Entry #808: Serving openly in military in India

Current Version

IssueServing openly in military
Start Datepast
End Datenow
DescriptionAlthough homosexuality and gender transition are legal in India, LGBT personnel are not permitted in the military.

Revision History (5)

Revision by Ratabzoo. Rephrased the description and fixed a typo.

Old Value New Value (Current)
DescriptionEven though homosexuality and changing gender is legal India, you cannot be in the military.Although homosexuality and gender transition are legal in India, LGBT personnel are not permitted in the military.
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Even though homosexuality and changing gender is legal India, you cannot be in the military. Although homosexuality and gender transition are legal in India, LGBT personnel are not permitted in the military.

Revision by Unknownmiles. Fixing status

Old Value New Value
Start DateMay 20, 1950(NONE)
End DateSep 6, 2018(NONE)
DescriptionArticle 46 of the Army Act states any "indecent or unnatural acts" are punishable by up to 7 yearsEven though homosexuality and changing gender is legal India, you cannot be in the military.
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Article 46 of the Army Act states any "indecent or unnatural acts" are punishable by up to 7 years Even though homosexuality and changing gender is legal India, you cannot be in the military.
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http://www.icrc.org/ihl-nat.nsf/0/7c91b6e66e366be7c1257679004cfd65/$FILE/The%20Army%20Act,%201950.pdf https://www.outlookindia.com/amp/story/national/explained-what-are-the-rules-on-homosexuality-in-indian-military-how-is-it-abroad-news-279428

Revision by bubblyara

Old Value New Value
End Date(NONE)Sep 6, 2018

Revision by chae

Old Value New Value
End DateSep 19, 2018(NONE)

Revision by chae

Old Value (Original) New Value
End Date(NONE)Sep 19, 2018
DescriptionArticle 46 of the Army Act states any "indecent or unnatural acts" are punishable by up to 7 yearsArticle 46 of the Army Act states any "indecent or unnatural acts" are punishable by up to 7 years
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Article 46 of the Army Act states any \"indecent or unnatural acts\" are punishable by up to 7 years "indecent or unnatural acts" are punishable by up to 7 years
Reports (4)
  • Status is not correct
  • Status is not correct "Bill pending for lgbt people to serve openly and same sex activity was legalized in 2018"
  • Status is not correct
  • Status is not correct "Still exists"

vviet93 created this entry.