Entry #11594: Legal recognition of non-binary gender in New York

Current Version

RegionNew York
IssueLegal recognition of non-binary gender
Start DateJun 12, 2021
End Datenow
DescriptionAcross the State as of June 2021 gender marker X was signed by Governor Hochul, The bill was first introduced in 2004, It was sitting in congress until 2021 then they made a motion to pass it. Assembly Bill A5465D, Gender Recognition Act.
Sourceshttps://www.governor.ny.gov/news/governor-hochul-marks-first-anniversary-gender-x-markers-identification-becoming-available-new https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/bills/2021/A5465

Revision History (2)

Revision by Belmount. Fixed broken link

Old Value New Value (Current)
Start DateJun 12, 2020Jun 12, 2021


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https://www.governor.ny.gov/news/governor-hochul-marks-first-anniversary-gender-x-markers-identification-becoming-available-new#:~:text=On%20May%2027%2C%202022%20Governor,that%20conforms%20with%20their%20identity. https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/bills/2021/A5465 https://www.governor.ny.gov/news/governor-hochul-marks-first-anniversary-gender-x-markers-identification-becoming-available-new https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/bills/2021/A5465

Revision by Belmount. Did not include the bill or the sources required, Hochul has talked about it more than in press

Old Value (Original) New Value
DescriptionNew York state-born residents can ask for an X gender marker on their birth certificate since June 12 2020. This was already the case since 2018 for those born in New York City.Across the State as of June 2021 gender marker X was signed by Governor Hochul, The bill was first introduced in 2004, It was sitting in congress until 2021 then they made a motion to pass it. Assembly Bill A5465D, Gender Recognition Act.
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New York state-born residents can ask for an X gender marker on their birth certificate since June 12 2020. This was already the case since 2018 for those born in New York City. Across the State as of June 2021 gender marker X was signed by Governor Hochul, The bill was first introduced in 2004, It was sitting in congress until 2021 then they made a motion to pass it. Assembly Bill A5465D, Gender Recognition Act.

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https://www.nyclu.org/en/news/new-york-will-offer-x-gender-markers-ids https://www.nyclu.org/en/legislation/legislative-memo-gender-recognition-act https://www.governor.ny.gov/news/governor-hochul-marks-first-anniversary-gender-x-markers-identification-becoming-available-new#:~:text=On%20May%2027%2C%202022%20Governor,that%20conforms%20with%20their%20identity. https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/bills/2021/A5465
Reports (1)
  • Date is incorrect "Since 2022 Governor Hochul announced that Gender X markers could be used on passports. Source: https://www.governor.ny.gov/news/governor-hochul-marks-first-anniversary-gender-x-markers-identification-becoming-available-new#:~:text=On%20May%2027%2C%202022%20Governor,that%20conforms%20with%20their%20identity."

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