legally recognized(REMOVED)
Special Status(REMOVED)Varies by Region

edited by Unknownmiles. I added all new info with correct dates and two new statuses

Old Value New Value
Start Date(unknown)Jun 29, 2017
End DateDec 22, 2022(none)
DescriptionSpain does not recognise non-binary gender identities. Proposed legislation that would have provided recognition was rejected in 2021.Spain does not provide recognition for non-binary, and intersex people on a national level. However, three provinces have introduced such recognition: Canarias, La Rioja, and Navarra. Navarra became the first on June 29th, 2017, when Law No. 8 (2017) went into effect. Article 44 (1) and (2) state 1. "The Public Administrations of Navarra, within the scope of their powers, must adopt all the necessary measures so that the administrative documentation, in all the areas contemplated in this provincial law, is appropriate to the diversity of sexual or gender identity of LGTBI+ people and the heterogeneity of the family situation."

2. "Likewise, it must be guaranteed, in access to public services and benefits, that transsexual, transgender and intersex people can be named and treated according to the sex or gender with which they identify (be it man, woman or another )."
Show Difference
Spain does not recognise non-binary gender identities. Proposed legislation that would have provided recognition was rejected in 2021. provide recognition for non-binary, and intersex people on a national level. However, three provinces have introduced such recognition: Canarias, La Rioja, and Navarra. Navarra became the first on June 29th, 2017, when Law No. 8 (2017) went into effect. Article 44 (1) and (2) state 1. "The Public Administrations of Navarra, within the scope of their powers, must adopt all the necessary measures so that the administrative documentation, in all the areas contemplated in this provincial law, is appropriate to the diversity of sexual or gender identity of LGTBI+ people and the heterogeneity of the family situation." 2. "Likewise, it must be guaranteed, in access to public services and benefits, that transsexual, transgender and intersex people can be named and treated according to the sex or gender with which they identify (be it man, woman or another )."
Show Difference
https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/05/20/spain-missed-opportunity-gender-recognition https://www.boe.es/buscar/act.php?id=BOE-A-2017-8527&tn=1&p=20170628 https://database.ilga.org/spain-lgbti

edited by Humarezft. Trans Law mentioned Intersexual people now.

Old Value (Original) New Value
End Date(none)Dec 22, 2022
Reports (4)
  • Other "There is needs to be an entry for Non-Binary recognition in spain"
  • Newer law has been passed "https://www.lemonde.fr/en/international/article/2023/02/17/spain-approves-gender-self-determination-with-trans-equality-law_6016193_4.html"
  • Duplicate entry "Duplicate entry, please delete."
  • Status is not correct "It was allowed for intersex people until Law 4/2023"

created by beeurd

Original entry
StatusNot legally recognized
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
DescriptionSpain does not recognise non-binary gender identities. Proposed legislation that would have provided recognition was rejected in 2021.