Entry #11268: LGBT employment discrimination in Philippines

Current Version

IssueLGBT employment discrimination
StatusSexual orientation only
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
DescriptionThe Magna Carta for Public Social Workers assures protection from discrimination, including sexual orientation and sex, but does not specify gender identity. Some jurisdictions offer protections for sexual orientation and gender identity.

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Revision History (6)

edited by Unknownmiles. That’s the correct status since all regions offer it

Old Value New Value (Current)
Value(REMOVED)Sexual orientation only
Special StatusVaries by RegionSexual orientation only

edited by Unknownmiles. Fixed status

Old Value New Value
ValueSexual orientation only(REMOVED)
Special Status(REMOVED)Varies by Region
Start DateJan 1, 1987(unknown)
DescriptionThe Magna Carta for Public Social Workers assures protection from discrimination, including sexual orientation and sex, but does not specify gender identity. The Magna Carta for Public Social Workers assures protection from discrimination, including sexual orientation and sex, but does not specify gender identity. Some jurisdictions offer protections for sexual orientation and gender identity.
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The Magna Carta for Public Social Workers assures protection from discrimination, including sexual orientation and sex, but does not specify gender identity. Some jurisdictions offer protections for sexual orientation and gender identity.
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https://www.ncda.gov.ph/disability-laws/republic-acts/republic-act-9433/ https://www.ncda.gov.ph/disability-laws/republic-acts/republic-act-9433/ https://database.ilga.org/philippines-lgbti

edited by Pizzaslices412653. Because the prev said it ended on 1/1/1987

Old Value New Value
Start Date(unknown)Jan 1, 1987

edited by beeurd

Old Value New Value
ValueSexual orientation and gender identitySexual orientation only
DescriptionThe Magna Carta for Public Social Workers assures protection from discrmination, including sexual orientation and sex.The Magna Carta for Public Social Workers assures protection from discrimination, including sexual orientation and sex, but does not specify gender identity.
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The Magna Carta for Public Social Workers assures protection from discrmination, including sexual orientation and sex. discrimination, including sexual orientation and sex, but does not specify gender identity.

edited by chae

Old Value (Original) New Value
ValueSexual orientation onlySexual orientation and gender identity
DescriptionThe Magna Carta for Public Social Workers assures protection from discrmination, including sexual orientation.The Magna Carta for Public Social Workers assures protection from discrmination, including sexual orientation and sex.
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The Magna Carta for Public Social Workers assures protection from discrmination, including sexual orientation. orientation and sex.
Reports (1)
  • Status is not correct "Although the Magna Carta for workers in the Philippines covers certain laws to protect LGBTQ+ workers but the law still hasn't taken into effect for gender identity and the enforcement for sexual orientation has not yet been enforced "

created by chae

Original entry
StatusSexual orientation only
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
DescriptionThe Magna Carta for Public Social Workers assures protection from discrmination, including sexual orientation.