Entry #9648: Blood donations by MSMs in Gibraltar

❌ This entry has been deleted by a moderator.

Last Version

IssueBlood donations by MSMs
Start DateJan 1, 2011
End Datenow
DescriptionUnder the UK blood donating rules it is 3 month deferral.

Revision History (2)

Deleted by beeurd. Deleting incorrect and overlapping entry by Ausyk - Gibraltar does not automatically inherit UK laws.

Old Value New Value (Current)

Revision by Ausyk

Old Value (Original) New Value
Special StatusAmbiguousLegal
End DateJul 30, 2018(NONE)
DescriptionUnder the UK blood donating rules it is 3 month deferral however in Gibraltar it is banned.Under the UK blood donating rules it is 3 month deferral.
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Under the UK blood donating rules it is 3 month deferral however in Gibraltar it is banned. deferral.
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beeurd created this entry.