Entry #3465: LGBT employment discrimination in South Korea

Current Version

RegionSouth Korea
IssueLGBT employment discrimination
StatusVaries by Region
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
DescriptionIllegal in some jurisdictions, proposed nationwide

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Revision History (8)

edited by Unknownmiles. The correct status should be varies by region not ambiguous

Old Value New Value (Current)
Special StatusAmbiguousVaries by Region
Show Difference
https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/south-koreas-lgbtq-community-confronts-crushing-headwinds-fight-equali-rcna57777 https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/south-koreas-lgbtq-community-confronts-crushing-headwinds-fight-equali-rcna57777 https://database.ilga.org/south-korea-lgbti

edited by maansf. edit law

Old Value New Value
ValueNo protections(REMOVED)
Special Status(REMOVED)Ambiguous
DescriptionIn South Korea, national law provides no protection from discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.Illegal in some jurisdictions, proposed nationwide
Show Difference
In South Korea, national law provides no protection from discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. Illegal in some jurisdictions, proposed nationwide

edited by rainbowmit1. Corrected error

Old Value New Value
ValueSexual orientation and gender identityNo protections
Start DateJan 1, 2016(unknown)
DescriptionFull discrimination protection including aggravated conditions since 2016.In South Korea, national law provides no protection from discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.
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Full discrimination protection including aggravated conditions since 2016. In South Korea, national law provides no protection from discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.

edited by Ausyk

Old Value New Value
Start Date(unknown)Jan 1, 2016
Reports (2)
  • Status is not correct "In South Korea, national law doesn't provide protections against discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. The National Human Rights Commission does outlaw SOGI discrimination in principle, but it does not have any coercive power. See NBC News' reporting from South Korea: https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/south-koreas-lgbtq-community-confronts-crushing-headwinds-fight-equali-rcna57777"
  • Status is not correct "South Korea has no protections or anti-discriminations laws about LGBTQ+people. Please deleted these wrong informations."

edited by Ausyk

Old Value New Value
DescriptionFull discrimination protection including aggravated conditions.Full discrimination protection including aggravated conditions since 2016.
Show Difference
Full discrimination protection including aggravated conditions. conditions since 2016.

edited by Ausyk

Old Value New Value
ValueNo protectionsSexual orientation and gender identity
Start DateAug 15, 1948(unknown)
DescriptionNoFull discrimination protection including aggravated conditions.
Reports (1)
  • Status is not correct "Gay people are not protected against discrimination in employment in South Korea."

edited by Ausyk

Old Value (Original) New Value
Start Date(unknown)Aug 15, 1948

created by Ausyk

Original entry
StatusNo protections
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)