Entry #1141: Same-sex marriage in Antarctica

Current Version

IssueSame-sex marriage
StatusVaries by Region
Start DateOct 13, 2016
End Date(none)
DescriptionAntarctica has no permanent human population or government and applicable laws are mostly based on a person's nationality due to the Antarctic Treaty System. However, since 13 October 2016 same sex marriage has been legal and possible in the British Antarctic Territory.
Reports (1)
  • Newer law has been passed

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Revision History (4)

edited by Markissik. Antarctica has many territories. The British Antarctic Territory is only one of them.

Old Value New Value (Current)
Special Status(REMOVED)Varies by Region
Start Date(unknown)Oct 13, 2016

edited by GeorgieTheOrgie. Inaccurate Status

Old Value New Value

edited by beeurd

Old Value (Original) New Value
Special StatusN/A(REMOVED)
DescriptionAntarctica has no permanent human population or government.Antarctica has no permanent human population or government and applicable laws are mostly based on a person's nationality due to the Antarctic Treaty System. However, since 13 October 2016 same sex marriage has been legal and possible in the British Antarctic Territory.
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Antarctica has no permanent human population or government. government and applicable laws are mostly based on a person's nationality due to the Antarctic Treaty System. However, since 13 October 2016 same sex marriage has been legal and possible in the British Antarctic Territory.
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http://www.gaytravel.com/gay-guides/antarctica http://www.gaytravel.com/gay-guides/antarctica https://britishantarcticterritory.org.uk/visiting/getting-married/

created by James

Original entry
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
DescriptionAntarctica has no permanent human population or government.
Reports (1)
  • Newer law has been passed "British Antarctic Territory allows same sex marriage from 2016"