Entry #11611: Legal recognition of non-binary gender in Saudi Arabia

Current Version

RegionSaudi Arabia
IssueLegal recognition of non-binary gender
StatusNot legally recognized
Start DateSep 23, 1932
End Datenow
DescriptionThird gender is not available as crossdressing is illegal.

Revision History (3)

Revision by im_h_DEACTIVATED

Old Value New Value (Current)
Value(REMOVED)Not legally recognized
Special StatusN/ANot legally recognized
Start Date(NONE)Sep 23, 1932

Revision by JordanB3047

Old Value New Value
DescriptionA third gender isn't legally recognized.Third gender is not available as crossdressing is illegal.
Show Difference
A third gender isn't legally recognized. Third gender is not available as crossdressing is illegal.

Revision by LGBT_southeastasian

Old Value (Original) New Value
ValueNot legally recognized(REMOVED)
Special Status(REMOVED)N/A
DescriptionIslamic Sharia law is applicated in saudi arabia and a third gender isn't legally recognized.A third gender isn't legally recognized.
Show Difference
Islamic Sharia law is applicated in saudi arabia and a third gender isn't legally recognized. A third gender isn't legally recognized.

omalpau created this entry.