Entry #4458: Equal age of consent in Egypt

Current Version

IssueEqual age of consent
Start Datepast
End Datenow
DescriptionAge of consent is not applicable because homosexuality is illegal in Egypt.
Reports (1)
  • Status is not correct "Since homosexuality is de facto illegal in Egypt, age of consent is not equal."

Revision History (13)

Revision by Ratabzoo. Age of consent should be N/A for countries where homosexuality is illegal, according to the style guide

Old Value New Value (Current)
Special Status(REMOVED)N/A
DescriptionAge of Consent is unequal/inapplicable in practice, same-gender sexual behavior is punished by governmental officals, meaning that both age and consent are irrelevant to the illegality of homosexuality in Egypt.Age of consent is not applicable because homosexuality is illegal in Egypt.
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Age of Consent is unequal/inapplicable in practice, same-gender sexual behavior is punished by governmental officals, meaning that both age and consent are irrelevant to the illegality of homosexuality in Egypt. is not applicable because homosexuality is illegal in Egypt.

Revision by 4anahiv. Clarifying that AOC is unequal due to homosexuality being illegal.

Old Value New Value
Special StatusN/A(REMOVED)

Revision by beeurd

Old Value New Value
Special Status(REMOVED)N/A

Revision by Muhammadaji2022

Old Value New Value
DescriptionAge of Consent is unequal/inapplicable in practice, same-gender sexual behavior is punished by governmental officals, meaning that both age and contest are irrelevant to the illegality of homosexuality in Egypt.Age of Consent is unequal/inapplicable in practice, same-gender sexual behavior is punished by governmental officals, meaning that both age and consent are irrelevant to the illegality of homosexuality in Egypt.
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Age of Consent is unequal/inapplicable in practice, same-gender sexual behavior is punished by governmental officals, meaning that both age and contest are irrelevant to the illegality of homosexuality in Egypt. consent are irrelevant to the illegality of homosexuality in Egypt.

Revision by Mohamed_ElGohary

Old Value New Value
Special StatusN/A(REMOVED)
DescriptionAge of Consent is inapplicable in practice, same-gender sexual behavior is punished by governmental officals, meaning that both age and contest are irrelevant to the illegality of homosexuality in Egypt.Age of Consent is unequal/inapplicable in practice, same-gender sexual behavior is punished by governmental officals, meaning that both age and contest are irrelevant to the illegality of homosexuality in Egypt.
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Age of Consent is inapplicable in practice, same-gender sexual behavior is punished by governmental officals, meaning that both age and contest are irrelevant to the illegality of homosexuality in Egypt. unequal/inapplicable in practice, same-gender sexual behavior is punished by governmental officals, meaning that both age and contest are irrelevant to the illegality of homosexuality in Egypt.

Revision by Mohamed_ElGohary

Old Value New Value
Special Status(REMOVED)N/A
DescriptionSet age of Consent.Age of Consent is inapplicable in practice, same-gender sexual behavior is punished by governmental officals, meaning that both age and contest are irrelevant to the illegality of homosexuality in Egypt.
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Set age of Consent. Age of Consent is inapplicable in practice, same-gender sexual behavior is punished by governmental officals, meaning that both age and contest are irrelevant to the illegality of homosexuality in Egypt.

Revision by Ausyk

Old Value New Value
DescriptionHomosexaulity is still illegal there. Set age of Consent.Set age of Consent.
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Homosexaulity is still illegal there. Set age of Consent.
Reports (5)
  • Newer law has been passed "Age of consent is not just unequal, consensual homosexual sexual behavior is punishable by government officials. It holds its illegal status regardless of the age of the people involved."
  • Status is not correct "Age of consent is not equal in Egypt. Homosexual sexual behavior itself is punishable by government officials, regardless of age. Many consensual sexual behaviors are punishable in Egypt (regardless of the sex/gender of the partners) especially in cases of "adultery" and (perceived) prostitution. Many LGBTQIA+ people are arrested based on their perceived or actual Orientation, Gender Identity, or Sexual Characteristics. The actual justification for the act of conviction is usually done by accusing them of spreading "debauchery" in the Egyptian society, since neither (S)OGIESCs* nor any sexual acts are explicitly mentioned in the Egyptian constitution or laws."
  • Status is not correct "Homosexuality is illegal in Egypt, thus there's no equal age of consent, since homosexual sex is illegal at any age."
  • Status is not correct
  • Status is not correct "While there's an age of consent of 18 in Egypt, homosexuality is illegal, so there is no age of consent, as it's a criminal offense regardless."

Revision by Ausyk

Old Value New Value
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No https://ilga.org/downloads/02_ILGA_State_Sponsored_Homophobia_2016_ENG_WEB_150516.pdf

Revision by Ausyk

Old Value New Value

Revision by Ausyk

Old Value New Value
Special StatusAmbiguous(REMOVED)

Revision by Ausyk

Old Value New Value
Special Status(REMOVED)Ambiguous
DescriptionHomosexaulity is still illegal there.Homosexaulity is still illegal there. Set age of Consent.
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Homosexaulity is still illegal there. Set age of Consent.

Revision by Ausyk

Old Value New Value
DescriptionIs 18 regardless Homosexaulity is still illegal there.
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Is 18 regardless Homosexaulity is still illegal there.
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www.ageofconsent.com No

Revision by Ausyk

Old Value (Original) New Value
DescriptionNoIs 18 regardless
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No Is 18 regardless
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No www.ageofconsent.com

Ausyk created this entry.